9/21/1985, ROC86-BLO86, Candlestick Park
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1986 Forest Citys      1  0  3  0  0  0  2  4  0    10 16  2    10  0
1986 Hoosiers          4  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  0     9 12  1     7  1
Forest Citys         AB  R  H BI   AVG    Hoosiers             AB  R  H BI   AVG
Bradley,P         cf  5  3  2  0  .285    Flannery          ss  4  1  1  0  .323
Kruk              dh  6  3  3  1  .313     McReynolds       ph  1  0  1  0  .268
Evans             1b  4  2  1  5  .292    Butler            lf  3  1  0  0  .248
Esasky            lf  3  0  0  0  .266    Gwynn             rf  5  1  1  0  .311
 Gainey           ph  2  0  1  1  .368    Yount             cf  5  2  3  1  .336
Brunansky         rf  3  1  1  1  .267     Smith            ss  0  0  0  0  .314
 Roenicke         ph  1  0  1  0  .241    Hernandez         1b  5  1  2  3  .294
Buechele          3b  3  0  1  1  .245    Sandberg          2b  5  1  1  2  .249
 Mulliniks        ph  2  0  0  0  .287    Karkovice         dh  4  1  1  0  .283
Speier            ss  4  0  2  1  .280     Moreland         ph  1  0  0  0  .283
 Willard          c   0  0  0  0  .306    Ready             3b  4  1  2  3  .349
Whitaker          2b  4  0  2  0  .289    Schroeder         c   4  0  0  0  .164
Benedict          c   2  0  1  0  .291                         41  9 12  9
 Pankovits        ph  1  1  1  0  .359
 Bailey           c   0  0  0  0  .136
 Dwyer            ph  1  0  0  0  .246
 Dunston          ss  0  0  0  0  .266
                     41 10 16 10
Forest Citys                     INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Cox                              4.1  9  9  9  2  1  89  59  3.83
Landrum          W 1-0           2.2  2  0  0  0  4  31  21  0.00
Perry            H 12            1.0  1  0  0  0  1  14  10  2.89
Gossage          S 17            1.0  0  0  0  0  1   8   8  5.03
                                 9.0 12  9  9  2  7 142  98 
Hoosiers                         INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Dravecky                         6.0  9  6  5  2  4  93  55  3.05
Mohorcic         H 19            1.0  2  0  0  0  0  14  11  2.35
St.Claire        H 2             0.1  1  1  1  0  0  11   7  3.12
Harris           BS 6, L 0-5     1.2  4  3  3  2  0  44  25  4.28
                                 9.0 16 10  9  4  4 162  98 
ROC: Gainey batted for Esasky in the 7th
     Roenicke batted for Brunansky in the 7th
     Mulliniks batted for Buechele in the 7th
     Mulliniks moved to 3b in the 7th
     Gainey moved to lf in the 7th
     Roenicke moved to rf in the 7th
     Pankovits batted for Benedict in the 8th
     Bailey inserted at c in the 8th
     Dwyer batted for Bailey in the 9th
     Willard inserted at c in the 9th
     Dunston inserted at ss in the 9th
BLO: McReynolds batted for Flannery in the 8th
     McReynolds moved to cf in the 9th
     Smith inserted at ss in the 9th
     Moreland batted for Karkovice in the 9th
E-Buechele, Cox, Flannery. 2B-Bradley,P(29), Kruk 2(15). HR-Evans(33), 
Hernandez(10), Ready(3). RBI-Kruk(46), Evans 5(105), Brunansky(98), 
Buechele(30), Speier(15), Gainey(4), Yount(84), Hernandez 3(85), 
Sandberg 2(32), Ready 3(8). SB-Bradley,P(15). K-Kruk, Evans, Esasky, 
Whitaker, Yount 2, Sandberg 3, Schroeder 2. BB-Bradley,P, Evans, Benedict, 
Roenicke, Butler 2. SH-Whitaker. SF-Speier. PB-Schroeder. WP-Cox. 
GWRBI: Evans
Temperature: 62, Sky: clear, Wind: out to right at 16 MPH.
