Untitled 1
SPB-1 Current Trades

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1394   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Rick Reuschel
1988 1st RDP
Marc Unger
  Mike Schmidt
1987 1st RDP (#17)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1393   Thunder
Mike See
  Barry Lyons   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  1988 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1392   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  1987 1st RDP(#22)   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Pedro Guerrero

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1391   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  1987 6th RDP(#6)   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Ken Dixon
Gary Mathews

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1390   Thunder
Mike See
  Randy O'Neal
Ed Vande Berg
  Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  1987 6th RDP(#6)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1389   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Tim Leary
Scott Garrelts
Ken Oberkfell
1988 2nd RDP
Marc Hollingsworth
  Carney Lansford

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1388   Thunder
Mike See
  Brian Fischer   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1988 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1387   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Doug Decinces   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1987 5th RDP(#1)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1386   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Lee Lacy   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Bill Wilkinson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1385   Thunder
Mike See
  Dan Pasqua   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  1987 2nd RDP(#14)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1384   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Chris Bando   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  1987 4th RDP(#15)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1383   Thunder
Mike See
  Mike Davis
Bob Melvin
Steve Brunner
  Brian Harper

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1382*   Scotties
Marc Unger
  1987 2nd RDP
1987 5th RDP
  Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Wally Backman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1381*   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  LaMarr Hoyt   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Ray Soff
Jeff Heathcock(87)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1380*   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Steve Lombardozzi
Jerry Reuss
  Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Bobby Grich
Tim Stoddard

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1379*   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Lee Lacy   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Hal McRae
1987 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1378   Road
Mace Matayc
  Bob Kearney
1987 5th RDP
Rick Applegate
  Ben Oglive

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1377   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Ernie Camacho   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Mike Woodward

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1376   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Cliff Johnson   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Herm Winningham

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1375   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Bobby Grich   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Bob Dernier

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1374   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Mike Marshall
Tim Hulett
1987 2nd RDP
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Fred Lynn
Doug Jones

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1373   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Pat Clemens   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Lamar Hoyt

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1372   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Bill Buckner   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Terry Puhl

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1371   Thunder
Mike See
  Joe Johnson
Joe Cowley
  Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Dan Pasqua

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1370   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Andy Allanson   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  1987 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1369   Spiders
Chris Williams
  1987 5th RDP   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1986 6th RDP(#1)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1368   Thunder
Mike See
  Brian Harper   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  1986 3rd RDP(#22)
1987 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1367   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  1985 3rd RDP(#21)
1987 2nd RDP
Stan Barkun
  1986 3rd RDP(#12)
1986 3rd RDP(#16)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1366   Spiders
Chris Williams
  Bill Doran   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  1986 2nd RDP(#9)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1365   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  1986 5th RDP(#5)
1986 6th RDP(#5)
Gary Plunkitt
  1987 5th RDP
1987 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1364   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1986 2nd RDP(#1)   Mets
Don Rahn
  Rick Mahler
1986 2nd RDP(#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1363   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Tony Bernazard   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Damaso Garcia
1986 4th RDP(#8)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1362   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Rick Burleson
Bob Patterson
1986 4th RDP(#16)
1986 5th RDP(#14)
1986 6th RDP(#14)
Chris Williams
  Tim Hulett
Matt Young
Tom O'Malley
Hal McRae
Sammy Stewart

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1361   Scotties
Marc Unger
  1986 3rd RDP(#16)   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Jim Sundberg

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1360   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Ken Giffey Sr.   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  1987 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1359   Scotties
Marc Unger
  Jack Clark
Mike Smithson
1987 3rd RDP
Joe Dezarlo
  Bob Ojeda
Don Carman
Tony Perez
1986 3rd RDP(#11)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1358   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Bill Campbell   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  John Russell

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1357   Highlanders
John Moore
  Tom Foley   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Brian Holton
1986 4th RDP(#14)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1356   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Bob Sebra   Spiders
Chris Williams
  Rick Burleson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1355   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Jose Uribe   Spiders
Chris Williams
  Jamie Quirk
1986 3rd RDP(#19)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1354   Thunder
Mike See
  Bobby Dernier   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  1987 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1353   Thunder
Mike See
  Ray Fontenot
Al Nipper
Ron Kittle
1987 2nd RDP
John Turnbull
  Hubie Brooks
1987 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1352   Thunder
Mike See
  Marty Barrett
Gary Lucas
Don Rahn
  Curt Young
Brian Fisher

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1351*   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Bill Scherrer   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Bruce Sutter

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1350*   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Ron Davis   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Lary Sorensen

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1349*   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Eric Show   Scotties
Marc Unger
  1986 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1348   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Ron Kittle   Thunder
Mike See
  George Vukovich
1986 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1347   Scotties
Marc Unger
  1986 4th RDP   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Manny Trillo

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1346   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Jim Traber-86
Marty Bystrom
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Roy Thomas

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1345   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Bill Laskey   Zorros
Jim Wheeler
  Cliff Johnson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1344   Thunder
Mike See
  Bob Sebra   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Randy St.Claire

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1343   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Jeff Burroughs   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  1986 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1342   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  George Vukovich   Thunder
Mike See
  Dennis Powell

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1341   Thunder
Mike See
  Pat Perry
Urbano Lugo
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Joe Johnson
Ed Vandeberg

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1340   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Joel Davis
Chris Welsh
Jim Wheeler
  Ron Kittle

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1339   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Jerry Royster   Mets
Don Rahn
  1986 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1338   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  1985 6th RDP(#11)   Thunder
Mike See
  1986 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1337   Thunder
Mike See
  1985 4th RDP(#7)
1985 5th RDP(#6)
Stan Barkun
  1985 4th RDP(#2)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1336   Mets
Don Rahn
  1985 3rd RDP(#10)
1985 4th RDP(#10)
Chris Longo
  1985 3rd RDP(#3)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1335   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Gorman Thomas   Brushbacks
Chris Longo
  Joe Niekro

