July 1984 Results

                             Web Standings -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                             
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Year Team                            W    L   Pct   GB   Runs    RA  Mgn Magi    Pythag 
American League
A.L East
1984 Canton Moondogs                15    7  .682    -    105    86   19           13-9 
1984 East Kenosha Legends           13    9  .591    2    120    75   45           16-6 
1984 Wright Patt Plainsmen          12   10  .545    3     95    90    5          12-10 
1984 Edmonton  Magpies              11   11  .500    4     68    63    5          12-10 
1984 Oyster Creek Nukes             11   11  .500    4    110   113   -3          11-11 
1984 Cedar Rapids Hired Guns         9   13  .409    6     75   112  -37           7-15 
A.L. West
1984 New York  Metropolitans        12   10  .545    -    101    87   14           13-9 
1984 Preble Pelicans                11   11  .500    1     90    94   -4          11-11 
1984 Moose Jaw  Corsairs            11   11  .500    1     93    82   11          12-10 
1984 Surfside Sharks                11   11  .500    1     89    85    4          12-10 
1984 Shelby Stars                   10   12  .455    2     80    97  -17           9-13 
1984 Asylum Inmates                  6   16  .273    6     86   128  -42           7-15 
National League 
N.L. East
1984 Prairie  Bison                 15    7  .682    -    126    76   50           16-6 
1984 San Diego Vaqueros             14    8  .636    1    112    79   33           15-7 
1984 Astoria Zoo Crew               12   10  .545    3    102   106   -4          11-11 
1984 Los Angeles Missions            7   15  .318    8     77   110  -33           7-15 
1984 Toledo Mud Hens                 6   16  .273    9     96   124  -28           8-14 
1984 Frankfort Firebugs              6   16  .273    9     71    96  -25           8-14 
N.L. West
1984 Worcester Grays                19    3  .864    -    110    71   39           16-6 
1984 Hawaii 5-0's                   12   10  .545    7     95    96   -1          11-11 
1984 Anok Island Gnomes             11   11  .500    8     84    96  -12          10-12 
1984 Fairfax Canaries               11   11  .500    8    101   106   -5          10-12 
1984 Rossville Rockets              10   12  .455    9    106   108   -2          11-11 
1984 Kansas City Barons              9   13  .409   10     95   107  -12          10-12 