9/21/1985, ROC86-BLO86, Candlestick Park
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1986 Forest Citys      1  0  3  0  0  0  2  4  0    10 16  2    10  0
1986 Hoosiers          4  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  0     9 12  1     7  1
Forest Citys         -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Bradley,P         cf 1>e6.B-1       4/fl         31.1-2     7>D            Harris    
Kruk              dh   SB2        3>D            k            D.2-H        S.2-3;1-2 
Evans             1b   63.3-H       W            k            Mohorcic     note 1    
Esasky            lf   k            7.2-3      5>7                                   
 Gainey           ph                                          S.3-H        9         
Brunansky         rf 2>5/fl         S.3-H;1-2    63                                  
 Roenicke         ph                                          S.1-2        W         
Buechele          3b   53           S.2-H;1-3    9                                   
 Mulliniks        ph                                          31.2-3;1-2   53        
Speier            ss   S            8/SF.3-H   6>43           53         9>S         
 Willard          c                                                                  
Whitaker          2b   S.1-2        k            S          8>St.Claire    14/SH.1-2 
Benedict          c    pb.2-3;1-2 4>S            143/gdp                             
 Pankovits        ph                                          S                      
 Bailey           c                                                                  
 Dwyer            ph                                                       5/L       
 Dunston          ss                                                                 
 1: HR.3-H;2-H;1-H 
Hoosiers             -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Flannery          ss 1>S            8            43           5          8>Perry     
 McReynolds       ph                                                       S         
Butler            lf   W.1-2        W.1-2        8          6>43           8         
Gwynn             rf   8.2-3        8          5>S            63           9         
Yount             cf   S.3-H;1-3  3>S            S.1-2        k            k         
 Smith            ss                                                                 
Hernandez         1b   HR.3-H;1-H   7            wp.2-3;1-2 7>S          9>Gossage   
                                                 4                         63        
Sandberg          2b   43           k            S.3-H;2-H    k            k         
Karkovice         dh   63           e1.1-2;B-1   S.1-3        9                      
 Moreland         ph                                                       9         
Ready             3b 2>e5.B-1       9            HR.3-H;1-H   S.1-2                  
Schroeder         c    64/f.B-1   4>43           Landrum      k                      
Forest Citys         -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Bradley,P         cf   S.2-3                                                         
Kruk              dh   43                                                            
Evans             1b                                                                 
Esasky            lf                                                                 
 Gainey           ph                                                                 
Brunansky         rf                                                                 
 Roenicke         ph                                                                 
Buechele          3b                                                                 
 Mulliniks        ph                                                                 
Speier            ss                                                                 
 Willard          c                                                                  
Whitaker          2b                                                                 
Benedict          c                                                                  
 Pankovits        ph                                                                 
 Bailey           c                                                                  
 Dwyer            ph                                                                 
 Dunston          ss                                                                 
Hoosiers             -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Flannery          ss                                                                 
 McReynolds       ph                                                                 
Butler            lf                                                                 
Gwynn             rf                                                                 