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1334   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Danny Darwin
Ruppert Jones
Stan Barkun
  Joe Carter
Davey Lopes

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1333   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Doug Sisk   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Jeff Bourroughs
1985 4th RDP(#12)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1332   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Jay Baller   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  1985 5th RDP(#19)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1331   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Jorge Orta   Scotties
Marc Unger
  1985 5th RDP (#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1330   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  1986 1st RDP   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  George Brett

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1329   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Willie Wilson
Alan Bannister
Gary Plunkitt
  Hubie Brooks
1986 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1328   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  1986 3rd RDP   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Wayne Tolleson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1327   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  1985 1st RDP   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Keith Hernandez

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1326   Thunder
Mike See
  Greg Walker
Bob James
Alan Wiggins
Alan Knicely
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Tom Waddell
Bryan Little
Thunders 1985 4th RDP(1305)
1986 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1325   Thunder
Mike See
  Danny Cox
Dave Engle
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Al Nipper
1986 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1324   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Reggie Jackson   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  George Wright
1986 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1323   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Bob Knepper   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  John Butcher
1986 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1322   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Robin Yount
Ron Guidry
Steve Lehman
  John Shelby
Ray Burris
1985 2nd RDP
1986 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1321   Thunder
Mike See
  Mike Lacoss
Steve Trout
Pat Sheridan
Chris Longo
  Marty Barrett
Randy O'Neal
1986 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1320   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Jim Slaton   Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  Gorman Thomas

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1319   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Walt Terrell   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Tim Lollar
1986 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1318   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Carlton Fisk   Alley Cats
Rick Ryan
  Bob Brenly
1986 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1317   Thunder
Mike See
  Dave Wehrmeister
1986 5th RDP
Dave Lauer
  Marc Bailey

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1316*   Scotties
Marc Unger
  Bill Campbell
1985 4th RDP
Joe Dezarlo
  Tom Gorman
1985 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1315*   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Bob Forsch
Darrell Evans
Gorman Thomas
Roy Thomas
Road's 1985 3rd RDP
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Bill Gullickson
Leon Durham
Sixto Lexcano
Jay Johnstone
1985 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1314*   Brushbacks
Chris Longo
  Mike Schmidt
Nolan Ryan
Jeff Reardon
Marc Unger
  Paul Molitor
Mark Calvert

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1313*   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Dusty Baker
Bruce Sutter
Marc Unger
  1985 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1312*   Road
Mace Matayc
  Gary Lavelle
George Wright
Rick Ryan
  Tom Hume
Al Cowens

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1311*   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Rich Bordi
1985 1st RDP
  Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  Willie Hernandez

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1310   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  1985 4th RDP   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Pete Falcone

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1309   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Albert Hall   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Bob Bailor

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1308   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Rick Waits   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Pat Zachary

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1307   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Dwayne Murphy
1985 3rd RDP
Steve Brunner
  Rudy Law
1985 1st RDP
1985 3rd RDP
1985 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1306   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Scott Sanderson
Herm Winningham
1985 1st RDP
Steve Brunner
  Lloyd Moseby
Tim Lollar

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1305   Thunder
Mike See
  Bryan Little
1985 4th RDP
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Randy Johnson
Steve Jeltz
1985 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1304   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Jamie Cocanower
Mickey Rivers
Rusty Staub
Tom Lawless
Rick Ryan
  Duane Walker
Darrell Brown
Tom Underwood

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1303   Thunder
Mike See
  Carney Lansford
Dan Gladden
Dan Petry
Marc Hollingsworth
  Terry Pendleton
Kevin Gross
Billy Hatcher

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1302   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Julio Franco
Joe Niekro
Bobby Jones
Chris Longo
  Brian Downing
Mike Witt

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1301   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Tippy Martinez   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Omar Moreno

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1300   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Buck Martinez   Mets
Don Rahn
  1985 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1299   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Orlando Mercado   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  1985 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1298   Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  1984 4th RDP(#12)   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Buck Martinez

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1297   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Roy Smalley   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Tom Hume

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1296   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Luis Leal   Road
Mace Matayc
  1985 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1295   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1985 2nd RDP   Mets
Don Rahn
  Andy Hawkins

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1294   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Bob Kearney   Road
Mace Matayc
  1984 3rd RDP(#17)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1293   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Ron Gardenhire   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  1984 5th RDP (#9)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1292   Thunder
Mike See
  Brad Komminsk   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1985 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1291   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Rob Wilfong
Pat Zachry
Steve Brunner
  1984 4th RDP(#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1290   Thunder
Mike See
  Jeff Lahti
Rudy Law
1984 4th RDP (#16)
Steve Brunner
  Rey Fontenot
Joe Cowley
Pat Sheridan

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1289   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1984 2nd RDP (#4)   Zorros
Jim Wheeler
  Wally Backman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1288   Brushbacks
Chris Longo
  Don Slaught
Steve Balboni
Jim Wheeler
  Mel Hall
Candy Maldonado

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1287   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  John Wockenfuss
Marty Castillo
Jim Wheeler
  Miguel Dilone
Tug McGraw

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1286   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Ray Knight   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  1984 4th RDP (#11)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1285   Brushbacks
Chris Longo
  1984 5th RDP (#3)   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Mike Caldwell

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1284   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  1984 5th RDP (#14)   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Larry Bowa

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1283   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1984 5th RDP (#4)   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Larry Gura

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1282   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  1984 4th RDP (#18)   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Doug Flynn

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1281   Brushbacks
Chris Longo
  1985 5th RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Johnnie LeMaster

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1280   Barking Owls
John Measor
  1985 3rd RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Julio Cruz

