League transaction log -- American League
Regular season

3/31/1985CLEBurlesonAcquired via tradeIAC After
3/31/1985CLEDoranTraded awayEBS After
3/31/1985CLEHulettTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CLEMcRaeTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CLEO'MalleyTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CLEPattersonAcquired via tradeIAC After
3/31/1985CLEStewartTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CLEYoungTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CRFHulettAcquired via tradeIAC After
3/31/1985CRFJonesTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CRFLynnTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985CRFMarshallAcquired via tradeIAC After
3/31/1985DAYAllansonTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985DAYBernazardTraded awaySMV After
3/31/1985DAYGarciaAcquired via tradeSMV After
3/31/1985DAYMahlerAcquired via tradeNYM After
3/31/1985EBSBucknerAcquired via tradeROC After
3/31/1985EBSClementsAcquired via tradeKEN After
3/31/1985EBSCowleyAcquired via tradeLAS After
3/31/1985EBSDernierAcquired via tradeIAC After
3/31/1985EBSDoranAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/1985EBSGrichTraded awayIAC After
3/31/1985EBSHoytTraded awayKEN After
3/31/1985EBSJohnson,CTraded awayBRM After
3/31/1985EBSJohnson,JAcquired via tradeLAS After
3/31/1985EBSPasquaTraded awayLAS After
3/31/1985EBSPuhlTraded awayROC After
3/31/1985EBSWinninghamAcquired via tradeBRM After
3/31/1985IACAllansonAcquired via tradeDAY After
3/31/1985IACBurlesonTraded awayCLE After
3/31/1985IACDernierTraded awayEBS After
3/31/1985IACGrichAcquired via tradeEBS After
3/31/1985IACHulettTraded awayCRF After
3/31/1985IACHulettAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/1985IACJonesAcquired via tradeCRF After
3/31/1985IACLynnAcquired via tradeCRF After
3/31/1985IACMarshallTraded awayCRF After
3/31/1985IACMcRaeAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/1985IACO'MalleyAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/1985IACPattersonTraded awayCLE After
3/31/1985IACStewartAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/1985IACYoungAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/1985KENCamachoTraded awaySMV After
3/31/1985KENClementsTraded awayEBS After
3/31/1985KENHoytAcquired via tradeEBS After
3/31/1985KENWoodardAcquired via tradeSMV After
3/31/1985ROCBucknerTraded awayEBS After
3/31/1985ROCPuhlAcquired via tradeEBS After
4/8/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/1985EBSWillsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985IACBallerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/1985KENBandoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985KENBellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985KENChamblissDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985KENMahlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985KENMahlerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/1985KENMahlerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/1985KENPowellPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/1985KENRawleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/8/1985KENStonePromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/1985CLEGrantDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985CLEFielderPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985CRFHaasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985CRFHamiltonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985CRFRamosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985CRFSotoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985DAYLacyTraded awayIAC After
4/14/1985DAYMcRaeAcquired via tradeIAC After
4/14/1985EBSDennyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985IACBallerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985IACCocanowerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985IACPastoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985IACLacyAcquired via tradeDAY After
4/14/1985IACMcRaeTraded awayDAY After
4/14/1985KENBandoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985KENBellPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985KENBostonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985KENMahlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/14/1985KENRawleyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/14/1985KENTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985DAYRuhlePromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985DAYWhiteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985EBSStoddard,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985EBSTananaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985FRABerraPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985FRAKingmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985FRAKutcherDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985FRAKutcherPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985FRAKutcherPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985FRALaudnerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985FRALopesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985FRALucasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985FRAMatuszekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985FRASoffPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985IACCocanowerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985IACLindemanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985IACO'MalleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985IACOwnbeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985IACOwnbeyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985IACRayfordPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985KENBandoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985KENBostonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985KENStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/1985KENWhittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/1985KENWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985COLHearnPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985COLPetralliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985EBSCalhounDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985EBSHoneycuttDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985EBSStoddard,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985EBSStoddard,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985EBSTananaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985EBSWillsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985IACBallerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985IACCocanowerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985IACLindemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985IACO'MalleyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985IACOwnbeyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985IACPastorePromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985IACRayfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985IACStoddardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985KENBandoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985KENMahlerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985KENPowellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985KENStonePromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985KENTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985KENWynneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/1985ROCPuhlPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/1985ROCRoenickeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/29/1985FRABerraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/29/1985FRAKingmanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/29/1985FRALowryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/29/1985FRALucasPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/1985EBSCowleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/5/1985EBSHollandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/5/1985EBSHoneycuttPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985FRABerraPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985FRAKutcherDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985FRALopesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985FRASmalleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985IACGerhartPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985IACOwnbeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985IACPastoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985IACStoddardPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985KENBandoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985KENStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1985KENWynnePromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1985IACGerhartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1985IACHernandezPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/13/1985FRADavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/13/1985FRADayettPromoted to active roster  Before
