SPB-60 1956 Overusage report All SPB 60 Managers, Here is the full report for overused players for the 1956 season. As always, we will begin with a list of the teams and managers with no overuse during this season. Asbury Argonaughts (Steve Brunner) Beard Black Cats (Rick Ryan) East Kenosha Lakers (Dave Lauer) Frankfort Frigates (Gary Plunkitt) Joliet Jakes (Terry Baxter) Louisiana Lightning (Mike See) Massillon Tigers (John Ungashick) Mound City Saints (Rich Applegate) Newark Bears (Joe DeZarlo) Riverside Robbers (John Turnbull) Schenectady Patriots (Don Rahn) Wabash Six (Bill Lanke) Now for the two teams that did incur a little overuse in 1956 (only 2 teams!) New Bedford Ahabs (Chris Williams) 1 Game Sandy Amoros, of 8 PA (1) Raleigh Tarheels (Steve Lehman) 6 Games (rounded up from 5.5) Wayne Causey, 3b 5 PA (.5)* Larry Jansen, 1 GM (.5)* Pat Scantlebury, mr 4 GM (2)* Chuck Templeton, mr 5 GM (2.5)* This is the total overused players report for 1956. Our best one ever!