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1279   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Rollie Fingers   Road
Mace Matayc
  1985 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1278   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Orel Hershiser
Dan Bilardello
Luis Aguayo
Carman Castillo
Brad Komminsk
Al Jones
Mike See
  Willie Randolph
Ron Darling
Luis Salazar
Orlando Mercado
Bryan Clark
Mike Brown

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1277   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Jeff Dedmon
1985 3rd RDP
Mike See
  Reggie Jackson
Len Whitehouse

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1276   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  1984 1st RDP (#2)   Thunder
Mike See
  Johnny Ray
1984 1st RDP (#3)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1275   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  1984 5th RDP   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Matt Williams
Randy Lerch

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1274   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Howard Bailey   Buckeyes
John Pieschalski
  1984 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1273   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1984 6th RDP   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Pat Underwood

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1272   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Mike Proly   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  1984 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1271   Buckeyes
John Pieschalski
  1984 2nd RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Luis Leal

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1270   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Frank Pastore   Mets
Don Rahn
  Tom Underwood

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1269   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Mickey Klutts
Tom Veryzer
Ron Peterson
  Greg Pryor

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1268   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Manny Castillo
Kevin Hagen
  Barking Owls
John Measor
  Rick Waits

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1267   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Lee Tunnell
Tug McGraw
Tiger's 1984 2nd RDP
Jim Wheeler
  Mike LaCoss
Mike Morgan
1984 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1266   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Dennis Leonard
Rich Rodas
Keefe Cato
John Moore
  Brad Havens
Jack O'Connor

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1265   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Moose Haas
Tom Dixon
Ben Callahan
Don Cooper
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Dennis Leonard
Len Whitehouse
1984 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1264   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Steve Jeltz   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Jerry Morales

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1263   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Hoskin Powell   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Dan Meyer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1262   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Thad Bosley
Butch Davis
John Moore
  Greg Luzinski

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1261   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  1984 4th RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Marc Hill

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1260   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Renie Martin   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Darrell Brown

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1259   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Buddy Biancalana   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Terry Crowley

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1258   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Tom Veryzer   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Chris Nyman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1257   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Scott Sanderson
Tim Stoddard
Rick Ryan
  Burt Hooton
Rick Ownbey
1984 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1256   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Steve Lubraitch   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Broderick Perkins

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1255   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Mario Ramirez   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Mickey Klutts

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1254   Brushbacks
Chris Longo
  1983 4th RDP(#6)
1983 6th RDP(#6)
Dave Lauer
  1983 3rd RDP(#24)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1253   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Jeff Jones
Tom Lawless
Dave Lauer
  Tug McGraw

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1252   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Brad Wellman   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Leo Hernandez
Jeff Jones
Tom Lawless

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1251   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Rob Picciolo   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Bobby Ramos

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1250   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Wayne Tolleson   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Moose Haas

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1249   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  1983 1st RDP(#12)   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Gary Ward
1983 1st RDP(#14)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1248   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  Brian Giles   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Jeff Newman
Porfi Altamirano

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1247   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Larry Christensen   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1983 5th RDP(#7)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1246   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Jim Eisenreich   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  1983 2nd RDP(#13)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1245   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Jamie Quirk   Spiders
Chris Williams
  Orlando Mercado
Brad Wellman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1244   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Cubs' 1984 4th RDP
1984 6th RDP
Steve Lehman
  Jamie Quirk
1984 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1243   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Manny Castillo
Kevin Hickey
Rick Ryan
  Alan Bannister

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1242   Mets
Don Rahn
  Mike O'Berry
Don Hood
Steve Ehresman
  1984 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1241   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Mike Armstrong   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  1984 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1240   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Al Oliver   Barking Owls
John Measor
  Lary Sorensen

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1239   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Mike Brown   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Hoosiers' 1984 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1238   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Bryan Clark
1984 1st RDP
  Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Milt Wilcox
Bruce Sutter

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1237   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Dan Petry
Jeff Lahti
1983 1st RDP(#19)
1984 1st RDP
  Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  John Denny
Lamarr Hoyt
Tippy Martinez
1984 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1236   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Rick Reuschel
Marty Bystrom
Frank Pastore
Howard Bailey
1984 5th RDP
Rick Ryan
  John Denny
Lamar Hoyt
Tippy Martinez
Bruce Sutter
1984 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1235   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Jim Kaat   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Jorge Orta

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1234   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Al Cowens   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Amos Otis
Floyd Chiffer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1233   Barking Owls
John Measor
  Julio Cruz   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Jerry Koosman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1232-A   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  1983 4th RDP(#13)   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Jeff Burroughs

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1231   Buckeyes
John Pieschalski
  Reggie Jackson   Reyes de Plata
Rick Ryan
  Domingo Ramos
1984 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1230   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Gorman Thomas   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Jim Slaton
Chris Welsh

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1229   Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  John Martin
Domingo Ramos
  Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Ron Hodges
1983 6th RDP(#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1228   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Lee Tunnell
1983 1st RDP(#23)
Tigers' 1984 2nd RDP
  Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Doyle Alexander
1983 4th RDP(#19)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1227   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Cliff Johnson   Zorros
Jim Wheeler
  Ruppert Jones

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1226   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Al Bumbry   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Dave Engle

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1225   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Ned Yost
1983 5th RDP(#20)
Marc Hollingsworth
  Al Bumbry

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1224   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Pat Sheridan
Jim Essian
1983 2nd RDP(#20)
Steve Brunner
  Bob Dernier
Luis Salazar
1983 4th RDP(#19)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1223   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Kingdome   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Arlington Stadium

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1222   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Derrell Thomas
Carmelo Castillo
Luis Aguayo
Marc Hill
Bob Long
Dave Lauer
  Steve Trout
Pat Sheridan
Steve Baker
Ned Yost

