May 4, 2022
1935 Champion Crowned
Congratulations goes out to Paul Meyerings and his Detroit Titans, who bested the San Diego Glaziers and Steve Lehman in 6 games. Complete
WS coverage can be found on the WS page on the left menu. On to 1936!
May 1, 2022
1935 Use or lose results
All 1935 Managers, As we wait for the upcoming World Series between the Detroit Titans and San Diego Glaziers, here is
the very brief list of players (1 position player and 4 pitchers) lost during the 1935 season:
Pretzel Pezzullo, P Detroit Titans (1936)
George Turbeville, P New Haven Whiffenpoofs (1936)
Jim Walkup, P New Haven Whiffenpoofs (1936)
Johnny Welch, P San Diego Glaziers (1936)
Blondy Ryan, SS San Francisco Seals (1937)
Great job by everyone These players all will be available in the 1936 rookie draft, except for Ryan who returns in
1937 of his last 2 years
November 5, 2021
1935 Pre-Season prognosis
Get a head start on what you may expect from the 1935 season from John Ungashick's
Pre-Season Prognosis. Always a great read!
August 3, 2021
1935 Managerial Changes
Two Manager changes to announce:
Mike Murphy will take over the Knights franchise from Mike See and rename it to the Brooklyn Dodgers, and will remain in Ebbets Field.
Ron Peterson will be replacing Dave Lauer, and will ername the team from the Kingfish to the Fairfield Atlantics, and will move into Philly's Shibe Park. This will
leave the Polo Grounds and Comiskey Park as the two open stadiums.
It is my pleasure to announce that Stan Barkun is stepping in as manager for the old Albany Empires, now that the rookie draft is over. Stan will be taking over for original
SPB X former manager John Turnbull, as John is cutting back on teams he manages to allow more time for being the webmaster and to have more personal time. Thanks John for
your many years as manager of the Empires. I will announce any changes from Stan concerning his team name, and home ballpark as soon as I hear from him.
July 16, 2021
1935 Ballpark change
The Kenosha Kingfish (Dave Lauer) has decided to move out of Philly's Shibe Park, and take up residence in Chicago's Comiskey Park. So this leaves N.Y.'s Polo Grounds and Philly's Shibe Park as the open/available ballparks in case anyone is interested.
March 16, 2021
Rule Changes approved
These changes are an effort to bring the Pre-1961 leagues more in line with our new format that we are already using very successfully in the post 1961 leagues, and while it could be exactly the same not being at -4 teams and staying at -2, I think that you will see these as positive changes that will get these leagues very close to the format we are using for all Seasons Past Baseball leagues.
The biggest differences are because we will remain at -2 teams, we are implementing slightly higher usage meter percentages in the pre-1961 leagues, as well as the use of bonus players and some minor changes to the Rule 5 since we have 2 teams less players than modern leagues.
Also note, that because there are bonus players, the replacement level player rules will not be used….players will just be farmed after exceeding usage. Still NO more penalties. I think that most of you, likely with the exception of Paul, are in the modern leagues, so these changes should not be a huge thing. Paul, if you have questions regarding the new format, please reach out to myself and Mike See directly.
Here are the major changes:
-Pre-1961 leagues will remain at -2 teams and not -4 like modern leagues. Weekly play will be in place for all leagues.
-Usage level for Pitchers (Batters Faced) will be 115% (not 105% like in post 1961)
-Usage level for Batters (Non Catchers) (Plate Appearances) will be 110% (not 105% like in post 1961)
-Catchers PA’s would be 115% (Catchers are much harder to come by in these era’s so it's important to increase this number slightly to ensure proper coverage)
-Bonus players would be permitted in order to add more usage only being down 2 teams. Batters .234 and under can be used to up to 200%. Pitchers with an ERA of 4.50 or higher can be used to up to 200% of Batters Faced.
-Rule 5 CAP for Roster size would be 21 carded players for ALL TEAMS instead of 27 with a CAP of 36 Carded Players on yourroster at any time. Uncarded would not count against a roster as usual.
-Any remaining players NOT lost in the Rule 5 Draft would be returned to their former roster instead of going into the Free Agent Pool like in modern leagues.
-ALL Other changes we have also made in the modern leagues would be implemented in SPB-3 and SPB-X. Things like in-season trading and free agent drop adds, (John T. will be updating with a consolidated constitution to reflect the changes)
-We are allowing for slightly higher percentages in these older leagues AND Bonus players still because we are not at -4 teams. We are leaving the Rule 5 at 21 players across the board now instead of being staggered based on record, because we want the Rule 5 Draft to continue to still have value at -2 teams, and returning all players not lost is necessary because with only a 6 round Rookie Draft, there would not be enough draft choices to get back to a 36 man roster.
These changes would take effect for the upcoming SPB-X (1935 Season)
February 16, 2021
1934 Champion Crowned!
A very nice series, and surprising, convincing come from behind World Series win from the Mutuals, after being down 2 games to zip.
Congratulations to Joe DeZarlo on a well plaid series with his New York Mutuals. Also congratulations go to Mike See fo his Las Vegas Knights.
They put up a valiant fight all the way from regular season, where they posted the best overall record for 1934, through this big series.
February 12, 2021
1935 Team name change
Steve Brunner has decided to change the team name from the former Lafayette Red Sox to the Burnnerville Bean Brewers. His explanation:
"cause thats what I'm doing, roasting coffee beans " He will be remaining in Cleveland's League Park for the time being.
February 12, 2021
1935 Lottery Results
Number was 1-3-2. Here are the results. Only change was Albany dropping 1 spot to 4th and Dave moving up 1 spot to 3rd.
Message to remember…..don’t mess with the Ordained and Saint Emily and priority mail doesn’t work
1) West Baden Sprudels (Rick Ryan) (43 Wins) - 4 Chances
2) Lafayette Red Sox (Steve Brunner) (44 Wins) - 3 Chances
3) Kenosha Kingfish (Dave Lauer) (64 Wins) - 1 Chances
4) Albany Empires (John Turnbull) (61+1 Wins) - 2 Chances
February 6, 2021
1934 End of Season reports
Part of an SB tradition will come to an end. The 1934
Overusage report will be the very last one of its kind, as the
use or lose report will still live on as an end of season report.
February 6, 2021
1934 Season finished
All SPB X Managers, Well, the regular season has concluded, and there were not ties for first place in either league, so my
congratulations to our A.L. champs, the New York Mutuals, managed by Joe DeZarlo, as well as to the N.L. winner, the Las Vegas
Knight, managed by Mike See. These two teams will meet soon in the 1934 World Series.
The Mutuals took the A.L. pennant winning 95 games, while besting the New Haven Whiffenpoofs (Chris Williams) by 5 games, as the
New Haven (90 wins) bunch stayed in the fight, but ended up 2nd in the standings. Finishing in the 3rd slot, was the Frankfort
Frogs (Gary Plunkitt) with 87 victories, 8 games off the winning pace. Rounding out the standings, were the Louisville Colonels
(4th) (Applegate), Glaziers (5th) (Lehman), Blue Sox (6th) (Rahn), and bringing up the rear, the Sprudels (7th) (Ryan).