5/13/1985FRADiazDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/13/1985FRALaudnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/13/1985FRALowryPromoted to active roster  Before
5/13/1985FRALucasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/13/1985FRAMatuszekPromoted to active roster  Before
5/13/1985FRASmalleyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1985COLMaddenPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1985COLWhitsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1985IACGrichTraded awayBRM After
5/18/1985IACLombardozziAcquired via tradeBRM After
5/18/1985IACReussAcquired via tradeBRM After
5/18/1985IACStoddardTraded awayBRM After
5/20/1985CRFIorgPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985CRFLollarPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985EBSCalhounPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985EBSCowleyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985EBSDennyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985FRADavisPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985FRADayettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985FRADeLeonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985FRAKutcherPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985FRALaudnerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985FRALowryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985HATBeattiePromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985HATDavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985HATMoyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985HATNielsenPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985IACCocanowerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985IACGerhartPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985IACGullicksonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985IACOwnbeyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985IACPastorePromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/1985IACReuschelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985DAYLyonsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985DAYPaciorekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985HATBeattieDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985HATBosleyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985HATDavisPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985HATLaskeyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985HATMcMurtryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985HATMoyerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985HATNielsenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985HATSampleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985IACCocanowerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985IACCocanowerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985IACCocanowerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985IACGerhartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985IACGullicksonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985IACReuschelPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1985IACReussDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985COLMaddenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985COLParrishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985COLPetralliPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985COLWhitsonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985EBSDennyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985EBSJohnson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985EBSTananaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985FRABerraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985FRADeLeonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985FRAKingmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985FRALowryPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985KENBandoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985KENNiekro, J.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/1985KENPowellPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/1985KENTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/1985COLHearnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/1985COLMaddenPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/1985COLParrishPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/1985COLWhitsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/1985EBSCalhounDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/1985EBSJohnson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/1985EBSTananaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/1985ROCPuhlDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/1985ROCRoenickePromoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985CRFBookerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985CRFDavis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985FRABerraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985FRADayettPromoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985FRADeLeonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985FRALopesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985FRALucasPromoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985FRASoffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985KENBrockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985KENClarkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985KENMartinezPromoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985KENNiekro, J.Promoted to active roster  Before
6/2/1985KENRawleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/2/1985KENRosePromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/1985CLEBurlesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/1985CLEClarkPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/1985CLEFielderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/1985CLELakePromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/1985KENBandoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/1985KENMartinezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/1985KENRawleyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/8/1985CLEBurlesonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/8/1985CLEConroyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/1985CLELeiperDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/1985CLEManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/1985CLEMulhollandPromoted to active roster  Before
6/8/1985CLESebraPromoted to active roster  Before
6/8/1985FRABerraPromoted to active roster  Before
6/8/1985FRACastilloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/1985FRADiazPromoted to active roster  Before
6/8/1985FRAKutcherDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/1985FRALaudnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/1985FRALowryPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985EBSCowleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985EBSJamesPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985HATBalboniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985HATDavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985HATGallegoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985HATMcMurtryPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985HATMoyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985HATNielsenPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985HATSamuelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985HATWohlfordPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985ROCDwyerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985ROCKrukDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985ROCPankovitsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/13/1985ROCPankovitsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985ROCPuhlPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/1985ROCRoenickeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/1985COLHearnPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/1985COLJavierDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/1985COLMaddenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/1985COLWhitsonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/1985IACOwnbeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/1985IACPastoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/1985IACReussPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/1985KENChamblissPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/1985KENNiekro, J.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/1985COLClutterbuckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/1985COLHoltonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/1985COLToliverPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/1985COLWhitsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/1985EBSCowleyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/1985EBSDennyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/21/1985CRFHaasPlaced on Injured List 6/21/1985Before
