League transaction log -- National League
Regular season

3/31/1976DCSKirbyTraded awayEKL After
3/31/1976DCSKirbyAcquired via tradeEKL After
3/31/1976DCSKirbyAcquired via tradeEKL After
3/31/1976DCSWilliams,BTraded awayEKL After
3/31/1976DCSWilliams,BTraded awayEKL After
3/31/1976DCSWilliams,BAcquired via tradeEKL After
3/31/1976PBSMilnerTraded awayELE After
3/31/1976PBSWheelockTraded awayEKL After
3/31/1976PBSWilliams,BAcquired via tradeEKL After
3/31/1976SEAAllenAcquired via tradeEKL After
3/31/1976SEAKirkpatrickTraded awayEKL After
3/31/1976SPKLaCorteTraded awayDAY After
3/31/1976SPKMurphy,TTraded awayDAY After
3/31/1976SPKMurphy,TTraded awayDAY After
3/31/1976SPKMurphy,TAcquired via tradeDAY After
3/31/1976SPKMurphy,TAcquired via tradeGLA After
4/7/1976ROYGantnerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/7/1976ROYMcBrideDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/7/1976WINBrunoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/7/1976WINMcKayDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/12/1976CRUBarePromoted to active roster  Before
4/12/1976CRUStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/12/1976ROYDwyerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/12/1976ROYGantnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/12/1976ROYJones,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/12/1976ROYMcBridePromoted to active roster  Before
4/12/1976WINMartinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/12/1976WINVelezPromoted to active roster  Before
4/13/1976FORArmbristerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/13/1976FORBannisterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/13/1976FORBannisterPromoted to active roster  Before
4/13/1976FORBorgmannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/13/1976FORSawyerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/13/1976FORVarneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/13/1976FORVarneyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/13/1976FORVarneyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/1976ROYBeardTraded awayEKL After
4/17/1976ROYSingerAcquired via tradeEKL After
4/19/1976FORArmbristerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976FORBannisterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976FORBorgmannPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976FORHarmonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976FORRobinson,BrDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976FORVarneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976ROYGuraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976WINBrunoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976WINDemeryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976WINFaheyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976WINFoucaultDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976WINHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/19/1976WINMartinez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976WINRiveraPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976WINSambitoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976WINSarmientoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/19/1976WINWynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976BEABondsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976BEAJackson,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976BEAMoraPromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/1976BEAOatesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976BEASadekPromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/1976BEASchermanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/1976CRUBareDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976CRUBarePromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/1976CRUJones,RiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976ROYColbertSigned  Before
4/24/1976ROYRookerTraded awayEKL After
4/24/1976WINDemeryPromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/1976WINFoucaultPromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/1976WINRiveraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976WINSambitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976WINSarmientoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/24/1976WINWynnPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1976ROYDwyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1976ROYGuraPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1976WINBrett,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1976WINFaheyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1976WINHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1976WINMartinPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1976WINMartinez,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1976WINSambitoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1976WINSarmientoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1976WINVelezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1976WINWallaceDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1976WINWallacePromoted to active roster  Before
5/1/1976FORAlexander,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/1/1976FORSawyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/1/1976ROYHeganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/1/1976ROYThomas,DaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/1/1976SPKBiittnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/1/1976SPKHaneyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/1/1976SPKLowensteinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/1/1976SPKLowensteinPromoted to active roster  Before
5/1/1976SPKRedfernPromoted to active roster  Before
5/1/1976SPKWoodDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/4/1976BEABlair,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/4/1976BEAMcCarverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/4/1976BEAOatesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/4/1976BEAVailPromoted to active roster  Before
5/4/1976CRUAlburyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/4/1976CRUBareDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/4/1976CRUStonePromoted to active roster  Before
5/4/1976SPKDal CantonAcquired via tradeEKL After
5/4/1976SPKWoodTraded awayEKL After
5/6/1976FORBannisterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1976FORHarmonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1976SPKBiittnerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1976SPKHaneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1976SPKRettenmundDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1976WINBrett,KPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1976WINMartinez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1976WINRiveraPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/1976WINSambitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1976WINSarmientoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/6/1976WINWynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/10/1976WINGriffin,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/10/1976WINRiveraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/10/1976WINSambitoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/10/1976WINWynnPromoted to active roster  Before
5/11/1976SPKLowensteinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/11/1976SPKRettenmundPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1976CRUBarePromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1976CRUJones,RiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1976CRUMuserPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1976CRUPowellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/1976CRUSplittorffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/1976CRUStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/1976FORAlexander,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/1976FORBannisterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/1976FORRobinson,BrPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/1976FORVarneyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUBillinghamDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUMedichDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUMuserDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUPowellPromoted to active roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUSplittorffPromoted to active roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUStonePromoted to active roster  Before
5/16/1976CRUSperringTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SEAFrailingDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/16/1976SEALewallynPromoted to active roster  Before
5/16/1976SPKAlomarTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SPKAlomarAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/16/1976SPKAlomarAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/16/1976SPKHoweTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SPKHoweAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/16/1976SPKHoweAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/16/1976SPKRettenmundTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SPKRettenmundTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SPKRettenmundAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/16/1976SPKThomas,DeTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SPKThomas,DeTraded awayCAR After
5/16/1976SPKThomas,DeAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/18/1976BEABlair,PPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEABondsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEADeckerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAJackson,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAMcCarverPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAMeyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAMeyerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAMilbourneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAMoore,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAOatesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAPaganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAPaganPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976BEASharpDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976BEAZachryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976CRUBelloirSigned  Before
5/18/1976CRUBelloirPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976CRUBillinghamPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976CRUChristensonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976FORAlexander,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976FORBannisterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976FORBorgmannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976FORRobinson,BrDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976FORSawyerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976FORVarneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976SPKLowensteinPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976WINFaheyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/18/1976WINHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976WINSambitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/18/1976WINSarmientoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976BEAJeffersonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976BEAMcCarverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976BEAMoore,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976BEAPaganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976BEASchermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976BEAWalkerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976CRUChristensonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976CRUJones,RiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976CRUMedichPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976CRUStoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYColbertDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYHeganPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYJones,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYMcBrideDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYRamirezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYRamirezPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYThomas,DaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYWhittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976ROYBoisclairAcquired via tradeDAY After
5/23/1976WINAuerbachSigned  Before
5/23/1976WINDemeryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/23/1976WINPryorPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976WINRoofReleased  Before
5/23/1976WINSambitoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/23/1976WINHeidemannTraded awayCAR After
5/23/1976WINHeidemannTraded awayCAR After
5/23/1976WINPryorAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/23/1976WINPryorAcquired via tradeCAR After
5/25/1976ROYColbertReleased  Before
5/25/1976WINAuerbachPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1976WINMartinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1976WINSambitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/1976WINSarmientoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/1976WINVelezPromoted to active roster  Before