In the N.L., it was just a shade closer as the Knights held off the San Francisco Seals, taking the flag with 101 wins, as opposed
to S.F.'s 97 wins. The Seals ran a very close 2nd just 4 games off the pace. The Seals had led much of the year, but in the end,their
players just ran out of gas, and fell to runner ups. In 3rd place, you will find the Borger Gassers (Terry Baxter) who with 87 wins
were 14 games behind. Rounding out the N.L. we find the Titans (4th) (Meyering), the Kingfish (5th) (Lauer), the Empires (6th) (Turnbull),
and securing the cellar were the Red Sox (7th) (Ehresman/Brunner).
Thanks to all of you for finishing out our weekly play of September in a very timely fashion. That is much appreciated. Now we will be
looking forward to the entire 1935 season where we will play the whole year with a weekly schedule.
You will find the final regular '34 season files attached. I will post the September Award Winners soon, so that John T. can post them to
the SPB X web page. Also the final 50% loss list will becoming soon, as well as the overuse list for 1934.
Thanks again everyone, and congratulations to Joe & Mike for their 1934 pennant winning seasons!
November 4, 2020
In-season manager change
Steve Ehresman has resigned as manager of the Lafayette Red Sox after completing
the play of June. The good news is that veteran SPB manager
Steve Brunner is happy
to take over the reigns of the Red Sox as their new permanent manager beginning with
play of the month of July. Good to have someone like Steve B. step right in. So
starting with the July '34 games, if your playing the Lafayette Red Sox through the
second half of the season, be sure to send your MP's to Manager Brunner, and not
to Ehresman.
My thanks to Steve Brunner for stepping right in. Hopefully, some of you will also
welcome Steve B. to SPB X.
July 2, 2020
1934 Rule 5 Protected roster numbers
Here are the numbers of protected players each team may keep:
20 Protected Players
New Haven Whiffenpoofs (C. Williams)
Louisville Colonels (R. Applegate)
Las Vegas Knights (M. See)
Lafayette Red Sox (S. Ehresman)
21 Protected Players
Detroit Titans (P. Meyering)
San Francisco Seals (J. Ungashick)
Frankfort Frogs (G. Plunkitt)
Borger Gassers (T. Baxter)
West Baden Sprudels (R. Ryan)
Kenosha Kingfish (D. Lauer)
22 Protected Players
Schenectady Blue Sox (D. Rahn)
San Diego Glaziers (S. Lehman)
Albany Empires (J. Turnbull)
New York Mutuals (J. DeZarlo)
June 27, 2020
1934 Ballpark change
Two league name changes to make you aware of:
The Frankfort Frogs have left Shibe Park (Philadelphia Athletics-AL) and moved into Sportsmans
Park-III (A)(St. Louis Browns-AL).
The Kenosha Kingfsh are claiming Shibe Park and are abandoning Comiskey Park
The available parks for 1934 are The Polo Grounds (N.Y. Giants-NL), and Comiskey Park.
June 27, 2020
1934 League schedule updates
All SPB 1934 Managers, This is just to alert all managers of an earlier draft schedule
than what we have done in the past. With the change of schedules to balance all the
Seasons Past Baseball leagues, we are going to have some earlier drafts for 1934 over
what this league normally has done in the past. Due to the fact of the revamped schedule
for SPB X, we will hold the Rule 5 Draft on July 18th. This is the draft done after all
teams have submitted their protected rosters, which I will be calling for next weekend.
The Rule 5 will be done by email as always. And then
the rookie draft for 1934 will follow
shortly on August 8th. Our 1934 season will then begin on September 1st, and run through
February. Sorry guys to announce this so suddenly, but due to the changes, this is one of
the leagues that has different months to draft than we had in the past.
I will call for your protected rosters next weekend. This will happen a week from today.
I know that is close to the 4th of July, but you will have until the following Friday (7/11)
for your deadline to submit protected rosters. The '34 rookie draft will be 6 rounds as always.
Then there will be a couple more weeks to trade and prepare for the September 1st 1934 season
start. Next season (1935) the Rule 5 draft will be held in June, with the 1935 rookie draft
in July, and the start of the season will remain for September 1st. And that will the the
normal schedule for SPB X.
I know all of you are veteran managers who have always done well, and that is why I am
confident you will be able to handle this change for the coming season. The 1934 drafts
will be a bit of a rush this season only, but hopefully you all will handle this change
without any major problems. Some of the SPB leagues are remaining on the same schedules
they have always had. Good news: For those of you who also play in SPB III (1951) there
will be no changes to the draft dates. But half of our leagues are changing a bit, some
draft later than in the past, and some are drafting earlier than usual, and we are one of
May 22, 2020
1934 Team name changes
Two league name changes to make you aware of:
The Prarie Crossing Red Foxes will now become the Lafayette Red Sox.
The East Kenosha Leopards have changed their name to the Kenosha Kingfish.
May 13, 2020
1934 Team player release
Steve Ehresman of the Red Foxes has cleaned up his roster a bit by releasing all the
following player (most are un-carded in 1934):
Doc Farrell (1935)
Glenn Wright (1935)
Steve Swetonic(1935)
Buck Marrow (1937)
Jim Peterson (1937)
Fresco Thompson PH
Thompson goes into the rookie draft for 1934, and the others will be in the rookie drafts
when they return to the Major Leagues.
May 12, 2020
1934 Ballpark Change
The New York Mutuals (J. DeZarlo) are leaving the Polo Grounds and moving into
Cincy's Crosley Field. The leaves N. Y.'s Polo Grounds and St. Louis Sportsmans
Park III (A.L.) two very good hitters parks as the open stadiums in 1934.
May 10, 2020
1934 Draft lottery results
Here is your winner
So….No change whatsoever to the order. Congrats to Steve Lehman! I’ll have to
draft order and Draft Module updated to Gary in the next few minutes…and he should
hopefully have a shiny new 1934 database out to us all early this week.
1) San Diego Glaziers
2) Schenectady Blue Sox
3) New York Mutuals
4) Albany Empires
May 10, 2020
New Manager for 1934 season
Now that the 1933 World Series is over, it is time for me to announce that Marc Hollingsworth,
manager of the Lincoln City Riptide has resigned from SPB X. Thanks to Marc for his many
seasons as an SPB X manager. The new manager taking over this team and returning to SPB X
is veteran SPB manager Rick Ryan. He will be renaming the team as the West Baden Sprudel and
they will remain in Wrigley Field as their home park.
April 30, 2020
April 23, 2020
1933 Final Stats and Power rankings posted
The stats and power rankings for September of 1933 are now posted. Only the World Series remains to be played.
