All SPB IV Managers, Here is the roster and info on the Beavers 1977 expansion team that was drafted last evening:
Possum Lake Beavers
Stan Skawkinski, Mgr.
Arlington Stadium
Tom Bruno 77 rookie
Steve Burke 77 rookie
Jeff Byrd 77 rookie
Bob Galasso 77 rookie
Jerry Garvin 77 rookie
Rick Honeycutt 77 rookie
Tom House (Gnomes)
Jerry Johnson (Lemmings)
Dave Lemanczyk (Oaks)
Frank MacCormick (Lightning)
Paul Mitchell (Revenge)
Tom Murphy (Serranos)
Dick Pole (Revenge)
Bill Singer (Firebugs)
Pete Vuckovich (Gnomes)
Mike Willis 77 rookie
Rick Cerone 77 rookie
Bob Stinson (Comets)
Juan Bernhardt, 3b 77 rookie
Sam Ewing, 1b (Ramblers)
Joe Lis, 1b (Hired Guns)
Dave McKay, 2b (Revenge)
Dan Meyer 1b (Oaks)
Larry Milbourne, 2b (Mountain Men)
Tim Nordbrook, ss (Mundys)
Steve Staggs, 2b 77 rookie
Bill Stein, 3b (Plainsmen)
Hector Torres, ss (Mountain Men)
Steve Bowling (Comets)
Steve Braun (Serranos)
Ruppert Jones (Mundys)
John Scott (Magpies)
Otto Velez (Barons)
Gary Woods 77 rookie
The possible expansion players who were not claimed in the draft are:
Dennis DeBarr, p 77 rookie
Steve Hargan, p (Mountain Men)
Chuck Hartenstein, p 77 rookie*
Kevin Pasley, c (Plainsmen)
Phil Roof, c (Mountain Men)
Tommy Smith, of (Generals)
* a rookie for SPB IV at least
These players will remain on the rosters of their 1976 teams, next season, or they will be in the rookie draft.
I think the two expansion managers both did well in covering their needs during this expansion draft. They picked off several rookies and veteran players who will help them out for seasons to come. Good luck to both of these new managers! They have been placed on the list of managers to receive SPB IV messages as of now.
It will be a long haul for them to get through to their next active league involvment. But I'm sure they are both enthusiastic enought about being in SPB, that they will see it through.
For the rest of us, we now know which players will be gone for the 1977 season, and can set our plans accordingly.