Yount             cf                                                                 
 Smith            ss                                                                 
Hernandez         1b                                                                 
Sandberg          2b                                                                 
Karkovice         dh                                                                 
 Moreland         ph                                                                 
Ready             3b                                                                 
Schroeder         c                                                                  
Forest Citys     IN OUT ER                  Hoosiers         IN OUT ER                  
Cox              A1  C8  9                  Dravecky         A1  D2  5                  
Landrum          C9  D9  0 W 1-0            Mohorcic         D3  D7  0 H 19             
Perry            E1  E4  0 H 12             St.Claire        D8  D9  1 H 2              
Gossage          E5  E7  0 S 17             Harris           E1  F2  3 BS 6, L 0-5      
9/21/1985, ROC86-BLO86, Candlestick Park
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1986 Forest Citys      1  0  3  0  0  0  2  4  0    10 16  2    10  0
1986 Hoosiers          4  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  0     9 12  1     7  1
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Forest Citys batting
 0-0  0 --- 11  Bradley,P to first on an error by the shortstop Flannery 
 0-0  0 1-- 00  Bradley,P stole second (>B)
 0-0  0 -2- 11  Kruk flied out to right, Bradley,P to third (>B.FbX)
 0-0  1 --3 10  Evans grounded out to short, Bradley,P scored (BX)
 1-0  2 --- 22  Esasky struck out (BSFBC)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, Hoosiers batting
 1-0  0 --- 12  Flannery lined a single to shallow center (CFBX)
 1-0  0 1-- 32  Butler walked, Flannery to second (FBFBBFB)
 1-0  0 12- 00  Gwynn flied out to center, Flannery to third (X)
 1-0  1 1-3 12  Yount singled down the left field line, Flannery scored, 
                  Butler to third (FFBFFX)
 1-1  1 1-3 11  Hernandez homered deep to left, Butler scored, Yount 
                  scored (CBX)
 1-4  1 --- 22  Sandberg grounded out to second (SBCBX)
 1-4  2 --- 21  Karkovice grounded out to short (BCBX)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Forest Citys batting
 1-4  0 --- 02  Brunansky popped out to third (CCX)
 1-4  1 --- 30  Buechele grounded out to third (BBBX)
 1-4  2 --- 00  Speier lined a single to left center (X)
 1-4  2 1-- 21  Whitaker lined a single to shallow center, Speier to 
                  second (BBCX)
 1-4  2 12- 20  Schroeder allowed a passed ball, Speier to third, 
                  Whitaker to second (BBB)
 1-4  2 -23 30  Benedict walked (BBB.B)
 1-4  2 123 22  Bradley,P popped out to second (BCFBX)
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, Hoosiers batting
 1-4  0 --- 32  Ready to first on an error by the third baseman Buechele 
 1-4  0 1-- 02  Schroeder grounded to short, forcing Ready at second, 
                  Schroeder to first (SCX)
 1-4  1 1-- 00  Flannery lined out to center (X)
 1-4  2 1-- 31  Butler walked, Schroeder to second (CBBBB)
 1-4  2 12- 11  Gwynn flied out to center (BCX)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Forest Citys batting
 1-4  0 --- 21  Kruk grounded a double down the third base line (BBFX)
 1-4  0 -2- 31  Evans walked (BCBBB)
 1-4  0 12- 00  Esasky flied out to left, Kruk to third (X)
 1-4  1 1-3 01  Brunansky grounded a single between first and second, 
                  Kruk scored, Evans to second (FX)
 2-4  1 12- 01  Buechele grounded a single to right, Evans scored, 
                  Brunansky to third (FX)
 3-4  1 1-3 20  Speier hit a sacrifice fly to center, Brunansky scored 
 4-4  2 1-- 32  Whitaker struck out (1SBCBB>S)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, Hoosiers batting
 4-4  0 --- 02  Yount lined a single to shallow right (CCFX)
 4-4  0 1-- 10  Hernandez popped out to left (BX)
 4-4  1 1-- 32  Sandberg struck out (BFBBFS)
 4-4  2 1-- 11  Yount to second, Karkovice to first on an error by the 
                  pitcher Cox (BCX)
 4-4  2 12- 10  Ready flied out to right (BX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Forest Citys batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Benedict grounded a single between third and short (X)
 4-4  0 1-- 32  Bradley,P grounded out to first, Benedict to second 
 4-4  1 -2- 22  Kruk struck out (FCBBS)
 4-4  2 -2- 22  Evans struck out (FBCBC)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, Hoosiers batting
 4-4  0 --- 01  Schroeder grounded out to second (CX)
 4-4  1 --- 02  Flannery grounded out to second (CCX)
 4-4  2 --- 10  Butler popped out to center (BX)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Forest Citys batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Esasky flied out to left (X)