Chris Williams New Haven Whiffenpoofs won the American League by posting a fine 97-57 record, He bested the
Louisville Colonels by 4 games. In the National League Mike See's Las Vegas wins the pennant with an 89-65 record,
besting the Prarie Crossing Red Foxes by 7 games. So it will be these two pennant winning teams taking on each
other in the 1933 World Series.
Our 2 runner up teams, the Colonels and Red Foxes also kept in close contention all year, so jobs well done by
Rich Applegate and Steve Ehresman. The only other teams above .500 for the year were the Detroit Titans (Paul
Meyering) and San Francisco Seals (John Ungashick). Kudos, guys! The rest of us, myself included, just kind of
stumbled along.
I will be sending out the two lists over the next couple of days for 50% player loses, and overuse report as well
as Septembers top player award winners. I will also be preparing the W.S. file for both Mike and Chris soon.
Thanks everyone for another successful SPB X season.
October 28, 2019
1933 Dr. Diamond waxes poetic
If you read ANYTHING on the webiste this year, you must read the entire
Dr.Diamond article, penned by Steve Ehresman. An absolutely fantastic read!
August 18, 2019
1933 Call for Protected Rosters
Now is the time to decide your protected rosters for the 1933 Rule 5 draft. The
up to date file is attached with all trade through 146 in tact. Remember there
is no reason to protect your un-carded players, as they are not available in Rule
5 drafts. Here is the number of players each team may protect:
19 Protected Players
San Francisco Seals (Ungashick)
Schenectady Blue Sox (Rahn)
Albany Empires (Turnbull)
Lincoln City Riptide (Hollingsworth)
20 Protected Players
Frankfort Frogs (Plunkitt)
New Haven Whiffenpoofs (Williams)
Prarie Crossing Red Foxes (Ehresman)
East Kenosha Leopards (Lauer)
New York Mutuals (DeZarlo)
Las Vegas Knights (See)
21 Protected Players
Borger Gassers (Baxter)
Detroit Titans (Meyering)
Louisville Colonels (Applegate)
San Diego Glaziers (Lehman)
The deadline for submitting your protected list will be this coming Wednesday
(Sept. 21st). So be sure to have yours to me on time. As soon as all protected
lists are received, I will send out the Rule 5 files with all available players
listed on each roster as "farmed". We will then begin the Rule 5 Draft to be
conducted by email. So good luck to each of you. In the meantime, I look
forward to your protected rosters soon.
August 8, 2019
1933 New Front Office appointments
At this time I would like to announce that Steve Ehresman will become this SPB X's very first beat
writer. In previous years there has not been a writer for SPB X. For those of you who go back far
enough into the past to remember Steve's stint as the early on SPB writer, with his columns as Dr.
Diamond, I am sure you will remember his interesting articles. For those of you (of which there are many)
who do not go back to those early years, I think you will find your in for a treat.
Also, I would like to announce that after being a Commissioner for many seasons in various SPB leagues,
that for the first time I will be taking on the duty as the league statistician for SPB X, replacing Mike
See. I have filled in occasionally as a statistician in a few instances where they were on vacation, or
away for other reasons. I am sure I will be able to do the job well enough to keep the league moving
through the season in a timely fashion.
May 19, 2019
1933 Draft lottery results announced
Number was 9-2-0
Congratulations to Terry Baxter on landing the top choice….Could their be an Indian
is Borger’s future??? Draft order attached. With that….I officially hand the league
reigns to Gary Plunkitt. Please report all trades to Gary….Thank again to all…
Borger Gassers (Terry Baxter) (51) - 4 Chances
Louisville Colonels (Rich Applegate) (62) - 2 Chances
Detroit Titans (Paul Meyering) (52) - 3 Chances
Frankfort Frogs (Gary Plunkitt) (69) - 1 Chance
May 19, 2019
SPB-X End of season reports
The end of seasons reports for the 1932 season are now complete. You can click
on the appropriate titles for the
USE OR LOSE reports.
May 19, 2019
SPB-X Change of Comissioners
I has certainly been my privilege to serve as your league commissioner at stat for the
first 6 seasons of our league, but I will be handing the reigns of the league over to
our great friend Mr. Gary Plunkitt beginning with the 1933 season, once I send the final
reports out for 1932.
Obviously, the league will remain in great hands.
With 6 different SPB Leagues, with John T, Gary and I each commissioning 2 each, I approached
Gary several months ago about swapping commissioner rolls with SPB-X (1933) and SPB-60
(beginning with the 1960 season), so that we are running league at different times of the
year and there is not so much overlap between seasons and drafts. Thankfully, he agreed,
which will take a lot of added pressure off of me with having two leagues happing at once,
and also allow me to re-take the reigns in SPB-60, where I was originally commish, as we head
into the expansion years. Thanks to Gary for agreeing to take this on.
While I am stepping down as commish and league stat (someone will need to fill in this roll,
and Gary will determine that), I will happily be remaining in the league as a manager, and
look forward to many more exciting seasons on baseball together.
All my best, and thanks to all of you for making my job an easy one,
Mike See
May 19, 2019
1932 World Series results
The 1933 World Series between Marc Hollingsworth’s Lincoln City Riptide and John Turnbull’s
Albany Empire’s has been completed. And I must say, it was most certainly a historic one
After the defending champion Riptide “Steam Rolled” the Empires to the tune of a 3 Games to
none lead in the series, the never say die Empires once again stormed back in EPIC fashion
just as they did at the end of the regular season, sweeping the final 4 games to win their
second World Series in 4 years in a dramatic 7 game classic.
In doing so, John Turnbull becomes SPB-X’s very first two-time World Champion. Congrats to
John T. on his incredible season and also congrats to Marc on a great run over the past two
seasons…..tough one to swallow I am sure, but both managers should be congratulated for
their great seasons.
The writeups can be found in the World Series link on the left menu. HERE.
May 2, 2019
1932 Post-Season prediction verification
In the spirit of transparancy, John Ungashick puts out this document to verify his
pre-season predictions against what actually happened. Thank you John! You can read
the document
May 2, 2019
1932 Final stats and Power rankings posted
SPB-X (1932) Managers: The regular season went three games longer for two teams, but the
stats and power rankings are now posted.
The World Series is set between the Albany Empires and the Lincoln City Riptide. The
Riptide will have Home field advantage for the series.
October 26, 2018
1932 Pre-Season prognosis
A huge thanks goes out as always to our resident "Jimmy the Greek," John Ungashick
for his
fearless forecast of the 1932 season.
Sept. 15, 2018
1932 Player Releases
Two teams have released a few players, not of any importance……
Empires (These players have been removed from the database)
P Al Eckert (1935)
P Walk Masters (1937)
Knights Release
P Jimmy Thomas
August 5, 2018
1932 Draft date set
The 1932 Rookie draft will be helpd Saturday September 8th at 11AM.
