9/19/1986, WOR86-ANO86, County Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1986 Grays             0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  2  1
1986 Gnomes            0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  2  1
                      13 14     R  H  E   LOB DP
1986 Grays             0  2     7 11  2     9  2
1986 Gnomes            0  0     5 15  2    13  1
Grays                AB  R  H BI   AVG    Gnomes               AB  R  H BI   AVG
Randolph          2b  4  0  0  1  .256    Thompson M        cf  7  1  1  0  .262
 Hrbek            ph  1  0  0  0  .239     McDowell R       p   0  0  0  0  .125
 Soff             p   0  0  0  0  .000    Hubbard           2b  7  1  1  0  .225
 Almon            ss  1  1  0  1  .236    Kruk              lf  6  1  2  1  .343
Phillips          3b  7  0  2  0  .256    Upshaw            1b  7  0  2  0  .301
Davis E           lf  5  1  2  2  .276    Pena T            c   6  0  2  1  .282
Lansford          1b  7  1  2  0  .295    Iorg G            3b  3  0  1  0  .223
Yount             cf  6  2  4  1  .310     Leonard J        ph  0  0  0  1  .335
Melvin            c   2  0  0  0  .232     Templeton        ss  0  0  0  0  .259
 Scioscia         ph  3  0  0  1  .260     Jones Bob        ph  1  1  1  0 1.000
Gagne             ss  5  0  0  0  .254     Wellman          ss  1  0  0  0  .250
 Slaton           p   0  0  0  0  .000     Hamilton         ph  1  0  0  0  .253
 Diaz M           ph  0  0  0  0  .262    Oglivie           rf  6  1  1  2  .282
 Holland          p   0  0  0  0  .250    DeJesus           ss  2  0  1  0  .200
Walker T          rf  2  1  0  0  .333     Robidoux         ph  1  0  0  0  .247
 Strawberry       ph  3  1  1  0  .271     Meacham          ss  0  0  0  0  .225
Alexander         p   2  0  0  0  .137     Butler           ph  1  0  0  0  .269
 Lopez            p   0  0  0  0  .000     Henke            p   0  0  0  0  .000
 Righetti         p   0  0  0  0  .500     Perez T          ph  1  0  0  0  .222
 Walling          ph  1  0  0  0  .336     Whitson          p   0  0  0  0  .154
 Stapleton        2b  0  0  0  0  .000     Martinez T       p   1  0  1  0 1.000
 Mumphrey         ph  1  0  0  0  .346     Shepherd         pr  0  0  0  0  .000
 Khalifa          2b  1  0  0  0  .000    Key               p   1  0  0  0  .167
                     51  7 11  6           Candaele         ph  1  0  0  0  .225
                                           Fisher           p   0  0  0  0  .000
                                           Agosto           p   0  0  0  0  .000
                                           Young Mike       ph  1  0  0  0  .283
                                           DiPino           p   0  0  0  0 1.000
                                           Kern             p   0  0  0  0  .000
                                           Madlock          3b  3  0  2  0  .277
                                                               57  5 15  5
Grays                            INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Alexander                        7.0  8  2  2  0  3  94  64  3.49
Lopez            H 13            0.1  0  0  0  1  1  12   6  5.47
Righetti         BS 7            1.2  1  0  0  1  1  17   9  3.03
Soff                             1.0  2  2  2  0  0  20  11  6.45
Slaton                           2.0  1  1  1  1  0  21  13  1.80
Holland          W 4-0           2.0  3  0  0  0  1  30  20  3.31
                                14.0 15  5  5  3  6 194 123 
Gnomes                           INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Key                              5.0  3  1  1  1  1  65  45  3.45
Fisher                           1.1  1  1  1  2  0  27  13  3.44
Agosto                           0.2  0  0  0  0  0   4   3  1.80
DiPino                           0.2  1  0  0  1  0  19   9  5.26
Kern                             0.1  0  0  0  0  0   1   1  1.69
Henke                            3.0  2  2  0  0  4  46  27  2.64
Whitson                          1.1  3  1  1  0  2  22  15  3.79
Martinez T                       0.2  0  0  0  1  2  16   6  1.04
McDowell R       L 8-3           1.0  1  2  0  0  1  14  11  2.89
                                14.0 11  7  3  5 10 214 130 
WOR: Scioscia batted for Melvin in the 7th
     Scioscia moved to c in the 7th
     Strawberry batted for Walker T in the 9th
     Strawberry moved to rf in the 9th
     Walling batted for Righetti in the 10th
     Hrbek batted for Randolph in the 10th
     Stapleton inserted at 2b in the 10th
     Almon inserted at ss in the 11th
     Mumphrey batted for Stapleton in the 12th
     Khalifa inserted at 2b in the 12th
     Diaz M batted for Slaton in the 13th