Name        Overall   Div     Home    Road   vsLHP   vsRHP   Lead7   Tied7   Trail7  1-run   Extra  
American League
A.L East                                                                                            
Moondogs      15-7            8-5     7-2     5-0     10-7    12-0    1-1     2-6     5-0     2-0   
Legends       13-9            9-4     4-5     3-2     10-7    12-3    0-3     1-3     3-4     0-1   
Plainsmen    12-10            9-4     3-6     1-3     11-7    10-1    1-2     1-7     4-5     1-3   
Magpies      11-11            7-6     4-5     2-2     9-9     9-0     2-2     0-9     6-8     0-2   
Nukes        11-11            10-3    1-8     2-2     9-9     9-2     0-3     2-6     4-4     0-2   
Hired Guns    9-13            7-6     2-7     1-4     8-9     8-0     1-1     0-12    2-2           
A.L. West                                                                                           
Metropolita  12-10            8-1     4-9     3-3     9-7     6-1     5-0     1-9     5-4           
Pelicans     11-11            6-3     5-8     3-1     8-10    9-1     1-0     1-10    3-4     1-1   
Corsairs     11-11            5-4     6-7     2-4     9-7     8-1     1-0     2-10    2-3     1-0   
Sharks       11-11            6-3     5-8     1-3     10-8    8-1     3-2     0-8     4-3     2-0   
Stars        10-12            5-4     5-8     3-3     7-9     7-1     2-1     1-10    6-4     3-1   
Inmates       6-16            3-6     3-10    2-2     4-14    5-1     0-2     1-13    3-6     1-1   
National League 
N.L. East                                                                                           
Bison         15-7            9-4     6-3     6-2     9-5     10-2    3-0     2-5     3-5     1-1   
Vaqueros      14-8            6-7     8-1     6-4     8-4     12-2    2-1     0-5     2-4     3-1   
Zoo Crew     12-10            8-5     4-5     5-4     7-6     6-0     3-0     3-10    7-3     3-0   
Missions      7-15            6-7     1-8     2-7     5-8     5-2     0-1     2-12    5-2     2-0   
Mud Hens      6-16            4-9     2-7     2-7     4-9     5-1     1-2     0-13    3-3     2-1   
Firebugs      6-16            6-7     0-9     3-7     3-9     5-2     1-4     0-10    2-4     1-3   
N.L. West                                                                                           
Grays         19-3            9-0     10-3    7-1     12-2    11-1    5-1     3-1     5-2     2-2   
5-0's        12-10            5-4     7-6     4-3     8-7     12-0    0-2     0-8     4-4     0-1   
Gnomes       11-11            6-3     5-8     4-5     7-6     9-2     0-1     2-8     5-4     1-2   
Canaries     11-11            5-4     6-7     4-4     7-7     9-1     0-3     2-7     3-4     2-3   
Rockets      10-12            6-3     4-9     4-3     6-9     7-2     2-1     1-9     3-3     1-1   
Barons        9-13            2-7     7-6     2-4     7-9     7-1     1-2     1-10    1-5     0-3   
                            Web Standings -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                             
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Name         Pct   DPct  HPct  APct  LPct  RPct L7Pct T7Pct B7Pct 1RPct ExPct PyPct 
American League
A.L East                                                                            
Moondogs     .682  .000  .615  .778 1.000  .588 1.000  .500  .250 1.000 1.000  .599 
Legends      .591  .000  .692  .444  .600  .588  .800  .000  .250  .429  .000  .719 
Plainsmen    .545  .000  .692  .333  .250  .611  .909  .333  .125  .444  .250  .527 
Magpies      .500  .000  .538  .444  .500  .500 1.000  .500  .000  .429  .000  .538 
Nukes        .500  .000  .769  .111  .500  .500  .818  .000  .250  .500  .000  .487 
Hired Guns   .409  .000  .538  .222  .200  .471 1.000  .500  .000  .500  .000  .310 
A.L. West                                                                           
Metropolita  .545  .000  .889  .308  .500  .563  .857 1.000  .100  .556  .000  .574 
Pelicans     .500  .000  .667  .385  .750  .444  .900 1.000  .091  .429  .500  .478 
Corsairs     .500  .000  .556  .462  .333  .563  .889 1.000  .167  .400 1.000  .563 
Sharks       .500  .000  .667  .385  .250  .556  .889  .600  .000  .571 1.000  .523 
Stars        .455  .000  .556  .385  .500  .438  .875  .667  .091  .600  .750  .405 
Inmates      .273  .000  .333  .231  .500  .222  .833  .000  .071  .333  .500  .311 
National League 
N.L. East                                                                           
Bison        .682  .000  .692  .667  .750  .643  .833 1.000  .286  .375  .500  .733 
Vaqueros     .636  .000  .462  .889  .600  .667  .857  .667  .000  .333  .750  .668 
Zoo Crew     .545  .000  .615  .444  .556  .538 1.000 1.000  .231  .700 1.000  .481 
Missions     .318  .000  .462  .111  .222  .385  .714  .000  .143  .714 1.000  .329 
Mud Hens     .273  .000  .308  .222  .222  .308  .833  .333  .000  .500  .667  .375 
Firebugs     .273  .000  .462  .000  .300  .250  .714  .200  .000  .333  .250  .354 
N.L. West                                                                           
Grays        .864  .000 1.000  .769  .875  .857  .917  .833  .750  .714  .500  .706 
5-0's        .545  .000  .556  .538  .571  .533 1.000  .000  .000  .500  .000  .495 
Gnomes       .500  .000  .667  .385  .444  .538  .818  .000  .200  .556  .333  .434 
Canaries     .500  .000  .556  .462  .500  .500  .900  .000  .222  .429  .400  .476 
Rockets      .455  .000  .667  .308  .571  .400  .778  .667  .100  .500  .500  .491 
Barons       .409  .000  .222  .538  .333  .438  .875  .333  .091  .167  .000  .441 

                         DMB team pitching totals -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                       
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Team                           ERA    W    L    S    G   CG     INN     H     R    ER    BB     K   HR  GDP 
Edmonton  Magpies             2.59   11   11    4   22    6   198.0   161    63    57    56   125    9   13 
Prairie  Bison                2.72   15    7    7   22    1   198.1   179    76    60    71   115   15   20 
Worcester Grays               2.96   19    3   13   22    3   203.2   181    71    67    54   126   14   16 
San Diego Vaqueros            2.97   14    8    5   22    5   212.0   171    79    70    65   133   19   26 
Canton Moondogs               3.18   15    7    4   22    7   204.0   186    86    72    41   106   21   16 
East Kenosha Legends          3.25   13    9    4   22    4   196.2   171    75    71    57   114   19   22 
Surfside Sharks               3.36   11   11    5   22    4   192.2   188    85    72    56   122   12   14 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs           3.43   11   11    3   22    6   194.0   202    82    74    57   108   18   10 
Wright Patt Plainsmen         3.55   12   10   10   22    2   203.0   212    90    80    57   107   14   15 
Shelby Stars                  3.70   10   12    5   22    2   202.0   191    97    83    77   108   19   10 
Hawaii 5-0's                  3.82   12   10    4   22    2   193.0   204    96    82    95   114   12   15 
Preble Pelicans               3.86   11   11    5   22    3   198.1   206    94    85    66    96   19   27 
New York  Metropolitans       3.89   12   10    8   22    2   189.2   176    87    82    72   138   23   15 
Anok Island Gnomes            3.92   11   11    4   22    3   195.0   210    96    85    75    93   12   22 
Frankfort Firebugs            3.95    6   16    1   22    4   196.0   199    96    86    59   116   15   14 
Kansas City Barons            4.18    9   13    4   22    3   206.2   208   107    96    87   142   20   19 
Fairfax Canaries              4.30   11   11    4   22    4   203.0   201   106    97    77    95   14   13 
Astoria Zoo Crew              4.33   12   10    4   22    1   199.1   223   106    96    68   130   24   11 
Oyster Creek Nukes            4.44   11   11    3   22    3   194.2   225   113    96    70   128   19   11 
Los Angeles Missions          4.53    7   15    2   22    3   194.2   210   110    98    71    98   16   17 
Rossville Rockets             4.71   10   12    5   22    3   193.0   232   108   101    69   102   14   30 
Toledo Mud Hens               4.88    6   16    2   22    0   197.1   213   124   107    83   122   19   16 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns       4.90    9   13    5   22    4   191.0   208   112   104    60    88   19   21 
Asylum Inmates                5.37    6   16    3   22    1   194.1   238   128   116    62    89   32   14 
Totals                        3.86  264  264  114  528   76  4750.1  4795  2287  2037  1605  2715  418  407 