6/21/1985EBSStoddard,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/21/1985EBSStoddard,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/21/1985EBSStoddard,BPlaced on Injured List 6/21/1985Before
6/21/1985IACCocanowerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/21/1985IACOwnbeyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/21/1985IACRobidouxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/21/1985IACRobidouxPromoted to active roster  Before
6/21/1985ROCKrukPromoted to active roster  Before
6/21/1985ROCTraberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/26/1985IACCocanowerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/26/1985IACGerhartPromoted to active roster  Before
6/26/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
6/26/1985IACHawkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/26/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/26/1985IACRobidouxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985CRFGuerreroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985CRFHaasReleased  Before
6/28/1985CRFHaasActivated from Injured List  Before
6/28/1985CRFHuntSigned  Before
6/28/1985CRFMillerReleased  Before
6/28/1985CRFMillerActivated from Injured List  Before
6/28/1985CRFMillerPlaced on Injured List 6/27/1985Before
6/28/1985CRFNietoSigned  Before
6/28/1985CRFSotoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985EBSJamesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985EBSMorenoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985EBSNicholsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985EBSPalmeiroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985EBSStoddard,BPlaced on Injured List 6/21/1985Before
6/28/1985EBSTananaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985KENBandoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985KENBrockPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985KENCabellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985KENChamblissDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985KENClarkPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985KENGubiczaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985KENNiekro, J.Promoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985KENRoseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1985KENStonePromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/1985KENWhittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985CRFDavis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985CRFHairstonPlaced on Injured List 7/4/1985Before
7/4/1985CRFIorgPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985CRFSotoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985CRFWright,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985CRFWright,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRABerraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRADayettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRADeLeonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAHeathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAHeathPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAKhalifaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAKhalifaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAKingDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRAKutcherPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRALaudnerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985FRALowryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRASellersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985FRASoffPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACCocanowerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACGerhartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACLindemanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACO'MalleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACPastorePromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACPulidoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACRayfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACRayfordPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACRayfordPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985IACReussDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985IACRobidouxPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985KENBostonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985KENGubiczaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/1985KENHoytDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/1985KENMartinezPromoted to active roster  Before
7/9/1985CLEClarkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/9/1985CLEHoffmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/9/1985CLELeiperPromoted to active roster  Before
7/9/1985CLEWilliamsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/9/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/9/1985IACRayfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/9/1985KENHoytPromoted to active roster  Before
7/9/1985KENStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/9/1985KENTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/9/1985KENWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985COLGrubbPlaced on Injured List 7/10/1985Before
7/11/1985CRFBookerPlaced on Injured List 7/10/1985Before
7/11/1985CRFHallPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985CRFJonesPlaced on Injured List 7/10/1985Before
7/11/1985CRFLollarPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985CRFSwiftDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985CRFWright,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985DAYCeyPlaced on Injured List 7/10/1985Before
7/11/1985DAYRoysterPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985EBSLandreauxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985EBSTananaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985EBSWalkerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRADeLeonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985FRAJohnsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985FRAKhalifaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRAKingPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRALopesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRALowryPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRAMatuszekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985FRANiedenfuerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985FRASellersPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRASmalleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985FRASmalleyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985FRASoffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985IACBallerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985IACBallerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985IACHernandezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985IACHernandezPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985ROCBaileyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985ROCBenedictDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/11/1985ROCPankovitsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/11/1985ROCPuhlDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/12/1985EBSHollandPromoted to active roster  Before
7/12/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985EBSCalhounPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985EBSCottoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985EBSDennyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985EBSDennyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985EBSWillsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985IACBallerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985IACHawkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985IACLindemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985IACO'MalleyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985IACReuschelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985IACStewartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985ROCBaileyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985ROCBenedictPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/1985ROCPankovitsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/1985ROCPuhlPromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985BLOAndersonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985BLODraveckyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/17/1985BLOSaberhagenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/17/1985BLOSt.ClairePromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985COLAndersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/17/1985COLEspinozaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985COLWhitsonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985KENDowningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/17/1985KENDowningPromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985KENStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/17/1985KENStonePromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/17/1985KENWhittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/1985COLAndersonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/1985COLToliverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/1985CRFHallDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/1985CRFSwiftPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/1985EBSClementsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/1985EBSDennyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/1985EBSVenableDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/1985FRAHeathcock-87Traded awayKEN After