ANO: Candaele batted for Key in the 5th
     Robidoux batted for DeJesus in the 7th
     Young Mike batted for Agosto in the 7th
     Meacham inserted at ss in the 8th
     Leonard J batted for Iorg G in the 8th
     Butler batted for Meacham in the 8th
     Templeton inserted at ss in the 9th
     Madlock inserted at 3b in the 9th
     Jones Bob batted for Templeton in the 11th
     Perez T batted for Henke in the 11th
     Wellman inserted at ss in the 12th
     Shepherd ran for Martinez T in the 13th
     Shepherd moved to cf in the 14th
     Hamilton batted for Wellman in the 14th
E-Phillips, Gagne, Madlock 2. 2B-Strawberry(25), Thompson M(6), Kruk(19), 
Upshaw(23), Pena T(20). 3B-Yount(6). HR-Davis E(24), Oglivie(2). 
RBI-Randolph(36), Davis E 2(81), Yount(45), Scioscia(42), Almon(40), 
Kruk(39), Pena T(54), Oglivie 2(24), Leonard J(52). SB-Phillips(5), Yount(7), 
Walker T(5), Scioscia(1), Almon(4). CS-Davis E. K-Phillips 3, Davis E, 
Gagne 3, Scioscia, Strawberry, Hrbek, Thompson M, Hubbard, Upshaw, Pena T, 
Oglivie 2. BB-Davis E 2, Walker T, Scioscia, Diaz M, Kruk, Pena T, Leonard J. 
SH-Alexander. SF-Almon. WP-Henke. 
GWRBI: Davis E
Jimmy Key was removed after a rain delay
Temperature: 55, Field: wet, Sky: threatening, Wind: right to left at 8 MPH, 
Rain Delays: 83 minutes.
9/19/1986, WOR86-ANO86, County Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1986 Grays             0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  2  1
1986 Gnomes            0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  2  1
                      13 14     R  H  E   LOB DP
1986 Grays             0  2     7 11  2     9  2
1986 Gnomes            0  0     5 15  2    13  1
Grays                -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Randolph          2b 1>3/g          63.3-H     6>Fisher       4                      
 Hrbek            ph                                                       k         
 Soff             p                                                                  
 Almon            ss                                                                 
Phillips          3b   7            S            53           S            k         
Davis E           lf   S            64/f         W            SB2        1>9         
Lansford          1b   7          4>S            CS2(24)      Kern         e5.B-1    
                                               7>4            43                     
Yount             cf 2>7            643/gdp      S          9>Henke        wp.1-2    
                                                              S            T.2-H     
Melvin            c    63           8                                                
 Scioscia         ph                             W.1-2        5            63.3-H    
Gagne             ss   k          5>9            Agosto       k            k         
 Slaton           p                                                                  
 Diaz M           ph                                                                 
 Holland          p                                                                  
Walker T          rf 3>W            8            SBH;SB2                             
 Strawberry       ph                                          6          2>Whitson   
Alexander         p    SB2          8          8>DiPino                              
                       53/SH.2-3                 43                                  
 Lopez            p                                                                  
 Righetti         p                                                                  
 Walling          ph                                        0>8                      
 Stapleton        2b                                                                 
 Mumphrey         ph                                                       43.2-3    
 Khalifa          2b                                                                 
Gnomes               -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Thompson M        cf 1>8          3>k            63         8>D            543/gdp   
 McDowell R       p                                                                  
Hubbard           2b   3/fl         6          6>k            S.2-3        43        
Kruk              lf   S            3/g          63           D.3-H;1-3  0>Soff      
Upshaw            1b   S.1-2      4>7            D            Lopez        7         
Pena T            c    43           7            k            W            31        
Iorg G            3b 2>43           e6.B-1     7>S                                   
 Leonard J        ph                                          Righetti               