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1221   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Dave Winfield
Rick Rhoden
George Frazier
Jerry Hairston
Tito Landrum
Dennis Leonard
Paul Mirabella
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Carney Lansford
Johnny Ray
Greg Walker
David Green
Jim Eisenreich
Frank Pastore
1983 1st RDP(#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1220   Reyes de Plata
Mike See
  Juan Beniquez
Gary Lucas
Carl Yastrzemski
Thunder 1984 4th RDP
League Office
  Alan Wiggins
Rudy Law
George Frazier
Pine Barons 1984 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1219   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1983 3rd RDP(#7)   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Burt Hooton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1218   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Omar Moreno
Doug Frobel
Gary Plunkitt
  Lee Tunnell
Amos Otis

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1217   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Paul Householder
Mark Brouhard
Steve Ehresman
  Mike Proly
Renie Martin
Porfi Altamirano

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1216   Thunder
Mike See
  Pete Rose
Rollie Fingers
Dave Lauer
  John Castino

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1215   Thunder
Mike See
  Ron Hodges
1984 4th RDP
  Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Glenn Brummer
1984 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1214   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Howard Johnson   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  1984 2nd RDP
1983 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1213   Thunder
Mike See
  Rudy May
1983 5th RDP
1984 3rd RDP
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  George Frazier
Ron Hodges

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1212   Thunder
Mike See
  Tim Lollar   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  1983 3rd RDP
1984 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1211   Thunder
Mike See
  Jerry Koosman
Tug McGraw
Bobby Castillo
Gorman Thomas
Ned Yost
Dave Lauer
  Larry McWilliams
1983 4th RDP
Eagles 1983 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1210   Spiders
Chris Williams
  1983 4th RDP   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Luis Pujols

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1209   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Eddie Miller   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Eddie Solomon

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1208   Barking Owls
John Moore
  1983 5th RDP   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Jerry Garvin

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1207   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  1983 4th RDP   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Dan Boitano
Grant Jackson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1206   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  1983 5th RDP   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Doug Gwosdz

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1205   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1983 5th RDP   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Mario Ramirez

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1204   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Rick Leach
1983 2nd RDP
Stan Barkun
  Al Oliver

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1203   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Lee Lacy   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Jim Kaat
1984 2nd RDP
1983 4th RDP(#21)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1202   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Brad Mills   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Fernando Arroyo

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1201   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Porfi Altamirano   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Darrell Brown

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1200   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Junior Kennedy   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  1983 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1199   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Don Stanhouse   Highlanders
John Moore
  Glen Gulliver

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1198   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  George Capuzzello
1983 3rd RDP
Rick Ryan
  Bob Bailor

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1197   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  John Stuper   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Carmen Castillo

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1196   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  1983 4th RDP   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Terry Bogener

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1195   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Leo Hernandez   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Mickey Klutts

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1194   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Steve Renko   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  1983 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1193   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Tim Lollar
Mel Hall
Mike See
  Jim Gott
1983 3rd RDP
1983 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1192   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  John Pacella   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  1983 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1191   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  1983 6th RDP   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Ricky Wright
Tom Hausman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1190   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Dave McKay   Barking Owls
John Measor
  1983 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1189   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Rudy May
Guy Sularz
Mike See
  1982 3rd RDP(#23)
1982 5th RDP(#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1188   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Pete Redfern   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Junior Kennedy

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1187   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Milt May
Ellis Valentine
Gary Plunkitt
  Jeff Newman
Paul Householder
1982 4th RDP(#15)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1186   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Tom Veryzer   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Mark Littell

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1185   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Len Sakata   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Frank LaCorte
1983 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1184   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1982 4th RDP(#14)   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Mark Brouhard

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1183   Thunder
Mike See
  Don Hood
1982 2nd RDP(#19)
Don Rahn
  Bobby Castillo
Tom Burgmeier

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1182   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Bill Fahey   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Rob Picciolo

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1181   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Larry Milbourne   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  1982 3rd RDP(#4)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1180   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Don Money
Junior Kennedy
Marc Hollingsworth
  Jerry Remy

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1179   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Jason Thompson
Joe Morgan
John Turnbull
  Paul Serna
Bob Porter
1983 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1178   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Steve Sax   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  1982 1st RDP (#7)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1177   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Thad Bosley   Barking Owls
John Measor
  Kurt Bevacqua

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1176   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Mike Norris   Barking Owls
John Measor
  1982 4th RDP (#2)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1175   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Joe Lefebvre   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Ellis Valentine

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1174   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Gary Woods
Rick Sweet
Steve Ehresman
  Joe Lefebvre
1982 4th RDP (#14)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1173   Catfish
Steve Erhresman
  1983 2nd RDP   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Manny Sarmiento
Mike Proly

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1172   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Dwight Bernard
Eddie Solomon
Pete Redfern
Aurelio Rodriguez
Dave Lauer
  Tom Hume

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1171   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Broderick Perkins
Dave McKay
Steve Ehresman
  John Wathan
Bert Campeneris
Rick Peters

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1170   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Warren Cromartie
Larry Milbourne
John Turnbull
  Kiko Garcia
1982 3rd RDP(#21)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1169   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Champ Summers
1983 3rd RDP
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Omar Moreno

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1168   Thunder
Mike See
  Bob McClure
Triangles 1983 2nd RDP
Steve Lehman
  Rudy Law
1983 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1167   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Dennis Lamp
Steve Yeager
  Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Bob Brenly

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1166   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Eddie Milner   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Larry Christensen

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1166   Thunder
Mike See
  Vida Blue   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1983 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1165   Thunder
Mike See
  Greg Pryor
John Martin
1983 2nd RDP
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Alan Wiggins
Bob McClure

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1164   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Ken Smith
Ned Yost
1983 2nd RDP
Mike See
  Amos Otis
Chuck Rainey
Enrique Romo