7/22/1985FRAHoytAcquired via tradeKEN After
7/22/1985FRASoffTraded awayKEN After
7/22/1985IACBackmanTraded awayBHS After
7/22/1985KENTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/1985KENWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/1985KENHeathcock-87Acquired via tradeFRA After
7/22/1985KENHoytTraded awayFRA After
7/22/1985KENSoffAcquired via tradeFRA After
7/24/1985CRFFinleyPlaced on Injured List 7/23/1985Before
7/24/1985FRAHeathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985FRAHeathPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985FRAHeathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985FRAJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985FRAKhalifaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985FRAMadlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985FRAMatuszekPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985FRANiedenfuerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985FRASellersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985IACBallerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985IACCastilloSigned  Before
7/24/1985IACCastilloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985IACGerhartPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985IACHernandezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985IACLindemanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985IACOwnbeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1985IACReuschelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985IACStewartPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/1985IACLindemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/1985IACOwnbeyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/1985ROCLandrumDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/1985ROCLandrumPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/1985ROCSutcliffeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/1985ROCSutcliffePromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985CLEClarkPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985CLEConroyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985CLEManningPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985CLEPriceDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985CLEWilliamsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985COLMaddenPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985COLRussellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985FRABerraPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985FRADeLeonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985FRAHeathPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1985FRAJohnsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985FRAKutcherDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985FRALopesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985FRALowryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/30/1985FRAMadlockPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985COLEspinozaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985COLJavierPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985COLPuleoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985COLWhitsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSClementsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSCottoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSCowleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSCowleyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSDennyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSLandreauxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSPalmeiroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1985EBSWillsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985BLOBochyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985BLOKarkovicePromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985COLEspinozaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985COLEspinozaPlaced on Injured List 8/5/1985Before
8/6/1985DAYMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985DAYNipperDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985DAYRiveraPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985DAYStillwellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985HATArnsbergReleased  Before
8/6/1985HATArnsbergSigned  Before
8/6/1985HATChadwickSigned  Before
8/6/1985HATChadwickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985HATMirabellaReleased  Before
8/6/1985HATMirabellaSigned  Before
8/6/1985HATNielsenReleased  Before
8/6/1985HATSmithReleased  Before
8/6/1985HATSmithSigned  Before
8/6/1985IACArnsbergSigned  Before
8/6/1985IACArnsbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985IACBallerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985IACBerenyiReleased  Before
8/6/1985IACHernandezReleased  Before
8/6/1985IACMirabellaSigned  Before
8/6/1985IACMirabellaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985IACRayfordReleased  Before
8/6/1985IACSmithSigned  Before
8/6/1985IACSmithDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985IACStewartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985KENStonePromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/1985KENWhittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985BLOBoddickerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985BLOReadyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985CLEGrantPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985CLERobinsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985IACArnsbergPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985IACCastilloPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985IACGerhartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985IACGerhartPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985IACLindemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985IACLindemanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/11/1985IACOwnbeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/11/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985COLClutterbuckPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985COLHerndonPlaced on Injured List 8/12/1985Before
8/12/1985COLHoltonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985COLToliverPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985EBSCalhounPlaced on Injured List 8/12/1985Before
8/12/1985EBSDennyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985EBSHollandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985EBSHollandPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985EBSTananaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985FRABerraPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985FRADayettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985FRAHallPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985FRAHeathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985FRASellersPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985FRASmalleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985IACMirabellaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985IACRobidouxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985KENAgostoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/1985KENMahlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985KENPowellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/1985KENSoffPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985CRFBrydenPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985CRFRamosPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985CRFThonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985EBSPalmeiroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985EBSTananaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985EBSWalkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACArnsbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACCampbellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACGerhartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACGross,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACLindemanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985IACMirabellaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACOwnbeyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985IACPastoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/1985IACPastorePromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985IACReussPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985IACRobidouxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/1985IACStewartPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1985BLODraveckyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1985BLOLeibrandtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1985CLECruzPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985CLEGrantPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985COLClutterbuckReleased  Before