Team                          IW  HBP   SH   SF   WP  BK   SB   CS   PK   H/9  BB/9   R/9   K/9  HR/9 K/BB 
Edmonton  Magpies              2    8   10    4    7   0   26   11    4   7.3   2.5  10.2   5.7   0.4  2.2 
Prairie  Bison                 7    1    3    6    5   6   14    5    1   8.1   3.2  11.4   5.2   0.7  1.6 
Worcester Grays                9    4    5    5    2   2   15   11    1   8.0   2.4  10.6   5.6   0.6  2.3 
San Diego Vaqueros             1    6    7    2    4   1   15    7    0   7.3   2.8  10.3   5.6   0.8  2.0 
Canton Moondogs                0    9    3    7    0   0   12    4    2   8.2   1.8  10.4   4.7   0.9  2.6 
East Kenosha Legends           1    3    2    5    9   0   16    3    2   7.8   2.6  10.6   5.2   0.9  2.0 
Surfside Sharks                5    4    6    4    7   1    7    5    2   8.8   2.6  11.6   5.7   0.6  2.2 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs            2    1    6    8    2   1    8    4    2   9.4   2.6  12.1   5.0   0.8  1.9 
Wright Patt Plainsmen          6    8    7    9    3   0   22    4    1   9.4   2.5  12.3   4.7   0.6  1.9 
Shelby Stars                   3    6   11    8    7   3    6    2    1   8.5   3.4  12.2   4.8   0.8  1.4 
Hawaii 5-0's                   3    3    9   13   10   3   25   10    1   9.5   4.4  14.1   5.3   0.6  1.2 
Preble Pelicans                6    7   12    8    4   0    5    6    1   9.3   3.0  12.7   4.4   0.9  1.5 
New York  Metropolitans        5    9    4    4    6   0    4    1    1   8.4   3.4  12.2   6.5   1.1  1.9 
Anok Island Gnomes             5    3    3   13    9   3   16   10    1   9.7   3.5  13.3   4.3   0.6  1.2 
Frankfort Firebugs             7    8    8    6   13   1    9   11    3   9.1   2.7  12.2   5.3   0.7  2.0 
Kansas City Barons             9    1   13    7    6   4   14    8    1   9.1   3.8  12.9   6.2   0.9  1.6 
Fairfax Canaries               3    4    8    5    9   0   15    6    0   8.9   3.4  12.5   4.2   0.6  1.2 
Astoria Zoo Crew              12    3   12    8    4   3   10    7    1  10.1   3.1  13.3   5.9   1.1  1.9 
Oyster Creek Nukes             5    4   10   12    7   3    9    3    0  10.4   3.2  13.8   5.9   0.9  1.8 
Los Angeles Missions           8    4   13    7    5   5   15    9    1   9.7   3.3  13.2   4.5   0.7  1.4 
Rossville Rockets              9    5   17    4    5   3   13    7    6  10.8   3.2  14.3   4.8   0.7  1.5 
Toledo Mud Hens                8    6    9    8    4   4   16    7    2   9.7   3.8  13.8   5.6   0.9  1.5 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns        4    5   12    8   12   1    9    5    1   9.8   2.8  12.9   4.1   0.9  1.5 
Asylum Inmates                 7    7    7    6    9   0    7    8    0  11.0   2.9  14.2   4.1   1.5  1.4 
Totals                       127  119  197  167  149  44  308  154   35   9.1   3.0  12.4   5.1   0.8  1.7 
                       DMB team pitching totals -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                       
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Team                                    OPS  WHIP    BIP IPAVG    TBW TBW/BF   TBWH TBWH/BF      RC RC27  RCERA   CERA 
Edmonton  Magpies                      .583  1.10    605  .251    273   .340    281    .350    63.6  2.9   2.60   2.45 
Prairie  Bison                         .659  1.26    629  .261    337   .406    338    .407    80.3  3.6   3.28   3.18 
Worcester Grays                        .633  1.15    631  .265    315   .380    319    .385    73.3  3.2   2.92   2.80 
San Diego Vaqueros                     .629  1.11    634  .240    331   .386    337    .393    72.5  3.0   2.77   2.76 
Canton Moondogs                        .645  1.11    660  .250    322   .385    331    .395    78.8  3.4   3.13   3.01 
East Kenosha Legends                   .651  1.16    610  .249    324   .403    327    .407    75.5  3.4   3.11   3.00 
Surfside Sharks                        .658  1.27    625  .282    320   .391    324    .396    80.3  3.7   3.38   3.26 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs                    .707  1.34    648  .284    355   .427    356    .428    95.8  4.4   4.00   3.80 
Wright Patt Plainsmen                  .676  1.33    689  .287    340   .389    348    .398    93.8  4.1   3.74   3.71 
Shelby Stars                           .694  1.33    666  .258    369   .421    375    .428    97.4  4.3   3.91   3.68 
Hawaii 5-0's                           .744  1.55    635  .302    382   .445    385    .448   108.4  5.0   4.55   4.53 
Preble Pelicans                        .726  1.37    665  .281    366   .429    373    .437    95.3  4.2   3.89   4.10 
New York  Metropolitans                .718  1.31    579  .264    367   .447    376    .458    94.2  4.4   4.02   3.83 
Anok Island Gnomes                     .721  1.46    666  .297    362   .426    365    .430    97.3  4.4   4.04   4.21 
Frankfort Firebugs                     .702  1.32    640  .287    348   .415    356    .425    91.0  4.1   3.76   3.70 
Kansas City Barons                     .731  1.43    645  .291    398   .445    399    .446   105.0  4.5   4.11   4.13 
Fairfax Canaries                       .691  1.37    681  .275    360   .413    364    .418    96.0  4.3   3.83   3.78 
Astoria Zoo Crew                       .768  1.46    655  .304    407   .463    410    .466   116.0  5.2   4.71   4.58 
Oyster Creek Nukes                     .762  1.52    656  .314    395   .450    399    .455   116.8  5.3   4.86   4.74 
Los Angeles Missions                   .732  1.44    664  .292    369   .433    373    .437   101.3  4.6   4.21   4.25 
Rossville Rockets                      .788  1.56    661  .330    387   .455    392    .461   111.5  5.2   4.68   4.97 
Toledo Mud Hens                        .788  1.50    659  .294    431   .485    437    .492   121.2  5.4   4.98   4.55 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns                .777  1.40    648  .292    383   .467    388    .473   106.6  5.0   4.52   4.35 
Asylum Inmates                         .843  1.54    690  .299    454   .516    461    .524   135.5  6.2   5.65   5.56 
Totals                                 .710  1.35  15541  .282   8695   .426   8814    .432  2294.7  4.3   3.91   3.84 