 4-4  1 --- 00  Brunansky grounded out to short (X)
 4-4  2 --- 11  Buechele flied out to right (BSX)
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, Hoosiers batting
 4-4  0 --- 11  Gwynn reached on an infield single to third (BFX)
 4-4  0 1-- 02  Yount grounded a single up the middle, Gwynn to second 
 4-4  0 12- 02  Cox threw a wild pitch, Gwynn to third, Yount to second 
 4-4  0 -23 12  Hernandez popped out to second (CFB.X)
 4-4  1 -23 11  Sandberg grounded a single up the middle, Gwynn scored, 
                  Yount scored (SBX)
 4-6  1 1-- 11  Karkovice lined a single to right center, Sandberg to 
                  third (1BCX)
 4-6  1 1-3 00  Ready homered deep to left, Sandberg scored, Karkovice 
                  scored (1X)
                Landrum now pitching
 4-9  1 --- 12  Schroeder struck out (BCSS)
 4-9  2 --- 10  Flannery popped out to third (BX)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Forest Citys batting
 4-9  0 --- 22  Speier grounded out to second (CSBFBX)
 4-9  1 --- 00  Whitaker lined a single to shallow left (X)
 4-9  1 1-- 01  Benedict grounded into a double play, Dravecky to 
                  Sandberg to Hernandez (CX)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, Hoosiers batting
 4-9  0 --- 10  Butler grounded out to second (BX)
 4-9  1 --- 00  Gwynn grounded out to short (X)
 4-9  2 --- 12  Yount struck out (CSBS)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Forest Citys batting
 4-9  0 --- 12  Bradley,P lined a double to right center (CFBX)
 4-9  0 -2- 00  Kruk doubled deep down the left-field line, Bradley,P 
                  scored (X)
                Mohorcic now pitching
 5-9  0 -2- 00  Evans grounded out to first, Kruk to third (X)
                Gainey pinch hitting for Esasky
 5-9  1 --3 11  Gainey grounded a single up the middle, Kruk scored (BCX)
                Roenicke pinch hitting for Brunansky
 6-9  1 1-- 12  Roenicke grounded a single between third and short, 
                  Gainey to second (CCBFX)
                Mulliniks pinch hitting for Buechele
 6-9  1 12- 12  Mulliniks grounded out to first, Gainey to third, 
                  Roenicke to second (BFSX)
 6-9  2 -23 00  Speier grounded out to third (X)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, Hoosiers batting
                Mulliniks moved to third base
                Gainey moved to left field
                Roenicke moved to right field
 6-9  0 --- 32  Hernandez lined a single to shallow center (CSBBBX)
 6-9  0 1-- 02  Sandberg struck out (>FCS)
 6-9  1 1-- 21  Karkovice flied out to right (CBBX)
 6-9  2 1-- 00  Ready lined a single to shallow left, Hernandez to second 
 6-9  2 12- 12  Schroeder struck out (CFBC)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Forest Citys batting
                St.Claire now pitching
 6-9  0 --- 32  Whitaker popped out to short (BFBBCX)
                Pankovits pinch hitting for Benedict
 6-9  1 --- 12  Pankovits lined a single to right (CFFBX)
                Harris now pitching
 6-9  1 1-- 32  Bradley,P walked, Pankovits to second (BSFBBFB)
 6-9  1 12- 00  Kruk lined a single to center, Pankovits to third, 
                  Bradley,P to second (X)
 6-9  1 123 32  Evans homered deep to right center, Pankovits scored, 
                  Bradley,P scored, Kruk scored (BBFBFX)
10-9  1 --- 11  Gainey flied out to right (CBX)
10-9  2 --- 32  Roenicke walked (CBCBBB)
10-9  2 1-- 12  Mulliniks grounded out to third (CBSFX)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, Hoosiers batting
                Bailey now playing catcher
                Perry now pitching
                McReynolds pinch hitting for Flannery
10-9  0 --- 20  McReynolds grounded a single up the middle (BBX)
10-9  0 1-- 00  Butler flied out to center (X)
10-9  1 1-- 12  Gwynn flied out to right (CCFFBX)
10-9  2 1-- 12  Yount struck out (BCCS)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Forest Citys batting
                McReynolds moved to center field
                Smith now playing shortstop
10-9  0 --- 32  Speier lined a single down the right field line (BFBBCFX)
10-9  0 1-- 00  Whitaker sacrifice bunted to the mound, Speier to second 
                Dwyer pinch hitting for Bailey
10-9  1 -2- 11  Dwyer lined out to third (BCX)
10-9  2 -2- 00  Bradley,P reached on an infield single to short, Speier 
                  to third (X)
10-9  2 1-3 21  Kruk grounded out to second (BBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, Hoosiers batting
                Willard now playing catcher
                Dunston now playing shortstop
                Gossage now pitching
10-9  0 --- 02  Hernandez grounded out to short (CFX)
10-9  1 --- 02  Sandberg struck out (CCC)
                Moreland pinch hitting for Karkovice
10-9  2 --- 01  Moreland flied out to right (FX)