                                                              note 1                 
 Templeton        ss                                                                 
 Jones Bob        ph                                                     1>S         
 Wellman          ss                                                                 
 Hamilton         ph                                                                 
Oglivie           rf   3/g          8            6            k            HR.1-H    
DeJesus           ss   S          5>7                                                
 Robidoux         ph                             9                                   
 Meacham          ss                                                                 
 Butler           ph                                          7                      
 Henke            p                                                                  
 Perez T          ph                                                       Slaton    
 Whitson          p                                                                  
 Martinez T       p                                                                  
 Shepherd         pr                                                                 
Key               p    6/L                                                           
 Candaele         ph                43                                               
 Fisher           p                                                                  
 Agosto           p                                                                  
 Young Mike       ph                             8                                   
 DiPino           p                                                                  
 Kern             p                                                                  
 Madlock          3b                                        9>S            9         
 1: W.3-H;2-3;1-2 
Grays                -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Randolph          2b                                                                 
 Hrbek            ph                                                                 
 Soff             p                                                                  
 Almon            ss   8/SF.3-H     e5.B-1                                           
Phillips          3b   k            SB2                                              
Davis E           lf 3>k            HR.2-H                                           
Lansford          1b   S            43                                               
Yount             cf   S.1-2                                                         
Melvin            c                                                                  
 Scioscia         ph   Martinez T                                                    
Gagne             ss                                                                 
 Slaton           p                                                                  
 Diaz M           ph   W.2-3;1-2                                                     
 Holland          p                                                                  
Walker T          rf                                                                 
 Strawberry       ph   k                                                             
Alexander         p                                                                  
 Lopez            p                                                                  
 Righetti         p                                                                  
 Walling          ph                                                                 
 Stapleton        2b                                                                 
 Mumphrey         ph                                                                 
 Khalifa          2b 4>McDowell R                                                    
Gnomes               -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Thompson M        cf   8            643/gdp                                          
 McDowell R       p                                                                  
Hubbard           2b 2>9          4>8                                                
Kruk              lf   W            e5.B-1                                           
Upshaw            1b   43.1-2       64/f.B-1                                         
Pena T            c    D.2-H        S.1-3                                            
Iorg G            3b                                                                 