Team                          GS   CG   CG%  SHO   QS   QS%    RS  RS/G   RL  RLS   RL%  PCH/G  STR% 
Edmonton  Magpies             22    6  .273    3   15  .682    68   3.1    5    2  .400  131.9  .630 
Prairie  Bison                22    1  .045    1   15  .682   126   5.7   32    9  .281  136.6  .606 
Worcester Grays               22    3  .136    1   15  .682   110   5.0   20    3  .150  130.7  .629 
San Diego Vaqueros            22    5  .227    2   18  .818   112   5.1   10    4  .400  141.9  .629 
Canton Moondogs               22    7  .318    2   12  .545   105   4.8   18   10  .556  131.1  .653 
East Kenosha Legends          22    4  .182    1   19  .864   120   5.5   17    9  .529  131.5  .628 
Surfside Sharks               22    4  .182    1   15  .682    89   4.0   23    7  .304  127.9  .638 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs           22    6  .273    4   14  .636    93   4.2   12    5  .417  138.5  .631 
Wright Patt Plainsmen         22    2  .091    0   11  .500    95   4.3   22    8  .364  139.5  .637 
Shelby Stars                  22    2  .091    1   12  .545    80   3.6   18    4  .222  143.7  .622 
Hawaii 5-0's                  22    2  .091    2   14  .636    95   4.3   40   14  .350  144.8  .590 
Preble Pelicans               22    3  .136    2   10  .455    90   4.1   21   10  .476  136.5  .626 
New York  Metropolitans       22    2  .091    1   10  .455   101   4.6   24    6  .250  138.5  .615 
Anok Island Gnomes            22    3  .136    2   13  .591    84   3.8   23   14  .609  136.5  .617 
Frankfort Firebugs            22    4  .182    2   14  .636    71   3.2   23    8  .348  129.8  .629 
Kansas City Barons            22    3  .136    1   13  .591    95   4.3   29   10  .345  149.5  .596 
Fairfax Canaries              22    4  .182    4   10  .455   101   4.6   28   16  .571  145.7  .609 
Astoria Zoo Crew              22    1  .045    0   10  .455   102   4.6   23    9  .391  138.7  .639 
Oyster Creek Nukes            22    3  .136    2   13  .591   110   5.0   37   16  .432  143.8  .616 
Los Angeles Missions          22    3  .136    1   10  .455    77   3.5   33   11  .333  134.8  .607 
Rossville Rockets             22    3  .136    0   14  .636   106   4.8   31    9  .290  133.7  .617 
Toledo Mud Hens               22    0  .000    0   12  .545    96   4.4   15    3  .200  148.1  .602 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns       22    4  .182    3   12  .545    75   3.4   16    6  .375  132.2  .618 
Asylum Inmates                22    1  .045    0    9  .409    86   3.9   19    5  .263  138.5  .624 
Totals                       528   76  .144   36  310  .587  2287   4.3  539  198  .367  137.7  .621 
                       DMB team pitching totals -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                       
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Team                         SVO    S   SV%   BS   BS%  HLD   IR  IRS   IR%    G   GR  R/G   GF R/GF 
Edmonton  Magpies              6    4  .667    2  .333    0    5    2  .400   22   26  1.2   16  1.6 
Prairie  Bison                12    7  .583    5  .417    4   32    9  .281   22   44  2.0   21  2.1 
Worcester Grays               14   13  .929    1  .071    5   20    3  .150   22   43  2.0   19  2.3 
San Diego Vaqueros             8    5  .625    3  .375    2   10    4  .400   22   27  1.2   17  1.6 
Canton Moondogs                5    4  .800    1  .200    1   18   10  .556   22   28  1.3   15  1.9 
East Kenosha Legends           8    4  .500    3  .375    9   17    9  .529   22   37  1.7   18  2.1 
Surfside Sharks                6    5  .833    1  .167    0   23    7  .304   22   33  1.5   18  1.8 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs            4    3  .750    1  .250    1   12    5  .417   22   27  1.2   16  1.7 
Wright Patt Plainsmen         12   10  .833    2  .167    4   22    8  .364   22   38  1.7   20  1.9 
Shelby Stars                   8    5  .625    3  .375    2   18    4  .222   22   37  1.7   20  1.9 
Hawaii 5-0's                   8    4  .500    3  .375    5   40   14  .350   22   42  1.9   20  2.1 
Preble Pelicans                7    5  .714    2  .286    3   21   10  .476   22   37  1.7   19  1.9 
New York  Metropolitans       10    8  .800    1  .100    2   24    6  .250   22   36  1.6   20  1.8 
Anok Island Gnomes             6    4  .667    2  .333    1   23   14  .609   22   35  1.6   19  1.8 
Frankfort Firebugs             4    1  .250    3  .750    2   23    8  .348   22   34  1.5   18  1.9 
Kansas City Barons             5    4  .800    1  .200    2   29   10  .345   22   42  1.9   19  2.2 
Fairfax Canaries               6    4  .667    2  .333    4   28   16  .571   22   44  2.0   18  2.4 
Astoria Zoo Crew               6    4  .667    2  .333    3   23    9  .391   22   46  2.1   21  2.2 
Oyster Creek Nukes             7    3  .429    4  .571    5   37   16  .432   22   40  1.8   19  2.1 
Los Angeles Missions           5    2  .400    3  .600    0   33   11  .333   22   33  1.5   19  1.7 
Rossville Rockets              8    5  .625    3  .375    5   31    9  .290   22   38  1.7   19  2.0 
Toledo Mud Hens                3    2  .667    1  .333    2   15    3  .200   22   47  2.1   22  2.1 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns        6    5  .833    1  .167    0   16    6  .375   22   31  1.4   18  1.7 
Asylum Inmates                 4    3  .750    1  .250    0   19    5  .263   22   40  1.8   21  1.9 
Totals                       168  114  .679   51  .304   62  539  198  .367  528  885  1.7  452  2.0 