Protected rosters are due by August 18th. Below are the number of players each team can protect:
21 Players
San Diego Glaziers (Lehman)
Detroit Titans (Meyering)
Louisville Colonels (Applegate)
Frankfort Frogs (Plunkitt)
20 Players
East Kenosha Leopards (Lauer)
New Haven Whiffenpoofs (Williams)
Borger Gassers (Baxter)
Las Vegas Knights (See)
New York Mutuals (Dezarlo)
Albany Empires (Turnbull)
19 Players
San Francisco Seals (Ungashick)
Schenectady Blue Sox (Rahn)
Prairie Crossing Red Foxes (Ehresman)
Lincoln City Riptide (Hollingsworth)
June 7, 2018
1932 Database released
I am pleased to present you the first official files
for the 1932 Season. First, I huge thanks for Chris Williams for all of his
hard work on revamping the 1932 season. Chris spent may hours proofing this
new database for many errors, adjusted ratings, added fielding data, and also
added game-by-game lineups. Thanks to Chris for all of his efforts.
Once he send me the new Database, I have made the following changes.
Migrated all existing teams
Removed any player ratings per SPB Rules…they were the following:
Johnny Vergez SS
Billy Rogell 3B
Jimmy Dykes 2B
Frankie Frisch SS
Glenn Wright 1B
Add positions to players who had not received them in DMB who qualified
Jimmie Wilson 2B PR (140)
Doc Farrell 3B FR (115)
Bill Rhiel 2B FR (105)
Ed Grimes SS PR (115)
Hal Rhyne 2B FR (105)
Marty McManus 1B AV (100)
Made any trades up through Trade 113
Added the Rookie Draft Modules and made trades (Still need to add Rule V)
Add era of 1932A and 1932N instead of Neutral Era
April 28, 2018
1932 Lottery Results
Result was 2-6-5
So…….here are your top 4……San Diego could pick no worse than 3rd as they had the worst record….
Detroit Titans (Paul Meyering)
Louisville Colonels (Rich Applegate)
San Diego Glaziers (Steve Lehman)
East Kenosha Leopards (Dave Lauer)
Congrats to Paul for landing the top pick!
April 28, 2018
1932 Team name change
The Mojave Mavericks will be relocating to Sin City for the 1932 Season, and taking our original moniker,
“The Knights” and becoming the Las Vegas Knights.
April 28, 2018
1931 End of season reports
As is customary at the end of each SPB season, we bring to you the
1932 Use or lose and 1932
Overusage reports fresh off the press. Enjoy!
April 28, 2018
1931 Champion Crowned!
My heartiest Congratulations go out to Marc Hollingsworth on his 1st World Series victory in SPB-X
and I believe his second overall as a manager in SPB! Surely, he put together a dominant team in 1931 and will likely be right
there again in 1932.
Also, congrats to Steve Ehresman, who won the pennant in just his first year in the league, and while he did not see that success
translate into a WS win, he should be very proud of his accomplishment. Great Write-ups by both managers as well!
Two well respected managers whom it was a true pleasure to see them matchup in the World Series. I thank both of them for making the
extra effort to play this series H2H, which was not easy for them, but they got it done.
April 23, 2018
1931 September stats posted
The stats and power rankings for the final month of 1931 are now posted.
In the American League, Marc Hollingsworth's Lincoln City Riptide (112-42) captured the American League pennant, upsetting Don
Rahn's preseason favorite the Schenectady Blue Sox by 3 games. The team was led by of course Babe Ruth, who won
THE AL TRIPLE CROWN! (.390 BA, 48 HR and 141 RBI!) Needless to say the big acquisition of Ruth just prior to season
start paid HUGE dividends for the Riptide. Big Congrats to Marc on his first SPB-X pennant!
In the NL, Steve Ehresman's Prairie Crossing Red Foxes (96-58) also proved the prognosticators wrong, cruising to their first
pennant as well, winning the division easily by 12 games over their nearest competitor, John Ungashick's San Francisco Seals.
The team was led by hitting machine Bill Terry, who won the battle title with a .384 Avg, and also added an incredible
47 doubles and 19 triples! Congrats to the "Little General" Steve Ehresman for piloting his team to the win, as his
trades after taking over this team put it in great position to upset the favored Empires and Seals. Congrats Steve on
your first SPB-X pennant as well!
Here are your main league leaders
American League
Batting Average: Babe Ruth (.390)
Doubles: Earl Webb - Blue Sox (61)
Triples: Joe Cronin - Whiffenpoofs (15)
Home Runs: Babe Ruth - Riptide (48)
RBI: Babe Ruth - Riptide (141)
Wins: George Earnshaw - Riptide (27)
ERA: Lefty Grove - Riptide (2.59)
Strike Outs: Carl Hubbell - Mutuals (178)
Shutouts: Lefty Grove - Riptide (5)
Saves: Ben Cantwell - Mutuals (15)
National League
Batting Average: Bill Terry (.384)
Doubles: Sparky Adams (50)
Triples: Bill Terry (19)
Home Runs: Goose Goslin (32)
RBI: Earl Averill (142)
Wins: Bob Smith - Red Foxes (20-8)
ERA: Dick Coffman - Seals (2.13)
Strike Outs: Red Ruffing - Leopards (155)
Shutouts: Dick Coffman - Seals (6)
Saves: Jack Quinn - Seals (16)
March 22, 2018
1931 August stats posted
The stats and power rankings for August 1931 are now posted.
August saw one team finally take a big lead and another saw the race tighten, but is there time left for everyone else?
In the AL, The Riptide opened a 5 game lead ever the Schenectady Blue Sox, with the Riptide taking the first of a big
series. They still have a 7 game series though in Schenectady, so anything can happen! This one could still be a nail
biter to the end.
In the AL, the San Francisco Seals are trying to pull back in the race with a great month, but the Red Foxes still hold
a 6 game lead, with their season series already complete. Seals will need some help to climb back all of the way, but
it could happen!
Now is the time to get your week #1 (series 1) MP's ready to send out for our first series of September, 1931 games. Most of
you have been through this before, but if any of you have questions, please let me know ASAP.
February 23, 2018
1931 July stats posted
The stats and power rankings for July of 1931 are now posted.
In the American League, the Lincoln City Riptide (79-21) and Schenectady Patriots (74-24), continue their duel.
The Riptide have opened up a 4 game lead, but with August comes the first of 2 critical 7 game H2H match-ups.
Would hate to be a baseball in those games....holy cow these two teams can hit.
In the NL, the Prairie Crossing Red Foxes (62-38) are looking good, expanding their lead to a 9 games over their
closest competitor, which is now the San Francisco Seals (54-48). Seals will need some helps to catch the Foxes,
and will look to there 7 game showdown in August to try to make up some ground.
January 24, 2018
1931 June stats posted
The stats and power rankings for June of 1931 are now posted.
In the American League, the Lincoln City Riptide (56-18) have leap frogged the Schenectady Patriots (53-17), now
have a narrow 1 game edge . There is no one else even close to these two and they will duke it out until
September. Their 1st of (2) H2H series is next month, with the race likely going down till the end. Two
incredible teams.