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1163   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Brian Asselstine   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Steve Fireovid

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1162   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Rowland Office   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Steve Lubraitch

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1161   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Eddie Miller
Del Unser
Steve Ehresman
  1982 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1160   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Joe Edelen
Bobby Johnson
Mike See
  1982 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1159   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Bud Bulling   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Bobby Clark

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1158   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  Wayne Garland   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Steve Ratzer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1157   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Steve Stone   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Dave Roberts (P)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1156   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Dave Roberts (1b)   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Dave Geisel

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1155   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Tommy Boggs   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Bobby Brown

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1154   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Marty Castillo   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Gary Alexander
Mark Corey

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1153   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Dan Driessen
Wayne Nordhagen
Bruce Kison
Mike Armstrong
Jamie Easterly
1982 2nd RDP
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Roy Smalley
Bruce Sutter
Tippy Martinez

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1152   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  1982 6th RDP   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Jerry Manuel

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1151   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Bob Long   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  1982 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1150   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Howard Bailey   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Tom Hutton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1149   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Joe Ferguson   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Larry Hisle

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1148   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Mike Phillips   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1982 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1147   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Darryl Motley   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Bert Campaneris

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1146   Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  Nelson Norman
Bill Nahorodney
Mike See
  Dennis Werth
1982 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1145   Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  1981 4th RDP(#11)   Thunder
Mike See
  Brian Allard

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1144   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1982 4th RDP   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Dave Frost

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1143   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Jeff Jones
Greg Pryor
Mike See
  1981 5th RDP (#1)
1981 5th RDP (#9)
1981 5th RDP (#14)
1981 6th RDP (#24)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1142   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Barry Foote   Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  1981 5th RDP (#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1141   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Dave Geisel
Jerry Hairston
  Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Gary Woods

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1140   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  1981 6th RDP (#7)   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Jerry White
Barry Foote

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1139   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Butch Hobson
Julio Valdez
Sam Mejias
1981 3rd RDP (#3)
Steve Brunner
  Jeff Newman
1981 3rd RDP(#6)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1138   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  1981 2nd RDP (#1)   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Butch Wynegar

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1137   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Jackson Todd   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Mickey Rivers

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1136   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Bob Boone
1982 3rd RDP
Steve Brunner
  Mike Heath
Mickey Rivers

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1135   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Bob Dernier
Luis Salazar
Al Cowens
Bill Alman
John Butcher
Steve Brunner
  Darrell Evans
Bob Bailor
Tom Veryzer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1134   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Rudy May   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Ross Baumgarten
1981 3rd RDP(#16)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1133   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Bob Owchinko
Fernando Arroyo
Stan Barkun
  Joe Lefebvre

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1132   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Wayne Nordhagen
Milt May
Rick Ryan
  Mike Marshall
John Wathan

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1131   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Ned Yost
Butch Hobson
Paul Householder
Gary Plunkitt
  Joe Rudi
Champ Summers

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1130   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Bobby Brown
Frank LaCorte
Steve Ehresman
  Dane Iorg

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1129   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Dave Stapleton
Mike O'Berry
1982 1st RDP
Don Rahn
  Ron Cey

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1128   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Rick Wise
Bob Owchinko
Wayne Nordhagen
Steve Ehresman
  John Verhoeven
Reggie Smith
Bake McBride
Junior Kennedy
1982 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1127   Thunder
Mike See
  Frank Pastore
1982 2nd RDP
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Milt Wilcox
1982 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1126   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Larry Herndon   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Bob Forsch

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1125   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  1981 1st RDP(#4)   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Jim Rice

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1124   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Lenny Randle
Ed Farmer
  Barking Owls
John Measor
  Dane Iorg

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1123   Thunder
Mike See
  Toby Harrah
1981 3rd RDP(#20)
Joe Dezarlo
  Bill Madlock
1981 5th RDP(#1)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1122   Thunder
Mike See
  Mike Davis
Randy Martz
Gary Woods
Joe Charboneau
Randy Bass
Dyer Miller
Jose Morales
  Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Amos Otis
1981 3rd RDP(#20)
1982 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1121   Thunder
Mike See
  Gary Allenson   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  1981 5th RDP(#9)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1120   Thunder
Mike See
  Fred Lynn
Cesar Cedeno
Jerry Garvin
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Gorman Thomas
Mike Davis
Brian Allard

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1119   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Dan Driessen
Lamar Hoyt
Mike Armstrong
Rick Ryan
  Tom Underwood
Sid Monge
Jim Anderson
Jason Thompson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1118   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  John Pacella   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Dennis Lewallyn
Alan Wirth

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1117   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Bobby Clark
Dave Rosello
Steve Ehresman
  Reggie Walton
Danny Goodwin

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1116   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Benny Ayala
Dave Ford
Steve Ehresman
  Lenn Sakata

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1115   Phillies
Mike Boling
  Rick Waits   Spiders
Chris Williams
  Junior Moore
Jack Brohamer
Bobby Mitchell
John Harris
1981 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1114   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Dave Rajisich
Hal Dues
Steve Lehman
  Greg Johnston
Mark Corey

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1113   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Roy Thomas   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Brian Asselstine

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1112   Thunder
Mike See
  John Tamargo
1981 3rd RDP
Dave Lauer
  Randy Martz
Gary Allenson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1111   Thunder
Mike See
  Scott McGregor
Volcanoes 1981 2nd RDP
John Moore
  Steve Rogers
1981 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1110   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Len Sakata   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Jim Slaton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1109   Barking Owls
John Measor
  Doug Ault   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Sal Butera

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1108   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Leo Sutherland   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Roger Metzger

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1107   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Rick Monday   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Reggie Cleveland

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1106   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Orlando Gonzalez
Dwight Bernard
Gary Plunkitt
  Rick Bosetti