                        DMB team batting totals -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                        
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Team                          AVG   OBP   SPC     AB     R     H   2B   3B   HR   RBI    BB     K   SB   CS 
Oyster Creek Nukes           .308  .356  .449    792   110   244   47    4   19   108    59   114    6    4 
San Diego Vaqueros           .299  .354  .409    817   112   244   33    9   13   109    73   103    9    6 
Prairie  Bison               .294  .373  .464    746   126   219   35   10   24   119    94    97   20    6 
Worcester Grays              .285  .346  .429    771   110   220   35    8   20   105    72   129   17    9 
New York  Metropolitans      .283  .337  .430    746   101   211   36    1   24    97    61   105    4    4 
Los Angeles Missions         .278  .330  .334    745    77   207   29    2    3    73    57   100   18   14 
East Kenosha Legends         .271  .340  .441    759   120   206   42    0   29   117    74   105    4    5 
Rossville Rockets            .268  .316  .419    769   106   206   29   12   21    98    50   116   18   10 
Toledo Mud Hens              .266  .328  .374    770    96   205   29    3   16    90    69    96   21   13 
Hawaii 5-0's                 .261  .328  .403    744    95   194   37    6   19    88    73   100    9    7 
Preble Pelicans              .259  .302  .369    781    90   202   37    2   15    83    42    98   13    8 
Wright Patt Plainsmen        .258  .319  .370    778    95   201   38    8   11    94    64    99    5    3 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs          .258  .318  .398    741    93   191   30    7   20    88    67   117    8    6 
Astoria Zoo Crew             .256  .327  .373    766   102   196   22    7   18    97    84   131   20    6 
Fairfax Canaries             .255  .327  .364    791   101   202   46    5   10    97    86   120    8    4 
Edmonton  Magpies            .252  .302  .371    746    68   188   23    9   16    65    53   111   11    7 
Canton Moondogs              .251  .323  .415    776   105   195   29    1   32   100    78   105    4    0 
Kansas City Barons           .251  .304  .387    794    95   199   26    5   24    94    58   125    7    6 
Surfside Sharks              .247  .305  .380    740    89   183   39    4   17    82    61   127   14    2 
Shelby Stars                 .246  .302  .332    783    80   193   26    4   11    73    56   106   23    7 
Asylum Inmates               .242  .297  .332    756    86   183   22    2   14    85    54   115   32    3 
Anok Island Gnomes           .235  .310  .348    742    84   174   36    3   14    78    78   124   20   10 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns      .231  .295  .364    722    75   167   32    8   16    73    62   127    7    7 
Frankfort Firebugs           .226  .301  .334    731    71   165   31    6   12    69    80   145   10    7 
Totals                       .262  .323  .387  18306  2287  4795  789  126  418  2182  1605  2715  308  154 