In the NL, the Prairie Crossing Red Foxes (47-27) continue to exceed expectations, expanding their lead to an 8
games over their closest competitor, which is now the upstart Borger Gassers (39-35).
December 28, 2017
1931 May stats posted
The stats and power rankings for the May of 1931 are now posted.
With the holidays in full swing, I am going to give everyone some extra time to get their MP's out this month.
They are due to your June opponents by no later tan January 3, 2018. Yes, I said 2018. Doesn't seem real!
In the American League, the Schenectady Patriots (38-12), now have a 3 game edge over the upstart Lincoln City
Riptide (35-15). There is no one else even close to these two and they will duke it out until September. H2H
play later this year should be off the chart!
In the NL, the Prairie Crossing Red Foxes continue to amaze, expanding their lead to a full 7 games over their
closest competitor the San Francisco Seals. The real shock continues to be the pre-season favorite Albany
Empires, who currently sit in LAST place, 14 games out!!!
November 27, 2017
1931 April stats posted
The stats and power rankings for the April of 1931 are now posted.
In the American League, the Schenectady Patriots (20-7), have opened a 2 game lead over their nearest opponent,
the hard charging Lincoln City Riptide (18-7). This should be a doozy of a pennant race between these two all
In the NL, the charter season of the Prairie Crossing Red Foxes got off the a great start, as they streaked to
a 19-6 opening month, while the biggest surprises were that the two teams picked my our own Jimmy the Greek,
John Ungashick, stumbled, as the Albany Empires went 10-15 and the Mojave Mavericks (12-13) went 0-10 on the
road (guess that's what happens when you play Schenectady and Lincoln City!)
November 1, 2017
1931 Pre-Season prognosis
Thanks as always to John Ungashick for penning this seasons version of the
1931 Pre-Season Prognosis!
Always a great read.
July 21, 2017
31 Rule 5 Call for Protected rosters
It's time for roster cut downs. Your official protected roster will be due to me by no later than Wednesday Aug
1 at 9pm PST. All trades must also be in by this time. At that time, all rosters will be frozen from trades
until after the Rule V draft has been completed.
Here are the amount of players each team may protect:
21 Players
San Diego Glaziers (Lehman)
Mojave Mavericks (See)
Louisville Colonels (Applegate)
Detroit Titans (Meyering)
20 Players
Frankfort Frogs (Plunkitt)
Borger Gassers (Baxter)
San Fransico Seals (Ungashick)
East Kenosha Leopards (Lauer)
Albany Empires (Turnbull)
Schenectady Blue Sox (Rahn)
19 Players
Lincoln City Riptide (Hollingsworth)
New York Mutuals (Dezarlo)
New Haven Whiffenpoofs (Williams)
Prairie Crossing Red Foxes (Ehresman)
June 30, 2017
Player Release
The Mavericks have also released the following uncarded players. They have been removed from the database
and will return in their respective rookie drafts.
OF Paul Easterling (1938)
OF Wattie Holm (1932)
OF Beauty McGowan (1937)
RP Bots Nekola (1933)
June 7, 2017
1931 Major announcements
Been a bit quiet for a while, but it is getting close to the time when we will be
release a new database (Chris is working on the cleanup of 1931 for us), and there
have been a few things happening that I need to announce.
First, Mike Cascarano has decided to leave SPB. Sad to see Mike go, but he had other
priorities he needs to focus on right now and there was just not the time he needed to
be able to focus on our leagues. He will be missed.
That said, I am very happy to announce though the taking his place will be veteran SPB
manager Steve Ehresman, who all of you likely already know well. Steve will of course
be a wonderful addition to our league and I am so happy to have him joining us.
Now for the fun stuff. And this is a fun one.......might be a first....maybe a second....
Steve E. will not be assuming the managerial role of the Boise Trees, he will be taking over
my old Brooklyn Knights and renaming them the Prairie Crossing Red Foxes. I have decided
to give up control of the defending World Series Champions and allow Steve to take the reins
of this franchise that is pretty loaded to superstars. In turn, I will be taking over the
helm of the Boise Trees and renaming them the Mojave Desert Mavericks (Mavericks in honor of
the Portland Mavericks and the Battered Bastards of Baseball - Awesome documentary if you have
not seen it!!!).
Why you ask? Well, nothing excites me more than a rebuilding project. The old Boise Franchise
is certainly that, and needs a little TLC. I can provide that. And it will be great fun for me.
I also have come to realize that playing in this leagues is more than just winning.....which I
have been very lucky to have done a bit. Like my pops Dave always says, it can be just as much
fun with a losing team playing these games, as winning. So that was it. Be on the lookout for
trades offers! LOL!
As part of our franchise musical chairs, Steve E. and I also agreed to a pretty large trade.
The Mojave Desert Mavericks trades C Luke Sewell, SP Guy Bush, OF/1B Lew Fonseca, 2B Hughie
Critz, SP Roy Mahaffey , RP Joe Shaute, RP Chad Kimsey, a 1931 3rd RDP (14) and the Mavericks
ball park (League Park) to the Prairie Crossing Red Foxes in exchange for OF John Stone, SS Billy
Rogell, P Bump Hadley, P Willis Hudlin, C Shanty Hogan, RP Bobby Burke and the Red Foxes ballpark
(Ebbets Field)
Whew! A big trade. Nothing better than stirring things up a bit right??
So that is it for now. Like I said, Chris is working on the new database and should have it done
by early July. I will then set it up for the 1931 season, adding uncarded players (There are like
70 of them), draft module, teams schedules etc, then we will get it out to you. With this big shift,
I will send a new set of Roster Files to John T to post on the website so that you know who is where
and you can still make trades.
Anyways. So VERY excited to have Steve Ehresmen back in the league. I know Steve is very excited
as well about his new team! Please join me in welcoming him!
April 17, 2017
1930 Predictions in review
From John U: Linked is a
comparison of actual and expected wins plus my
pre-season prognosis. Because of the wacky nature of 1930 and a lot of blowouts as I'm sure many
managers just left the starter in to take his knocks and save relief appearances, the expected wins
formula was way off. Every single team except the Gassers with no difference had less wins than expected.
However, in terms of the standings, expected wins tracked actual wins almost exactly with only two very
minor differences. Then comes my pre-season prognosis which had many flaws. On the positive side I picked
the Knights in an NL runaway but my own Seals fell all the way to fourth place as against a forecast of
second. However the rest of the NL fell right into line after factoring me out.
A completely different story in the AL as the New Haven Whiffenpoofs vastly exceeded the pre season when
they were picked for a distant fourth. Even thought the league BA and ERA's weren't too far off the
actual, the "Poofs team ERA was almost a run a game better than the actual results of the same pitchers
and they were far and away the leader in least runs allowed. The team featured a 25-game winner (Wes Ferrell)
and four 19-game winners! Fenway Park, the "Poff's home field was a modest pitcher's park in 1930 (believe
it or not) and this may have helped.