 Leonard J        ph                                                                 
 Templeton        ss                                                                 
 Jones Bob        ph                                                                 
 Wellman          ss   5                                                             
 Hamilton         ph                53                                               
Oglivie           rf 3>Holland                                                       
DeJesus           ss                                                                 
 Robidoux         ph                                                                 
 Meacham          ss                                                                 
 Butler           ph                                                                 
 Henke            p                                                                  
 Perez T          ph                                                                 
 Whitson          p                                                                  
 Martinez T       p    S                                                             
 Shepherd         pr                                                                 
Key               p                                                                  
 Candaele         ph                                                                 
 Fisher           p                                                                  
 Agosto           p                                                                  
 Young Mike       ph                                                                 
 DiPino           p                                                                  
 Kern             p                                                                  
 Madlock          3b   S.1-2                                                         
Grays            IN OUT ER                  Gnomes           IN OUT ER                  
Alexander        A1  D3  2                  Key              A1  B9  1                  
Lopez            D4  D5  0 H 13             Fisher           C1  C6  1                  
Righetti         D6  E2  0 BS 7             Agosto           C7  C8  0                  
Soff             E3  E7  2                  DiPino           C9  D3  0                  
Slaton           E8  F6  1                  Kern             D4  D4  0                  
Holland          F7  G6  0 W 4-0            Henke            D5  E7  0                  
                                            Whitson          E8  F5  1                  
                                            Martinez T       F6  F8  0                  
                                            McDowell R       F9  G4  0 L 8-3            
9/19/1986, WOR86-ANO86, County Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1986 Grays             0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  2  1
1986 Gnomes            0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  2  1
                      13 14     R  H  E   LOB DP
1986 Grays             0  2     7 11  2     9  2
1986 Gnomes            0  0     5 15  2    13  1
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Grays batting
 0-0  0 --- 11  Randolph grounded out to first (BFX)
 0-0  1 --- 12  Phillips flied out to left (BFSX)
 0-0  2 --- 10  Davis E reached on an infield single to third (BX)
 0-0  2 1-- 12  Lansford lined out to left (FBFFX)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, Gnomes batting
 0-0  0 --- 30  Thompson M flied out to center (BBBX)
 0-0  1 --- 11  Hubbard popped out to first (BCX)
 0-0  2 --- 11  Kruk lined a single up the middle (CBX)
 0-0  2 1-- 10  Upshaw reached on an infield single to short, Kruk to 
                  second (BX)
 0-0  2 12- 00  Pena T grounded out to second (X)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Grays batting
 0-0  0 --- 32  Yount flied out to left (SFFFFBFBBX)
 0-0  1 --- 02  Melvin grounded out to short (CFX)
 0-0  2 --- 02  Gagne struck out (SSS)
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, Gnomes batting
 0-0  0 --- 01  Iorg G grounded out to second (CX)
 0-0  1 --- 00  Oglivie grounded out to first (X)
 0-0  2 --- 02  DeJesus reached on an infield single to second (CCX)
 0-0  2 1-- 11  Key lined out to short (CBX)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Grays batting
 0-0  0 --- 31  Walker T walked (BBCBB)
                Started raining
 0-0  0 1-- 00  Walker T stole second (>C)
 0-0  0 -2- 01  Alexander sacrifice bunted to third, Walker T to third 
 0-0  1 --3 01  Randolph grounded out to short, Walker T scored (FX)