Team                           G     PA  HBP   IW   SH   SF  GDP   CI      RC RC27   ISO  TAVG    TB  R/G 
Oyster Creek Nukes            22    871    3    7   11    6   18    0   124.6  5.7  .141  .744   356  5.0 
San Diego Vaqueros            22    912    3   11    8   11   23    0   116.6  5.1  .110  .696   334  5.1 
Prairie  Bison                22    873    5    5   21    7   22    0   131.3  6.1  .170  .838   346  5.7 
Worcester Grays               22    872    4    7   16    8   14    1   116.1  5.2  .144  .739   331  5.0 
New York  Metropolitans       22    826    3    0    8    7   20    1   105.7  5.0  .147  .696   321  4.6 
Los Angeles Missions          22    825    5    2    9    9   23    0    79.7  3.6  .056  .572   249  3.5 
East Kenosha Legends          22    855    7    8   10    5    8    0   116.6  5.4  .170  .742   335  5.5 
Rossville Rockets             22    831    5    4    5    2   17    0    98.1  4.4  .151  .669   322  4.8 
Toledo Mud Hens               22    855    5    8    4    7   21    0    92.2  4.1  .108  .639   288  4.4 
Hawaii 5-0's                  22    835    5   10    5    8   18    0    97.4  4.5  .142  .673   300  4.3 
Preble Pelicans               22    846   10    3    6    7   12    0    86.9  3.8  .110  .589   288  4.1 
Wright Patt Plainsmen         22    866    8    8    9    7   15    0    92.9  4.1  .112  .613   288  4.3 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs           22    828    3    4    8    9   20    0    92.3  4.2  .140  .648   295  4.2 
Astoria Zoo Crew              22    864    1    8    4    9   12    0    98.4  4.4  .117  .665   286  4.6 
Fairfax Canaries              22    892    2    8    5    7   19    1    95.7  4.1  .109  .627   288  4.6 
Edmonton  Magpies             22    815    3    1    7    6   19    0    81.3  3.7  .119  .589   277  3.1 
Canton Moondogs               22    871    7    3    3    7   16    0   106.3  4.7  .164  .688   322  4.8 
Kansas City Barons            22    881    7    3   13    8   19    1    91.7  3.9  .136  .611   307  4.3 
Surfside Sharks               22    830    5    5   13   11    9    0    90.8  4.1  .132  .636   281  4.0 
Shelby Stars                  22    857    8    1    5    5   18    0    79.5  3.4  .086  .564   260  3.6 
Asylum Inmates                22    828    8    5    4    6   19    0    77.5  3.5  .090  .580   251  3.9 
Anok Island Gnomes            22    837    5   11    8    4   17    0    80.6  3.6  .113  .607   258  3.8 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns       22    803    6    1    6    7   14    0    77.5  3.6  .133  .587   263  3.4 
Frankfort Firebugs            22    825    1    4    9    4   14    0    75.3  3.4  .108  .571   244  3.2 
Totals                       528  20398  119  127  197  167  407    4  2294.7  4.3  .125  .648  7090  4.3 
                       DMB team batting totals -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                        
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