The pre-season favorite Blue Sox had a thunderous offense, scoring 1,135 runs but gave them up almost as
fast and fell to a tie for third place. Most of the other AL picks were pretty much in line
Congrats to Mike See for a World series win and Chris Williams for a great season. On to 1931 and I hope
to see a lot of you in Cooperstown this weekend.
April 16, 2017
1931 Positional losses
I have removed players postions who had over 400 PA's and 4 or less
appearences. It is possible that I missed a few, so I reserve the right to fix later. Here are
players who lost postion eligbility.
Dale Alexander LF Mutuals
Dick Bartell 2b Leopards
Lew Fonseca 1B Tress
Jimmie Foxx LF Blue Sox
Lou Gerhig RF Frogs
John Kerr SS FA
Les Mallon SS FA
Ed Morgan 3B Blue Sox
Marv Owen 2B FA
Jack Rothrock 3B Empires
Babe Ruth 1B Gasser
Lloyd Waner 2b Leopards
April 14, 2017
1931 Lottery results
Number was 3-2-7
Congrats to Steve Lehman on securing the top pick in 1931
Here is your lottery for 1931.
1. San Diego Glaziers (Steve Lehman)
2. Boise Trees (Mike Cascarano)
3. Detroit Titans (Paul Meyering)
4. Franfort Frogs (Gary Plunkitt)
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
1930 September stats posted
The stats and power rankings for the final month 1930 are now posted.
First, thanks to all of you for another outstanding season! The 1930 season was a challenge, but as you will see in the forthcoming usage report, we came through with FLYING COLORS! Great job to everyone!
Now for the pennants.....
In the American League, we had quite the shocker. A ragtag bunch of Whiffenpoofs from New Haven, Connecticut shocked the world, upending the heavily favored NY Mutuals, Lincoln City Riptide and pre season fav Schenectady Blue Sox, winning their final 11 contests and taking the pennant by 2 games over the Mutuals. The Whiffs were picked to finish a distant 4th by our pre season prognosticator, but it just goes to show you that anything can happen in SPB. Congrats to Chirs Williams on his 1st SPB-X Pennant!
In the NL, my own Brooklyn Knights blew away their competitors with their big bats, winning the pennant by 15 games over their closest competition, the defending World Champion Albany Empires.
The Knights will now face off against the Whiffenpoofs in the 1930 World Series. The Knights will have home field advantage in the series and the attached database in WS ready (though the series will likely not be played until after our Cooperstown Draft).
Here are your League Champs for the Major Categories
American League
AL Batting Champion : Lou Gehrig (Frogs) - .419
AL Home Run Leader: Gabby Hartnett (Mutuals) - 38
AL Runs Batted In: Jimmie Foxx (Blue Sox) - 183
AL Hits Leader: Lou Gehrig (Frogs) - 241
AL Wins Leader: Wes Ferrell (Whiffenpoofs) - 25 Wins
AL ERA Leader: George Blaeholder (Whiffenpoofs) - 2.74
AL Strikeout Leader: Lefty Grove (Blue Sox) - 219
National League
NL Batting Champion : Bill Terry (Knights) - .412
NL Home Run Leader: Hack Wilson (Knights) - 57
NL Runs Batted In: Hack Wilson (Knights) - 185
NL Hits Leader: Bill Terry (Knights) - 265
NL Wins Leader: Dolf Luque (Knights) - 22 Wins
NL ERA Leader: Rube Walberg (Empires) - 3.00
NL Strikeout Leader: Bump Hadley (Knights) - 144
Use or Lose Report and Overusage Report will be coming out shortly. We will hopefully have a 1931 Database in your hand sometime in May. Chris is doing some pretty massive cleanup prior to getting it to me to prepare for the 1931 season, as this DMB disc has never received the full upgrade treatment since it was originally released many moons ago, so thanks to Chris for taking this on for us.
Will keep you updated on the World Series Progress. Should be a doozy.....
Trading will be open at the completion of the 1930 World Series.
Thank again for an outstanding season!
March 21, 2017
1930 August stats posted
The stats and power rankings for August 1930 are now posted.
In the AL, August saw Joe Dezarlo's New York Mutuals continue their rampage, going 21-7 (including winning 4 of 7 on the
road from Chris Williams 2nd place New Haven), to jump out to a 3 game lead heading into September. I huge 7 games
series in Newark awaits us in week 2 of Sept. The Lincoln Riptide are hanging by a thread at 7 games out and desperately
need some help from New Haven. The Riptide did effectively end the 1 year AL reign of the Blue Sox, with a devastating 7
game sweep of Schenectady in August. The favored Blue Sox are now 13 games out and can likely begin their planning to
dominate 1931.
In the NL, the defending champion, John Turnbull's Albany Empires and Mike See's Brooklyn Knights met for their
final 7 game series in August that would likely decide the NL Pennant. After losing game 1 10-9, the Knights bounced
back and won 6 straight games in H2H play with the champs, which barring a miracle, effectively ending their hopes of
a repeat, as the Empires enter Sept now trailing the Knights by 11 games.
February 21, 2017
1930 July stats posted
The stats and power rankings for July 1930 are now posted.
In the American League, the New Haven Whiffenpoofs (21-5) and New York Mutuals (22-6) caught fire and steamrolled
ahead of the favored Schenectady Patriots and Lincoln City Riptide as we head into the dog days of August. The
Mutuals hold a slim 1 game lead over the Whiffs, while the Riptide now stand 5 games back and Patriots 6. It's
still anyone's division with 2 months left to play, but things really turned on their head in July in the AL.
In the NL, the Brooklyn Knights (16-12) and the Albany Empires (16-10) played there first H2H series, with the Empires
winning 4-3, but the Knights still hold a 3 game lead for the league, as the two will play 7 more in August, this time
in Brooklyn. Everyone else in the NL will play the roll of spoiler barring a dramatic turnaround.
Please have your MP's out to your opponents NO LATER than March 1.
Next month, when we go to week to week play, we are likely going to have a one week hiatus the week we are having the SPB-1 Drafts in Cooperstown.
It should not slow us down too much.......
January 21, 2017
1930 June stats posted
The stats and power rankings for June 1930 are now posted. We are now at the midway
point of the 1930 season and there are some excellent pennant races going on, especially in the American League!
In the AL, the defending pennant winners, the Schenectady Patriots had a 4 game lead going into the month, but an 11-13
record in June allowed the upstart Lincoln City Riptide to jump out to a 2-game lead at the half way point. The Blue
Sox still maintain 2nd place but nipping at their tails are the New York Mutuals (3 game back) and the New Haven
Whiffenpoofs (4 games back). This should be an excellent race to the end.