 1-0  2 --- 00  Phillips lined a single to shallow center (X)
 1-0  2 1-- 10  Davis E grounded to short, forcing Phillips at second (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, Gnomes batting
 1-0  0 --- 12  Thompson M struck out (CBFS)
 1-0  1 --- 00  Hubbard popped out to short (X)
 1-0  2 --- 10  Kruk grounded out to first (BX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Grays batting
 1-0  0 --- 10  Lansford grounded a single up the middle (BX)
 1-0  0 1-- 12  Yount grounded into a double play, DeJesus to Hubbard to 
                  Upshaw (CBCX)
 1-0  2 --- 11  Melvin flied out to center (SBX)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, Gnomes batting
 1-0  0 --- 22  Upshaw flied out to left (BBSFFFX)
 1-0  1 --- 01  Pena T flied out to left (SX)
 1-0  2 --- 12  Iorg G to first on an error by the shortstop Gagne (FSBFX)
 1-0  2 1-- 12  Oglivie flied out to center (CFBX)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Grays batting
 1-0  0 --- 01  Gagne flied out to right (SX)
 1-0  1 --- 32  Walker T flied out to center (BFFFBBX)
 1-0  2 --- 22  Alexander flied out to center (CBBFX)
                Game delayed by rain for 83 minutes
                Key left the game after a rain delay
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, Gnomes batting
 1-0  0 --- 20  DeJesus flied out to left (BBX)
                Candaele pinch hitting for Key
 1-0  1 --- 11  Candaele grounded out to second (CBX)
 1-0  2 --- 22  Thompson M grounded out to short (SFBFBX)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Grays batting
                Fisher now pitching
 1-0  0 --- 11  Randolph popped out to first (CBX)
 1-0  1 --- 22  Phillips grounded out to third (BBFSFX)
 1-0  2 --- 32  Davis E walked (BCBBFB)
 1-0  2 1-- 00  Davis E was caught stealing second (>B)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, Gnomes batting
 1-0  0 --- 12  Hubbard struck out (SFBS)
 1-0  1 --- 11  Kruk grounded out to short (FBX)
 1-0  2 --- 21  Upshaw lined a double to right center (BFBX)
 1-0  2 -2- 22  Pena T struck out (CBBCC)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Grays batting
 1-0  0 --- 11  Lansford popped out to second (SBX)
 1-0  1 --- 11  Yount lined a single to shallow right (CBX)
                Scioscia pinch hitting for Melvin
 1-0  1 1-- 31  Scioscia walked, Yount to second (BBBCB)
                Agosto now pitching
 1-0  1 12- 00  Gagne flied out to right, Yount to third (X)
 1-0  2 1-3 00  Yount stole home, Scioscia stole second (>B)
 2-0  2 -2- 11  Walker T grounded out to second (>B.SX)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, Gnomes batting
                Scioscia moved to catcher
 2-0  0 --- 02  Iorg G grounded a single up the middle (CFX)
 2-0  0 1-- 01  Oglivie popped out to short (>FX)
                Robidoux pinch hitting for DeJesus
 2-0  1 1-- 20  Robidoux flied out to right (BBX)
                Young Mike pinch hitting for Agosto
 2-0  2 1-- 00  Young Mike flied out to center (>X)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Grays batting
                Meacham now playing shortstop
                DiPino now pitching
 2-0  0 --- 11  Alexander grounded out to second (BSX)
 2-0  1 --- 31  Randolph popped out to second (BBSBX)
 2-0  2 --- 22  Phillips lined a single to right center (BFCBFX)
 2-0  2 1-- 00  Phillips stole second (>C)
 2-0  2 -2- 31  Davis E walked (>C.BBBB)
                Kern now pitching
 2-0  2 12- 00  Lansford grounded out to second (X)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, Gnomes batting
 2-0  0 --- 10  Thompson M doubled deep to left (BX)
 2-0  0 -2- 22  Hubbard lined a single up the middle, Thompson M to third 
 2-0  0 1-3 11  Kruk lined a double to right center, Thompson M scored, 
                  Hubbard to third (BSX)
                Lopez now pitching
 2-1  0 -23 22  Upshaw struck out (BBCFS)
 2-1  1 -23 32  Pena T walked (BBFBFFB)
                Leonard J pinch hitting for Iorg G
                Righetti now pitching
 2-1  1 123 30  Leonard J walked, Hubbard scored, Kruk to third, Pena T 
                  to second (BBBB)
 2-2  1 123 22  Oglivie struck out (BFBCS)
                Butler pinch hitting for Meacham
 2-2  2 123 00  Butler flied out to left (X)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Grays batting
                Templeton now playing shortstop
                Henke now pitching
                Madlock now playing third base
 2-2  0 --- 10  Yount reached on an infield single to second (BX)
 2-2  0 1-- 02  Scioscia popped out to third (FbSX)
 2-2  1 1-- 32  Gagne struck out (CBBFBS)
                Strawberry pinch hitting for Walker T
 2-2  2 1-- 21  Strawberry popped out to short (CBBX)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, Gnomes batting