Team                          OPS PA/G AB/G    BIP IPAVG    TBW TBW/PA   TBWH TBWH/PA K/BB 
Oyster Creek Nukes           .805 39.5 36.0    676  .333    415   .476    418    .480  1.9 
San Diego Vaqueros           .763 41.4 37.1    720  .321    407   .446    410    .450  1.4 
Prairie  Bison               .837 39.6 33.9    653  .299    440   .504    445    .510  1.0 
Worcester Grays              .776 39.6 35.0    647  .309    403   .462    407    .467  1.8 
New York  Metropolitans      .767 37.5 33.9    633  .295    382   .462    385    .466  1.7 
Los Angeles Missions         .664 37.5 33.8    660  .309    306   .371    311    .377  1.8 
East Kenosha Legends         .781 38.8 34.5    640  .277    409   .478    416    .487  1.4 
Rossville Rockets            .735 37.7 34.9    639  .290    372   .448    377    .454  2.3 
Toledo Mud Hens              .702 38.8 35.0    669  .283    357   .418    362    .423  1.4 
Hawaii 5-0's                 .731 37.9 33.8    638  .274    373   .447    378    .453  1.4 
Preble Pelicans              .671 38.4 35.5    681  .275    330   .390    340    .402  2.3 
Wright Patt Plainsmen        .689 39.3 35.3    684  .278    352   .406    360    .416  1.5 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs          .716 37.6 33.6    621  .275    362   .437    365    .441  1.7 
Astoria Zoo Crew             .700 39.2 34.8    630  .283    370   .428    371    .429  1.6 
Fairfax Canaries             .691 40.5 35.9    674  .285    374   .419    376    .422  1.4 
Edmonton  Magpies            .673 37.0 33.9    632  .272    330   .405    333    .409  2.1 
Canton Moondogs              .738 39.5 35.2    649  .251    400   .459    407    .467  1.3 
Kansas City Barons           .691 40.0 36.0    667  .262    365   .414    372    .422  2.2 
Surfside Sharks              .685 37.7 33.6    620  .268    342   .412    347    .418  2.1 
Shelby Stars                 .634 38.9 35.5    676  .269    316   .369    324    .378  1.9 
Asylum Inmates               .629 37.6 34.3    637  .265    305   .368    313    .378  2.1 
Anok Island Gnomes           .658 38.0 33.7    616  .260    336   .401    341    .407  1.6 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns      .659 36.5 32.8    592  .255    325   .405    331    .412  2.0 
Frankfort Firebugs           .635 37.5 33.2    587  .261    324   .393    325    .394  1.8 
Totals                       .710 38.6 34.6  15541  .282   8695   .426   8814    .432  1.7 

                            --------------------Versus Left-handed Pitchers-------------------- 
Team                          AVG   OBP   SPC   OPS    AB     H   2B   3B   HR   RBI   BB     K 
Oyster Creek Nukes           .297  .364  .435  .798   138    41    8    1    3    19   15    21 
San Diego Vaqueros           .280  .337  .363  .699   353    99    8    6    3    40   30    47 
Prairie  Bison               .287  .367  .430  .797   272    78   15    3    6    39   34    33 
Worcester Grays              .236  .288  .335  .623   263    62   12    1    4    27   20    35 
New York  Metropolitans      .251  .312  .361  .673   183    46    8    0    4    20   16    28 
Los Angeles Missions         .235  .273  .265  .538   298    70    9    0    0    21   15    47 
East Kenosha Legends         .305  .376  .506  .882   164    50   15    0    6    27   19    18 
Rossville Rockets            .257  .305  .407  .712   241    62   11    2    7    34   17    46 
Toledo Mud Hens              .288  .348  .394  .742   274    79   12    1    5    28   24    34 
Hawaii 5-0's                 .272  .340  .443  .782   235    64   13    3    7    38   24    40 
Preble Pelicans              .302  .344  .407  .750   182    55    7    0    4    25   11    25 
Wright Patt Plainsmen        .250  .323  .333  .656   168    42    6    1    2    14   13    31 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs          .280  .346  .425  .771   186    52   10    1    5    27   21    27 
Astoria Zoo Crew             .241  .298  .364  .662   319    77   11    2    8    33   28    57 
Fairfax Canaries             .287  .372  .398  .770   261    75   23    3    0    34   37    41 
Edmonton  Magpies            .244  .290  .341  .630   135    33    4    3    1    14    9    19 
Canton Moondogs              .207  .252  .372  .625   188    39   11    1    6    26   12    29 
Kansas City Barons           .252  .314  .342  .657   222    56    6    1    4    28   19    26 
Surfside Sharks              .207  .267  .304  .570   135    28    5    1    2    13   12    18 
Shelby Stars                 .198  .242  .263  .505   217    43    6    1    2    12   12    29 
Asylum Inmates               .257  .294  .424  .718   144    37    5    2    5    24    7    21 
Anok Island Gnomes           .216  .316  .366  .683   273    59   13    2    8    26   39    48 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns      .247  .323  .324  .646   170    42    7    0    2    13   20    23 
Frankfort Firebugs           .256  .337  .365  .703   301    77   10    4    5    36   36    53 
Totals                       .257  .319  .371  .691  5322  1366  235   39   99   618  490   796 
                       DMB team batting totals -- Seasons Past Baseball - IV                        
                                       Regular season -- July                                       