In the NL, the Brooklyn Knights entered the month tied first 1st, but a 16-8 month and a 12-12 month by the defending
champion Empires allowed the Knights to jump out to a 4-game lead for the pennant. The next closest team is the East
Kenosha Lions, who are 9 games back. With 14 games between the Knights and Empires over the next few months, this
division is still up for grabs as well. July 1930 is ready to go. Please have your MP's out to your opponents NO
LATER than February 1.
December 21, 2016
1930 May stats posted
The stats and power rankings for May 1930 are now posted.In the American League,
the defending pennant winners, the Schenectady Patriots (36-14), maintained a 4 game lead over their nearest
opponent, the hard charging New York Mutuals, who are riding a 12 game winning streak (32-18). In the NL,
the Brooklyn Knights (16-9) stumbled hard in May and now find themselves in a tie with the defending SPB-X
Champion Albany Empires at 27-23. June 1930 is ready to go. Please have your MP's out to your opponents NO
LATER than January 1.
October 24, 2016
1930 Pre-Season prognosis
A huge round of applause to John Ungashick for once again providing his
expert insight into the upcoming SPB-X season with his
1930 season
prognosis. Thanks again John!
August 16, 2016
1930 Draft date announcement
After reviewing all of your input, the SPB (1930) Rookie and Phase 2 drafts will be
held in September 10th, 2016 starting at 11am EST (8am PST) in our new chatroom. This is the date the allowed
for the most league members to attend. My apologies in advance if this was not your day of choice. Please start
thinking about your protected rosters, as I'll be sending out the official call for protected rosters in the next
few weeks.
So you know what the #'s are, here is what each team may protect:
21 Players - Cascarano, Meyering, Lehman, Applegate
20 Players - Lauer, Baxter, Dezarlo, Ungashick, C. Williams, Hollingsworth,
19 Players - Plunkitt, See, Rahn, Turnbull
May 31, 2016
1930 Lottery Results
Number was 0-3-2. For only the 2nd time, the number is 0, and the team with 1 chance gets
the 1st pick in the draft. Congrats John Ungashick and the Seals.
Lottery Results
1.San Francisco Seals (John Ungashick)- 76 Wins (1 Chance)
2.Louisville Colonels (Rich Applegate) - 60 Wins (4 Chances)
3.Borger Gassers (Terry Baxter) - 74+2 Wins (2 Chances)
4.East Kenosha Lakers (Dave Lauer) - 71 Wins (3 Chances)
April 26, 2016
1930 Stadium Change
Mike Cascarano (Formerly the Cummins Diesels) will be changing his team name (TBD).
He is changing stadiums though, giving up Redland Field and moving into the more hitter friendly confines of
Cleveland's League Park. That makes Redland Field (Cincinnati) and Sportsman's Park (AL) Browns, you two
available parks.
April 26, 2016
1930 Position eligibility losses
With the first trade offers coming out, I don't have the final database completed
yet (I still have the rest of the uncarded players to add), but I have gone through the database and have
take care of removing position for players who did not qualify and were over 400 PA. There were just (3)
Marty McManus (List SS eligibility)
Frank O'Rourke (Lost 1B eligibility)
Bill Regan (Lost 3B eligibility)
April 26, 2016
1930 Bonus Batter exception
Due to the Offensive explosion in 1930, we will be increasing the Bonus
Hitter 100 PA bonus from batters under .235, to batters .250 and under for the 1930 season only.
This adds 27 hitters to the bonus pool in 1930 (2700 PA's). This will ONLY be for 1930, as things
normalize in 1931.
That means if you have a batter who hits .250 or lower, they will also be given an additional 100
PA's during the 1930 season. This will help with any potential usage issues folks might run into,
and likely enhance the trade value of some fringe players
April 26, 2016
Empires best Blue Sox for 1929 Crown
In a wild, back and forth, roller coaster of a 7 game series,
John Turnbull's Albany Empires outlasted Don Rahn's Schenectady Patriots 4 Games to 3,
winning the "Capital District Clash." Full write-ups of this wild series are forthcoming,
but in a nutshell, the Empires jumped out to a 3-1 series lead, only to see the Patriots come
alive to force a Game 7. Scoring in the series is what you would have expected...there was
lots of it. The Final 1929 Database is attached.
Anyways, let me be the first to congratulate both John and Don on a great series, that was
incredibly played H2H with 6,000 miles separating them. Don's Patriots went from worst to first
and have a very bright future heading into the 1930's. Congrats Don.
For our esteemed Mr. Turnbull, for 6 existing SPB Leagues, this is his FIRST World Series title
since the inaugural SPB-4 1970 Season, 19 years ago! A huge congratulations go out to John on
this series win, he certainly had to earn it, and his truly was the BEST team in SPB-X in 1929!
April 21, 2016
1929 World Series Promotional Flier

April 21, 2016
1929 End of Season reports
As is typical with the end of every season, that we bring to you
the yearly USE OR LOSE and
OVERUSAGE reports for the 1929 season. Thank you
to everyone for a smooth September week to week playing schedule.
April 21, 2016
1929 Final stats
A hearty congratulation in the American League to Don Rahn, whose Schenectady Blue Sox cruised
the to pennant, winning by a convincing 11 games over its closest competitor, Gary Plunkitt's Frankfort Fortress.
In the National League it was much closer, and a giant congratulations to John Turnbull, whose Albany Empires survived Mike
See's Brooklyn Knights (The division was tied with two games left, but the Empires won their final 2 and Knights lost their
last 2), and Albany took the Pennant by 2 games.
This sets up what will be called I-90 World Series, with the two teams being separated by about 20 miles in upstate NY!
Because John is still in Iraq, I will be allowing him to wait until he returns in a few weeks so that he and Don can play
this really cool World Series H2H. These were no doubt the best two teams in our league this year and it should be a GREAT
World Series. Congrats again to both John and Don and best of luck to both of them!
February 23, 2016
1929 August report
In the AL the Schenectady Blue Sox are closing in on wrapping up their first ever pennant,
holding a commanding 6 game edge on the Riptide and 7 over the Frankfort Fortress. It would likely take an epic collapse
of historic proportions for anyone to catch them (though if its close heading into Week 4, the Blue Sox still have a
showdown with the Frogs left)
In the NL it razor tight. The Knights saw their 4 game lead over the Empires evaporate in August, and now trail John
Turnbull's Albany Empires by 1 game. The two teams have no H2H series left. The strength of schedule might seem to
favor the Knights down the stretch...but......The Knights may have blown their bank roll with usage and might not have
enough gas in the tank to complete the race against a well rested Albany squad. Should make September very interesting.
Scoring has been.....well it has been crazy insane, as this era was in real life. Players are getting more PA's with
scoring being up, and pitchers are being used more because of it. With the 30% Bonus rule for relief appearances, and
bonus pitchers above 4.50 (There are a lot of them), not real worried about there being a ton of usage issues for pitchers,
but please watch you PA's for your hitters closely.