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1105   Phillies
Mike Boling
  1981 6th RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Brian Doyle

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1104   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Milt May
John Verhoeven
Steve Ehresman
  Brian Doyle
John Ellis
Del Unser
Thunder's 1981 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1103   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Lynn McGlothin
Domingo Ramos
Nelson Norman
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Butch Hobson
Roger Weaver

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1102   Thunder
Mike See
  Jim Lentine
Randy Neimann
Marc Robinson
  1981 4th RDP
1981 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1101   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Jerry Martin
Thunder 1981 2nd RDP
Steve Ehresman
  Bob Dernier
Rick Sweet

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1100   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Dave Stegman   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Fran Mullins

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1099   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Jim Kern
Mick Kelleher
  Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Mike Phillips

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1098   Barking Owls
John Measor
  Jon Matlack
1981 5th RDP
Don Rahn
  Joey McLaughlin
1981 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1097   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Bob James
John Urrea
Fred Norman
  Pine Barons
Marc Shaw
  Steve Stone

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1096   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1981 4th RDP   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Jim Otten
Skip Lockwood
Dwight Bernard

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1095   Thunder
Mike See
  Jim Palmer
Biff Pocoroba
Marc Wagner
Marc Hollingsworth
  Frank Pastore
Jim Lentile
Randy Neiman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1094   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Mickey Klutts
Ron Pruitt
1981 2nd RDP
John Turnbull
  Rick Monday
Lenny Randle
1981 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1093   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Brian Doyle   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Mike Richardt
Rick Bosetti

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1092   Spiders
Chris Williams
  Mike Willis   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Jack Brohamer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1091   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Willie Horton   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  1981 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1090   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Dave Palmer
Paul Hartzell
Bobby Ramos
Stan Barkun
  Jackson Todd
1981 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1089   Thunder
Mike See
  Andy Hassler
Kim Seamen
1981 4th RDP
Rob Capizzano
  Jerry Garvin
Gary Gray

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1088   Thunder
Mike See
  Lynn Jones
Vic Corell
Sandy Wihtol
Guy Hoffman
1981 5th RDP
Mace Matayc
  Dyar Miller

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1087   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Ron LeFlore
Doug Flynn
1981 1st RDP
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Dusty Baker
Woodie Fryman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1086   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  Ken Phelps
Steve Comer
Bill Lee
Steve Lehman
  Larry Christensen
Pat Zachry

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1085   Thunder
Mike See
  John Butcher
Gordie Pladsen
Mike Marshall
1981 2nd RDP
Rick Ryan
  Jim Palmer
Vic Correll

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1084   Thunder
Mike See
  Wayne Krenchicki
Alan Knicely
John Poff
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Guy Hoffman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1083   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Mario Guerrero
Dave Ford
Rick Ryan
  Byron McLaughlin
1981 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1082   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Roy Lee Jackson   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Bill Almon

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1081   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Lerrin LaGrow   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  1981 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1080   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Ron Pruitt
Jack Brohamer
Steve Ehresman
  1981 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1079   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Mickey Klutts   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Benny Ayala

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1078   Thunder
Mike See
  Jim Bibby   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Joe Charboneau
1981 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1077   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Tom Buskey
John Hiller
Gary Plunkitt
  Ned Yost
Dennis Lewallyn

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1076   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Ray Knight   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Larry Herndon

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1075   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Tim Wallach   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Bruce Hurst
1981 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1074   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Moose Haas   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  1981 1st RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1073   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1980 3rd RDP(#1)
1980 3rd RDP(#10)
1980 3rd RDP(#12)
Steve Brunner
  1980 2nd RDP(#12)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1072   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Willie McCovey
Mike Edwards
Steve Lehman
  Sam Mejias

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1071   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  John Ellis
Del Unser
Steve Ehresman
  Bombo Rivera
1980 5th RDP(#23)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1070   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Tony Scott
Lou Piniella
1980 1st RDP (#1)
Steve Lehman
  Willie Wilson
Tom Paciorek
1980 3rd RDP(#12)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1069   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  1980 4th RDP (#10)   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Elliot Maddox

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1068   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Jack Clark
Gary Roenicke
1980 1st RDP (#20)
  Barking Owls
John Measor
  Al Woods
1980 1st RDP (#2)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1067   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  1980 2nd RDP(#7)
1980 3rd RDP(#11)
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Jim Morrison
Buddy Solomon

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1066   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Willie Horton
Dave Ford
Lerrin LaGrow
Dave Lauer
  1980 4th RDP(#22)
1980 5th RDP(#18)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1065   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1980 3rd RDP (#14)   River Flames
Marc Robinson
  Sid Monge

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1064   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Bobby Bonds   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  1980 5th RDP (#17)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1063   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Jerry Royster   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Ricky Peters

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1062   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Bob Sykes
Mike Phillips
Sandy Whitol
Mike See
  1980 5th RDP(#6)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1061   Thunder
Mike See
  1980 5th RDP(#23)   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Lyn Jones
Chico Ruiz
Randy Scarberry

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1060   Thunder
Mike See
  Manny Mota
1980 6th RDP(#6)
1980 7th RDP(#6)
1980 8th RDP(#6)
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Randy Bass
Biff Pocoroba
Gordy Pladson
Mark Wagner
Danny Ainge

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1059   Thunder
Mike See
  1980 6th RDP(#17)
1980 7th RDP(#23)
1980 8th RDP(#23)
  River Flames
Marc Robinson
  John Tamargo
Dennis Werth
Stan Papi
John Poff
Wayne Krenchicki

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1058   Thunder
Mike See
  Britt Burns
Terry Forster
  Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  Jerry Reuss
Andy Hassler