                            --------------------Versus Right-handed Pitchers------------------- 
Team                          AVG   OBP   SPC   OPS    AB     H   2B   3B   HR   RBI   BB     K 
Oyster Creek Nukes           .310  .354  .453  .807   654   203   39    3   16    89   44    93 
San Diego Vaqueros           .313  .367  .444  .811   464   145   25    3   10    69   43    56 
Prairie  Bison               .297  .377  .483  .860   474   141   20    7   18    80   60    64 
Worcester Grays              .311  .376  .478  .854   508   158   23    7   16    78   52    94 
New York  Metropolitans      .293  .345  .453  .798   563   165   28    1   20    77   45    77 
Los Angeles Missions         .306  .366  .380  .747   447   137   20    2    3    52   42    53 
East Kenosha Legends         .262  .329  .424  .753   595   156   27    0   23    90   55    87 
Rossville Rockets            .273  .321  .424  .745   528   144   18   10   14    64   33    70 
Toledo Mud Hens              .254  .317  .363  .680   496   126   17    2   11    62   45    62 
Hawaii 5-0's                 .255  .322  .385  .707   509   130   24    3   12    50   49    60 
Preble Pelicans              .245  .290  .357  .647   599   147   30    2   11    58   31    73 
Wright Patt Plainsmen        .261  .317  .380  .698   610   159   32    7    9    80   51    68 
Moose Jaw  Corsairs          .250  .309  .389  .698   555   139   20    6   15    61   46    90 
Astoria Zoo Crew             .266  .346  .380  .727   447   119   11    5   10    64   56    74 
Fairfax Canaries             .240  .304  .347  .651   530   127   23    2   10    63   49    79 
Edmonton  Magpies            .254  .305  .378  .683   611   155   19    6   15    51   44    92 
Canton Moondogs              .265  .344  .429  .772   588   156   18    0   26    74   66    76 
Kansas City Barons           .250  .301  .404  .704   572   143   20    4   20    66   39    99 
Surfside Sharks              .256  .313  .397  .710   605   155   34    3   15    69   49   109 
Shelby Stars                 .265  .324  .359  .682   566   150   20    3    9    61   44    77 
Asylum Inmates               .239  .298  .310  .609   612   146   17    0    9    61   47    94 
Anok Island Gnomes           .245  .306  .337  .643   469   115   23    1    6    52   39    76 
Cedar Rapids Hired Guns      .226  .286  .377  .663   552   125   25    8   14    60   42   104 
Frankfort Firebugs           .205  .276  .312  .588   430    88   21    2    7    33   44    92 
Totals                       .264  .324  .394  .718 12984  3429  554   87  319  1564 1115  1919 

July Player Awards


 AMERICAN LEAGUE: Tom Kackley, Canton Moondogs, 15-7

 NATIONAL LEAGUE:  Hugh McElaney, Worcester Grays, 19-3 (including 10-3 on the road)


 AMERICAN LEAGUE:  Dwight Evans, Edmonton Magpies, .635 spc, 3 3b, 7 hr

 NATIONAL LEAGUE:  Andre Thornton, Hawaii 5-0s, .350 ba, .725 spc, 19 rbi, 8 hr


 AMERICAN LEAGUE:  Phil Niekro, East Kenosha Legends, 6-1, 38 Ks, 2.45 era in 55 ips

 NATIONAL LEAGUE:   Doyle Alexander, Worcester Grays, 5-0, in 6 starts, 2.49 era


 AMERICAN LEAGUE:  Lee Smith, 10-11 in save opps and 14 apps, 3.18 era

 NATIONAL LEAGUE:  Dave Righetti, Worcester Grays, 1.80 era, 11 saves in 12 opps and 16 apps