8/19/1985COLHouseholderSigned  Before
8/19/1985COLRayfordSigned  Before
8/19/1985COLToliverReleased  Before
8/19/1985CRFJamesPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985CRFThonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1985CRFThonPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985CRFYoungPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985DAYBurrisPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985DAYGarciaPlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985DAYPaciorekPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1985DAYRuhlePlaced on Injured List 8/18/1985Before
8/19/1985DAYWhitePromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1985DAYWilcoxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1985KENBandoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1985KENWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985CLEFielderPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985CLEHoffmanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985CLEPattersonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985CLEPricePromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985CLERobinsonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985CLEWilliamsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985COLMaddenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/1985COLRussellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985DAYBailesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/1985DAYBeanePromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985DAYNipperPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985DAYShelbyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/1985KENBostonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/1985KENMartinezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985CLEClarkPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985CRFEasterlyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985CRFGuerreroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985CRFHallPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985CRFHamiltonReleased  Before
8/25/1985CRFHamiltonActivated from Injured List  Before
8/25/1985CRFHamiltonPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985CRFKnicelySigned  Before
8/25/1985CRFLandrumReleased  Before
8/25/1985CRFLandrumActivated from Injured List  Before
8/25/1985CRFLandrumPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985CRFLittleSigned  Before
8/25/1985CRFWalkerPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985DAYBailesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985DAYBailesPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985DAYLyonsPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985DAYShelbyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985DAYShelbyPlaced on Injured List 8/25/1985Before
8/25/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985EBSTananaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985FRABerraPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985FRACastilloPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985FRAHallDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985FRAHeathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985FRALopesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985FRALowryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985FRAMatuszekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985FRASellersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985HATBeattieReleased  Before
8/25/1985HATBerenyiSigned  Before
8/25/1985KENBandoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985KENClarkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985KENRosePromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1985KENTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985ROCDwyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/25/1985ROCTraberPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSCottoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSCowleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSHollandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSJamesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSJohnson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSLazorkoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSMorenoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSPalmeiroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSTananaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSVenablePromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985EBSWalkerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCBaileyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCDwyerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCGaineyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCLandrumPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCPankovitsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCPecotaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/1985ROCRoenickePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOBestPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOBochyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOBoddickerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOGardnerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOLeibrandtPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOMontefuscoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOReynoldsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOSaberhagenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985BLOWalkerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CLEAquinoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CLEBirkbeckPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985COLBrownPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985COLHabyanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985COLHoltonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985COLMaddenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985COLMcLemorePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985COLRobertsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/1985COLWhitsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CRFEasterlyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CRFElsterPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CRFGuerreroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CRFHallPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985CRFJackson-87Promoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985DAYButcherPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985DAYStillwellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985DAYWardPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985EBSBargarSigned  Before
9/1/1985EBSCowleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985EBSHollandReleased  Before
9/1/1985EBSHollandPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985EBSJohnson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/1985EBSJohnson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985EBSPalmeiroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985EBSPenaSigned  Before
9/1/1985EBSStoddard,BReleased  Before
9/1/1985EBSStoddard,BActivated from Injured List  Before
9/1/1985FRADayettPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRADeLeonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/1985FRADeLeonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRAHallPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRAHeathPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRAJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRAKhalifaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRALombardiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRAMatuszekPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985FRASellersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATBerenyiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATBosleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATChadwickPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATGallegoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATMoyerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATNarronPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATO'NeillPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATReynoldsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985HATWohlfordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACArnsbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/1985IACArnsbergPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACCampbellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACCocanowerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACGerhartPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACGross,GPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACMirabellaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACSmithPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACTerrellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985IACTerrellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENCabellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENChamblissPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENClarkPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENGottPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENMahlerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENMartinezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENPowellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENSalazarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985KENTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985ROCBellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/1985ROCFraserPromoted to active roster  Before