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1057   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Tim Raines
Mark Bomback
1980 3rd RDP(#23)
  Barking Seals
John Measor
  Kirk Gibson
Dave Collins
1980 2nd RDP(#4)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1056   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Reggie Smith
Stan Bahnsen
Steve Ehresman
  Cliff Johnson
Rick Wise

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1055   Thunder
Mike See
  Pat Underwood
Jim Lentine
Pat Kelly
Rod Craig
Bert Roberage
Randy Neimann
Skip Lockwood
Marc Hollingsworth
  Terry Forster
Alan Knicely
1980 5th RDP(#6)
1980 6th RDP(#6)
1980 7th RDP(#6)
1980 8th RDP(#6)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1054   Thunder
Mike See
  Pete Vukovich
Ron Hassey
Mace Matayc
  Ted Simmons
1980 6th RDP (#17)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1053   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Silvio Martinez   Barking Owls
John Measor
  1980 4th RDP (#4)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1052   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Eric Soderholm
John Verhoeven
Chris Williams
  Jim Anderson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1051   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Jim Palmer
Sparky Lyle
Alan Bannister
Rick Ryan
  Mike Norris
Doug Flynn
Tony Scott

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1050   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Pat Underwood
1980 3rd RDP(#6)
Mike See
  Mike Vail
Joe Ferguson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1049   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Manny Mota
Skip Lockwood
Mike See
  Don Reynolds
Mike Bacsik
1980 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1048   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Dave Winfield   Pelicans
Jim Wheeler
  Andre Dawson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1047   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Johnny Grubb   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  1980 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1046   Triangles
John Turnbull
  George Scott   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Dennis Kinney

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1045   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Bobby Clark
Rick Langford
Steve Brunner
  Joe Cannon
Burt Hooton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1044   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Ralph Garr   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  George Throop
Craig Eaton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1043   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Scot Thompson
1980 2nd RDP
Marc Hollingsworth
  Ron LeFlore
Willie Horton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1042   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1980 4th RDP   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  Eduardo Rodriguez

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1041   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1980 5th RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Jimmy Sexton

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1040   Highlanders
John Moore
  Bob Forsch
Junior Kennedy
Steve Ehresman
  Rodney Scott
Ed Whitson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1039   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Dave Edwards   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Joe Rudi

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1038   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Dennis Kinney
Byron McLaughlin
Rick Ryan
  Bob Bailor

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1037   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Dave Geisel
Jerry Hairston
Rick Ryan
  Harry Chappas

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1036   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Glenn Burke
Mark Corey
John Urrea
Tom Paciorek
Steve Lehman
  Bake McBride
1980 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1035   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Broderick Perkins   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Bob Montgomery

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1034   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Rich Hinton
Doug Rau
Stan Barkun
  1980 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1033   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Rusty Staub
Billy Smith
1980 4th RDP
John Moore
  Don Money
Tom Poquette
1980 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1032   Thunder
Mike See
  Brian Asselstine   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Mike Vail

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1031   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Ted Cox
Tim Johnson
Mace Matayc
  1980 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1030   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Gary Serum
Rafael Vasquez
Mike Boling
  Vic Correll

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1029   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1980 5th RDP   Peppers
Ron Peterson
  Mickey Klutts

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1028   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Steve Trout
1980 4th RDP
Dave Lauer
  Dan Schatzeder
Joey McLaughlin

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1027   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Mark Lemongello
Dock Ellis
Rob Capizzano
  1980 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1026   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Jim Kaat
Tom Buskey
Rick Ryan
  Will McEnaney
Ed Farmer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1025   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Rudy Meoli   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Manny Mota

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1024   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Fred Kendall   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Heity Cruz

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1023   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Darrell Chaney   Phillies
Mike Boling
  1980 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1022   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Wayne Garland
Tom Dixon
1980 1st RDP
Marc Hollingsworth
  Randy Jones
Dick Drago

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1021   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Danny Goodwin   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Lance Rautzhan
Paul Reuschel

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1020   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  1980 4th RDP   Thunder
Mike See
  Barry Evans

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1019   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Randy Scarberry
Bombo Rivera
Steve Swisher
Glenn Burke
Steve Ehresman
  Joe Coleman
1980 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1018   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Pat Kelly
Bobby Randall
Mike Bascik
Randy Niemann
Mike See
  Jimmy Sexton
George Throop
1980 4th RDP
1980 6th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1017   Thunder
Mike See
  John Verhoeven   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Joe Ferguson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1016   Thunder
Mike See
  1979 1st RDP(#17)   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Rollie Fingers
1979 4th RDP(#23)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1015   Thunder
Mike See
  1979 1st RDP(#24)
1979 2nd RDP(#24)
Dave Lauer
  1979 1st RDP(#17)
1979 4th RDP(#17)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1014   Barking Owls
John Measor
  Ken Landreaux
Rick Honeycutt
Paul Mitchell
  Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Dwight Evans
Rich Gale
Odell Jones

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1013   Moondogs
Tom Kackley
  David Palmer
Rusty Staub
Pete MacKanin
Gary Plunkitt
  Stan Papi
1979 2nd RDP(#6)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1012   Moondogs
Tom Kackley
  Silvio Martinez
Vern Ruhle
1979 3nd RDP(#19)
John Turnbull
  1979 1st RDP(#15)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1011   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Larry Christensen
1979 2nd RDP(#22)
Steve Lehman
  Dennis Lamp

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1010   Thunder
Mike See
  1979 6th RDP (#24)   Forest Cities
Terry Baxter
  Don Reynolds
Brian Doyle

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1009   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Fernando Gonzalez
Darrel Chaney
1979 3rd RDP(#3)
1979 7th RDP (#6*)
Dave Lauer
  Pepe Frias
Billy Smith
Dave Roberts