                Strawberry moved to right field
 2-2  0 --- 00  Madlock grounded a single up the middle (X)
 2-2  0 1-- 02  Thompson M grounded into a double play, Phillips to 
                  Randolph to Lansford (FSX)
 2-2  2 --- 20  Hubbard grounded out to second (BBX)
**************  Top of the 10th inning, Grays batting
                Walling pinch hitting for Righetti
 2-2  0 --- 00  Walling flied out to center (X)
                Hrbek pinch hitting for Randolph
 2-2  1 --- 22  Hrbek struck out (SBSBS)
 2-2  2 --- 32  Phillips struck out (BFBBSS)
**************  Bottom of the 10th inning, Gnomes batting
                Stapleton now playing second base
                Soff now pitching
 2-2  0 --- 21  Kruk flied out to left (BBCX)
 2-2  1 --- 21  Upshaw flied out to left (BCBX)
 2-2  2 --- 32  Pena T grounded out to first (BFBBCFX)
**************  Top of the 11th inning, Grays batting
 2-2  0 --- 00  Davis E flied out to right (X)
 2-2  1 --- 21  Lansford to first on an error by the third baseman 
                  Madlock (FBBX)
 2-2  1 1-- 11  Henke threw a wild pitch, Lansford to second (CBB)
 2-2  1 -2- 32  Yount lined a triple down the right field line, Lansford 
                  scored (CBB.BSX)
 3-2  1 --3 31  Scioscia grounded out to short, Yount scored (BBBCX)
 4-2  2 --- 02  Gagne struck out (CFC)
**************  Bottom of the 11th inning, Gnomes batting
                Jones Bob pinch hitting for Templeton
 4-2  0 --- 10  Jones Bob lined a single to right (BX)
 4-2  0 1-- 11  Oglivie homered deep to right center, Jones Bob scored 
                Perez T pinch hitting for Henke
                Almon now playing shortstop
                Slaton now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 00  Perez T grounded out to third (X)
 4-4  1 --- 11  Madlock flied out to right (CBX)
 4-4  2 --- 01  Thompson M flied out to center (CX)
**************  Top of the 12th inning, Grays batting
                Wellman now playing shortstop
                Whitson now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 22  Strawberry lined a double down the left field line (BFBFX)
                Mumphrey pinch hitting for Stapleton
 4-4  0 -2- 10  Mumphrey grounded out to second, Strawberry to third (BX)
 4-4  1 --3 00  Almon hit a sacrifice fly to center, Strawberry scored (X)
 5-4  2 --- 02  Phillips struck out (SFS)
**************  Bottom of the 12th inning, Gnomes batting
                Khalifa now playing second base
 5-4  0 --- 10  Hubbard flied out to right (BX)
 5-4  1 --- 32  Kruk walked (FCBBBB)
 5-4  1 1-- 21  Upshaw grounded out to second, Kruk to second (BCBX)
 5-4  2 -2- 00  Pena T lined a double down the left field line, Kruk 
                  scored (X)
 5-5  2 -2- 01  Wellman popped out to third (CX)
**************  Top of the 13th inning, Grays batting
 5-5  0 --- 12  Davis E struck out (CBFS)
 5-5  1 --- 00  Lansford reached on an infield single to third (X)
 5-5  1 1-- 32  Yount reached on an infield single to short, Lansford to 
                  second (FSBBBX)
                Martinez T now pitching
 5-5  1 12- 32  Scioscia struck out (BBBCSS)
                Diaz M pinch hitting for Slaton
 5-5  2 12- 30  Diaz M walked, Lansford to third, Yount to second (BBBB)
 5-5  2 123 32  Strawberry struck out (BSBBF>S)
**************  Bottom of the 13th inning, Gnomes batting
                Holland now pitching
 5-5  0 --- 12  Oglivie struck out (CFFBS)
 5-5  1 --- 02  Martinez T reached on an infield single to second (SSX)
 5-5  1 1-- 00  Madlock lined a single to shallow left, Martinez T to 
                  second (X)
                Shepherd pinch running for Martinez T
 5-5  1 12- 00  Thompson M grounded into a double play, Almon to Khalifa 
                  to Lansford (X)
**************  Top of the 14th inning, Grays batting
                McDowell R now pitching
                Shepherd moved to center field
 5-5  0 --- 00  Khalifa grounded out to second (X)
 5-5  1 --- 22  Almon to first on an error by the third baseman Madlock 
 5-5  1 1-- 00  Almon stole second (>C)
 5-5  1 -2- 12  Phillips struck out (>C.BSS)
 5-5  2 -2- 01  Davis E homered deep to left, Almon scored (FX)
 7-5  2 --- 01  Lansford grounded out to second (SX)
**************  Bottom of the 14th inning, Gnomes batting
 7-5  0 --- 10  Hubbard flied out to center (BX)
 7-5  1 --- 32  Kruk to first on an error by the third baseman Phillips 
 7-5  1 1-- 22  Upshaw grounded to short, forcing Kruk at second, Upshaw 
                  to first (SBBFX)
 7-5  2 1-- 00  Pena T lined a single to left center, Upshaw to third (X)
                Hamilton pinch hitting for Wellman
 7-5  2 1-3 32  Hamilton grounded out to third (CBSBB>X)