5/18/1954, ELE54-GLA54, Polo Grounds
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1954 Elephants         2  5  2  0  2  0  2  0  1    14 15  0     8  3
1954 Gladiators        0  0  0  0  2  0  0  0  1     3  6  5     3  1
Elephants            AB  R  H BI   AVG    Gladiators           AB  R  H BI   AVG
Abrams            cf  4  1  2  1  .260    Busby             rf  4  0  1  0  .288       
 Westlake         ph  1  1  1  1  .345    Hatfield          2b  4  0  0  0  .213       
Aaron             lf  2  3  1  2  .250    Mays              cf  4  1  2  1  .367       
 Mele             ph  1  0  0  0  .161    Musial            1b  3  1  0  0  .344       
Collins           1b  4  2  2  2  .236    Woodling          lf  3  0  0  0  .284       
 Boyd             ph  1  0  0  0  .000    Boone             3b  4  0  1  0  .267       
Rosen             3b  5  0  3  4  .278    Brideweser        ss  1  1  1  1  .275       
 Bolling, M       ph  1  0  0  0  .347    Robertson         c   3  0  1  1  .211       
Smith, A          rf  4  0  1  2  .321    Marrero           p   0  0  0  0  .000       
Campanella        c   5  0  0  0  .190     Spahn            p   1  0  0  0  .133       
Dente             ss  5  2  1  0  .179     Jeffcoat         ph  2  0  0  0  .222       
Williams,Dave     2b  5  3  3  1  .302                         29  3  6  3             
Trucks            p   5  2  1  0  .250                                              
                     43 14 15 13                                                    
Elephants                        INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Trucks           W 4-3           9.0  6  3  3  4  6 128  76  3.41
                                 9.0  6  3  3  4  6 128  76 
Gladiators                       INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Marrero          L 1-2           1.0  3  6  1  2  0  42  23  4.58
Spahn                            4.0 10  5  5  2  1  66  39  5.63
Jeffcoat                         4.0  2  3  2  1  0  60  39  6.65
                                 9.0 15 14  8  5  1 168 101 
ELE: Westlake batted for Abrams in the 9th
     Mele batted for Aaron in the 9th
     Boyd batted for Collins in the 9th
     Bolling, M batted for Rosen in the 9th
     Mele moved to 1b in the 9th
     Westlake moved to cf in the 9th
     Bolling, M moved to 3b in the 9th
     Boyd moved to lf in the 9th
GLA: Jeffcoat batted for Spahn in the 5th
     Jeffcoat moved to p in the 6th
E-Busby, Brideweser 3, Jeffcoat. 2B-Williams,Dave, Brideweser, Robertson. 
HR-Williams,Dave(1), Westlake(3), Mays(10). CS-Mays. K-Trucks, Mays, Musial, 
Boone 2, Jeffcoat 2. BB-Abrams, Aaron 2, Collins, Smith, A, Musial, Woodling, 
Brideweser 2. SF-Aaron. 
GWRBI: Rosen
Temperature: 83, Sky: cloudy, Wind: out to left at 13 MPH.
5/18/1954, ELE54-GLA54, Polo Grounds
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1954 Elephants         2  5  2  0  2  0  2  0  1    14 15  0     8  3
1954 Gladiators        0  0  0  0  2  0  0  0  1     3  6  5     3  1
Elephants            -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Abrams            cf 1>43           W.2-3;1-2    S.3-H;2-3    S.1-3      7>e1/th.B-2 
 Westlake         ph                                                                 
Aaron             lf   S            note 1       7/SF.3-H     4            W         
 Mele             ph                                                                 
Collins           1b   e6.1-2;B-1   Spahn        W.1-2        S.3-H;1-2    43.2-3;1-2
                                    note 2                                           
 Boyd             ph                                                                 
Rosen             3b   S.2-H;1-3    S.2-H;1-3    7            15/f.1-2     note 3    
 Bolling, M       ph                                                                 
Smith, A          rf   64/f.3-H     S.3-H;1-2  4>1/L          W.2-3;1-2    31.2-3    
Campanella        c    4            643/gdp      7            31           3         
Dente             ss 2>e6/th.B-2  3>S            9          6>Jeffcoat   8>8         
Williams,Dave     2b   S.2-3        D.1-3      5>HR           43           5/fl      
Trucks            p    note 4       k            S            2/fl         53        
 1: W.3-H;2-3;1-2  2: S.3-H;2XH(72);1-2  3: S.3-H;2-H;B-2(e9/th)  4: e6.3-H;1-2;B-1 
Gladiators           -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Busby             rf 1>8          4>S          6>53           9                      
Hatfield          2b   53           643/gdp      7            7                      
Mays              cf   S            1/g          k          9>HR                     
Musial            1b   CS2(26)    5>W          7>k            8                      
Woodling          lf   8            W.1-2        1/L          43                     
Boone             3b   k            note 1       S            k                      
Brideweser        ss 3>W            D.3-H        W.1-2                               
Robertson         c    7            D.2-H        8                                   
Marrero           p                                                                  
 Spahn            p    643/gdp                                                       
 Jeffcoat         ph                k          8>k                                   
 1: 543/gdp.2-3 
Elephants            -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Abrams            cf                                                                 
 Westlake         ph 9>HR                                                            
Aaron             lf                                                                 
 Mele             ph   4/L                                                           
Collins           1b                                                                 
 Boyd             ph   8                                                             
Rosen             3b                                                                 
 Bolling, M       ph   63                                                            
Smith, A          rf                                                                 
Campanella        c                                                                  
Dente             ss                                                                 
Williams,Dave     2b                                                                 
Trucks            p                                                                  
Gladiators           -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Busby             rf                                                                 
Hatfield          2b                                                                 
Mays              cf                                                                 
Musial            1b                                                                 
Woodling          lf                                                                 
Boone             3b                                                                 
Brideweser        ss                                                                 
Robertson         c                                                                  
Marrero           p                                                                  
 Spahn            p                                                                  
 Jeffcoat         ph                                                                 
Elephants        IN OUT ER                  Gladiators       IN OUT ER                  
Trucks           A1  D6  3 W 4-3            Marrero          A1  B2  1 L 1-2            
                                            Spahn            B3  D6  5                  
                                            Jeffcoat         D7  F4  2