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1008   Thunder
Mike See
  Randy Jones
1979 3rd RDP (#22)
Marc Hollingsworth
  1979 2nd RDP (#15)
1979 2nd RDP (#24)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1007   Thunder
Mike See
  Ernie Whitt
1979 3rd RDP (#20)
Dave Lauer
  Scott McGregor
1979 2nd RDP (#17)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1006   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  John Pacella   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Roger Metzger

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1005   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  1979 4th RDP (#1)   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Mario Mendoza

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1004   Thunder
Mike See
  Steve Ontiveros
1979 1st RDP(#14)
Steve Lehman
  Toby Harrah
1979 3rd RDP(#22)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1003   Thunder
Mike See
  Graig Nettles
Roy White
Rob Capizzano
  Ernie Whitt
Steve Ontiveros
1979 1st RDP(#14)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1002   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Mike Edwards   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  George Scott
1979 5th RDP(#6)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1001   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1979 3rd RDP(#4)   Moondogs
Tom Kackley
  Alan Bannister

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
1000   Thunder
Mike See
  Jesus Alou   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Roy White

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
999   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Rodney Scott
Jerry Royster
Dale Murray
Steve Ehresman
  Doug Flynn
Bob Bailor
Ken Holtzman

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
998   Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Cliff Johnson   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Steve Renko

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
997   Thunder
Mike See
  Pat Kelly
Bob Randall
Tim Johnson
Dave Lauer
  Brian Asselstein
Jim Lentine
Barry Evans

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
996   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Bobby Bonds
1979 6th RDP(#13)
John Turnbull
  Ed Farmer

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
995   Lynx
Stan Barkun
  John Denny
Bill Bonham
Mike Norris
1979 2nd RDP (#22)
Rick Ryan
  Bill Lee
Bill North
Enrique Romo
1979 1st RDP (#13)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
994   Thunder
Mike See
  John Wathan
Danny Goodwin
John Hiller
Rick Ryan
  Randy Jones
John Verhoven
LaRue Washington

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
993   Thunder
Mike See
  Doug Bair
Jon Matlack
Marc Robinson
  Pete Vukovich
1979 3rd RDP (#20)

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
992   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Jamie Easterly   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Joe Cannon
Rudy Meoli

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
991   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Joe Coleman   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  1979 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
990   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Dave Tomlin
Steve Baker
Max Leon
Dave Lauer
  1979 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
989   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Jim Beattie
Tom Griffin
Craig Skok
Rafael Landestoy
Mike Phillips
Ron Peterson
  Bill Lee
Gary Serum
Rodney Scott
Ron Kirkwood

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
988   Thunder
Mike See
  Carl Yastrzemski   Dodgers
Peter Reoch
  Cesar Cedeno

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
987   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Manny Sanguillen
Alan Wirth
Rick Ryan
  Ron Fairly
Rick Sweet
Dave Giesel
John Urrea

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
986   Thunder
Mike See
  Gene Richards
Ed Figueroa
Elias Sosa
1979 5th RDP
Mace Matayc
  Carl Yastrzemski
Jon Matlack
John Hiller

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
985   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Tom Underwood
Dale Murray
Rick Ryan
  Mike LaCoss
Pat Zachry

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
984   Thunder
Mike See
  Mark Wagner
Don Reynolds
  Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Jesus Alou
Tim Johnson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
983   Triangles
John Turnbull
  Dan Driessen   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Johnny Grubb
1979 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
982   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Bob Robertson   Moondogs
Tom Kackley
  Jesus Alou

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
981   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Tom Poquette
Junior Kennedy
Luis Pujols
Jerry Anderson
  Jerry Turner
Manny Sanguillen

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
980   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Dave Laroche   Fourteeneers
Jerry Anderson
  Al Hrabosky
Mario Guerrero

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
979   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Rico Carty   Triangles
John Turnbull
  1979 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
978   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  1979 4th RDP   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Don Werner

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
977   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  1979 3rd RDP   Tourists
Rich Applegate
  Bud Harrellson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
976   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Jose Morales   Rough Riders
Stan Barkun
  Mario Mendoza

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
975   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1979 4th RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Buddy Schultz

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
974   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Ron LeFlore
Dave Chalk
Marc Hollingsworth
  Eric Soderholm
Billy North
Nelson Briles
Rick Sweet

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
973   Thunder
Mike See
  Mark Bomback
Dave Freiselben
Eddie Miller
Brad Gulden
1979 2nd RDP
1979 6th RDP
Marc Hollingsworth
  John Wathan
1979 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
972   Thunder
Mike See
  1979 5th RDP   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Dave Freiselben

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
971   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Rudy May   Nationals
Don Rahn
  Buddy Schultz
1979 2nd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
970   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Mike Adams   Conquistadors
Mace Matayc
  Rick Krueger

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
969   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Fernando Gonzalez   Tigers
Gary Plunkitt
  Mickey Kelleher

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
968   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Rod Gilbreath   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  1979 5th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
967   Thunder
Mike See
  Jerry Hairston   Catfish
Steve Ehresman
  Mark Wagner

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
966   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Lynn McGlothen   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  1979 3rd RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
965   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Bill Campbell
Al Fitzmorris
  Pit Masters
Marc Robinson
  Jerry Royster

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
964   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Mark Lee
Rich Gale
  Black Sox
John Ungashick
  Alex Trevino
Bombo Rivera
1979 4th RDP

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
963   Thunder
Mike See
  1979 4th RDP   Eagles
Dave Lauer
  Bob Randall
Bill Atkinson

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
962   Rats
Joe Dezarlo
  Rick Sweet   Volcanoes
Marc Hollingsworth
  Jim Longborg

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
961   Cubs
Rick Ryan
  Mike Anderson   Forest Citys
Terry Baxter
  Rudy Meoli

Trade #   Team   Traded   To   For
960   Hoosiers
Steve Lehman
  Tom Veryzer   Mountaineers
Steve Brunner
  Mike Vail