9/6/1985EBSMadduxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/1985EBSPalmeiroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/1985IACCampbellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/7/1985CLELakePlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985CLEThorntonPlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985DAYMadduxPlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985DAYWhitePlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985EBSJohnson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/7/1985EBSJohnson,JPlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985EBSPalmeiroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/7/1985EBSPalmeiroPlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985EBSPorterPlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/7/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSHoneycuttDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSLandreauxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSLazorkoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSMadduxPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSSmithDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSWalkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985EBSWillsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985FRADavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985FRAKingPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/1985FRALowryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985FRALucasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985IACJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/1985IACMirabellaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/14/1985BLOPhelpsPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985CLEBassPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985CLEManningPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985EBSLandreauxPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985EBSLazorkoPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985EBSSmithPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985EBSWalkerPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985EBSWillsPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985IACJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/14/1985IACJonesPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/14/1985IACMirabellaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/14/1985IACMirabellaPlaced on Injured List 9/13/1985Before
9/20/1985BLOBochyPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CLEEaslerPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CLELakePlaced on Injured List 9/7/1985Before
9/20/1985CLELeonardPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CLEMulhollandPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CLESebraPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CLETudorPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CLEWilliamsPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985COLBrownPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CRFElsterPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CRFFordSigned  Before
9/20/1985CRFFordSigned  Before
9/20/1985CRFGantnerPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CRFGuerreroPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CRFHairstonReleased  Before
9/20/1985CRFHairstonActivated from Injured List  Before
9/20/1985CRFHallReleased  Before
9/20/1985CRFHallActivated from Injured List  Before
9/20/1985CRFHallPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CRFPerconteSigned  Before
9/20/1985CRFPerconteSigned  Before
9/20/1985CRFRomanSigned  Before
9/20/1985CRFRomanSigned  Before
9/20/1985CRFSwiftPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985CRFThonReleased  Before
9/20/1985CRFThonActivated from Injured List  Before
9/20/1985CRFYettPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985DAYBluePlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/20/1985DAYRuhleReleased  Before
9/20/1985DAYRuhleActivated from Injured List  Before
9/20/1985DAYThonSigned  Before
9/20/1985DAYThonPlaced on Injured List 9/20/1985Before
9/25/1985COLRobertsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/1985CLERobinsonPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985COLBrookensPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985COLHearnReleased  Before
9/27/1985COLHouseholderReleased  Before
9/27/1985COLKingeryPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985COLLeggSigned  Before
9/27/1985COLMintonPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985COLPetersSigned  Before
9/27/1985COLPetralliPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985COLRedusPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985CRFIorgPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985CRFStubbsPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985DAYBradley,SPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985DAYGarciaReleased  Before
9/27/1985DAYGarciaActivated from Injured List  Before
9/27/1985DAYPaciorekPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985DAYTerrySigned  Before
9/27/1985EBSDiazSigned  Before
9/27/1985EBSDoranPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985EBSHoneycuttPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/1985EBSPenaReleased  Before
9/27/1985EBSRussellPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985FRABirtsasSigned  Before
9/27/1985FRAChildressSigned  Before
9/27/1985FRADeLeonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/1985FRADeLeonPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985FRAGuzmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/1985FRAGuzmanPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985FRAKhalifaReleased  Before
9/27/1985FRAKingmanReleased  Before
9/27/1985FRALucasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/1985FRALucasPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985FRARayPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/1985FRARayPlaced on Injured List 9/26/1985Before
9/27/1985FRATerryReleased  Before
9/27/1985FRATerrySigned  Before
9/27/1985ROCSutcliffePromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/1985EBSCowleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/1985EBSHoneycuttDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/1/1985IACArnsbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/1/1985IACArnsbergPromoted to active roster  Before
10/1/1985IACCampbellPromoted to active roster  Before
10/2/1985BLOArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985BLOCliburn-88Demoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985BLOKeedy-87Demoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985BLOManriqueDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985BLOMorelandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985CLEBirtsasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985IACBonnellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985IACDavis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985IACLavelle-87Demoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985IACSakataDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985IACSakataPromoted to active roster  Before
10/2/1985IACScherrerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985IACThomas-87Demoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCBrownDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCDeJesusDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCEngleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCForsterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCLugoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCMillerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/1985ROCPastoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before