SPB-X Managers, Below is the 1931 Use or Lose Report. No one of much consequence was lost, and I think everyone needed all of the PA's they could get this year, so not too many losses. Great job! Here is the 1931 Use or Lose Report Players lost did not receive at list 50% of their PA's or appearances. Players with an asterisk * are done and will never return to SPB. If a player will return in a future draft, it is Listed in parenthesis next to their name. 1931 Use or Lose Report Empires None Gassers Al Bool* Joe Dugan* Jonah Goldman* Ben Shields* Detroit Titans Cy Perkins (1934) Val Picinich (1932) Bill Norman (1932) Buck Stanton* East Kenosha Leopards Ollie Marquardt* Bobby Reeves* Frankfort None Lincoln City Hank Garrity* Zack Taylor (1932) Bruce Connatser (1932) Fred Bennett* Lousville Colonels Bucky Harris* Mojave Mavericks Lin Storti (1932) Pete McClanahan* New Haven Whiffenpoofs None NY Mutuals Butch Henline* Prairie Crossing Red Foxes Howie Storie (1932) Russ Young* Clyde Beck* Jim Mosolf (1933) Fred Koster* San Diego Glaziers Ed Strelecki* San Fransico Seals Hal Finney (1932) Ed Roush* Mel Simons (1932) Schenectady Blue Sox Earl Sheely* Buster Chatham* Bill Dreesen* Ike Eichrodt* That wraps up 1931's Use Or Lose report. Mike See