February 23, 2016
1929 July report
In the AL its a 3 team race, with the Blue Sox are clinging to a two game lead over the Riptide
and four games over the Frogs. The Whiffs had a great month, but are 8 back. In the NL the Knights have a 4 game lead
over the Empires, with an all important 7-game series at the Knights this month. Because JT can't play H2H from Iraq, I
am going to have him play my home series for me this month and send him an MP. Should make it even more fun going into
September! Good luck John!
Scoring has been.....well it has been insane. It's 1929, and it has been like a pinball machine. Again, please make sure
you are watching your usage. Players are getting more PA's with scoring being up, and pitchers are being used more because
of it. With the 30% Bonus rule for relief appearances, and bonus pitchers above 4.50 (There are a lot of them), not real
worried about there being a ton of usage issues for pitchers, but please watch you PA's for your hitters closely.
The August Database is attached. All usage has been reset. This will be the final month of monthly play before we head
into weekly play in September next Month. Please have your MP's to your two road opponents by Leap Year, Monday 2/29.
Should be some great pennant races down the stretch
January 31, 2016
1929 Mid-Season ownership change
I am writing you to inform you of an ownership change that will be effective immediately in our
SPB-X (1929) league. Rick Ryan informed me last month that he would be leaving our league at the end of the current season.
All of us know Rick so very well, and while I am sad to see him leave, I also understand the time constraints of being in so
many leagues. The good news is that Rick will remain in all other SPB Leagues, so we'll still get to see lots of him. A
huge thanks to Rick for all of his contributions to this league and ALL SPB Leagues.
When the opportunity came about to find a new manager for Rick's team, I though it might be a good idea to give this manager
a jump ahead on getting used to the SPB style of game play.
The great news is that it should not take him too long, becuase I am very pleased to announce the return of veteran SPB/DMB
owner Mike Cascarno to the SPB Fold after many many years away from us. Mike I became very well acquainted through some of
Don Rahn's leagues, and he is VERY excited to become re-acquainted with all of you again.
If you play of the road against the Diesels in July 1929, please send your MP's directly to Mike at
Even if you don't play him, please drop him a note to welcome him back to SPB!
Mike will be sending out MP's to road opponents as well.
January 29, 2016
1929 June stats and power rankings posted
The June 1929 stats and power rankings are now posted. In the NL, it is still extremely tight
with the Knights holding a narrow two game edge over the Albany Empires. The Knights are traveling for a 7 game set in
Albany this month which should be a barn burner.
In the AL it is also razor tight, with a 2-way tie atop the division between the Lincoln City Riptide and Schenectady
Blue Sox. The Riptide will make the long haul to Schenectady this month as well, so the top of the standing could be in
for some changes. The Frankfort Fortress are right in the think of things as well, just 2 games out.
On another note. Scoring is really high thus far, and pitcher are getting beat up pretty good. Please continue to watch
your usage. With Bonus Players and new 30% rule for relief, things should be ok, just keep an eye on it.
December 22, 2015
1929 May stats and power rankings posted
The May 1929 stats and power rankings are now posted. The offensive show...continued
in May. I encourage every to keep a close eye on your RP. Even with the extra 30%, you'll want to keep on top
of them. It's a very tight race in the AL as predicted, with the Lincoln City Riptide holding a 1 game edge over
the red hot Schenectady Club. In the NL, it remains very tight, with the Empires takes a 1 games lead over the
2nd place Knights. The Gassers hot month put them just 3 games back.
November 23, 2015
1929 April stats and power rankings posted
The opening month of the 1929 season is in the books. This 1929
Season is certainly going to be an offensive show...and not much pitching. For the month of
April, teams AVERAGED 5.76 runs per game in the 1st month of the season.
In the AL, The division leading Knights and Empires averaged a whopping 7.61 runs per game!
In the NL, the league leading Lincoln City Riptide succeeded with great pitching, only allowing
4.96 run per game, which led the league.
It's a very tight race in the NL as predicted, with the Knights holding a 1 game edge over
the Empires in a race that should be tight throughout the season. In the AL, the Riptide
"ripped" opponents in April, and jumped out to a 4 game lead over the 2nd place Blue Sox.
October 23, 2015
1929 Opening month notes
PLAYBALL! Attached are the opening day files for the 1929 season! All trades have been reflected on this database.
Each team will play 14 games against divisional opponents (7 Road/7 Home), and 10 games (5 Road/5 Home) against the
other league. This schedule is new, as I needed to reconfigure it do to early versions of the database being incorrect.
I had John Turnbull look it over to make sure it was good now and he was in the affirmative, but if you see any issues
with this schedule, your roster, or anything else, please let me know ASAP. Have tried to be pretty thorough in checking
ALL of the settings and such, so should be good to go...but ya never know. : )
Also attached are also Ballpark Images for this era (Zip Files 1929 Parks) if you need them. I have configured them
to match the images for your stadium, so all you have to do is download them, drop them all into the DMB11 Parks File
(C:\dmb11\parks) and you will be good to go. You wont have to reset your image each month as it is embedded in the
main database.
Would also like to recommend (This is not required) that you consider adjusting your road managerial profile (on your
individual pitcher settings), to set you top pitcher's settings to something like this:
Remove For pinch Hitter
Versus LHP - Less Frequent , Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Versus RHP - Less Frequent , Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
In a Platoon- Less Frequent , Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
In Blowouts - Less Frequent , Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Using relievers - Less Frequent , Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Using Closers - Less Frequent , Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Obviously this may depend on your quality of pitching and number of relief appearances you have, but it will certainly
help the game to let your top pitchers go deeper into the game should you make these tweaks.
Also, please set you SP Usage to: "Strict" and your depth chart should be "Game By Game." I have changed these
setting already just confirm them.
IMPORTANT- Remember that new SPB Usage rules allow for non bonus pitchers who have relief ratings to receive a 30%
bonus on appearances for the season. So if Wes Ferrell appeared in 43 games and started 25 in real life, you just
need to take Total Games * .30, added that number to his real life total, then just subtract the number of bonus
starts to get the total additional relief he can use, so is Wes' case:
He gets 13 more total appearances, 3 of which can be starts, and 10 more relief outings should he need them.
Pretty simple. And should insure everyone has plenty of relief appearances.
Also, Bonus pitchers may double their apprentice now up to a total of 65 games without incurring a penalty.
Please have your April 1929 MP's to road opponents by NO LATER than November 1st, and your results should be
sent to me at (As I am also League Stat for SPB-X), by November 20, 2015.
Thanks again to all of you and I hope you enjoy the 1929 Season.
October 23, 2015
1929 Pre-Season prognosis
Thanks to SPB-X Beat writer John Ungashick for his expert
write-up for the 1929 Season. I could not agree with him more on his predictions!
September 20, 2015
1929 draft complete
Thanks so much again for a VERY smooth and efficient draft.
Once of the fastest we have ever had.
It is now time for the Phase 3 portion of our draft (Waiver Claims).
So here is how is will work.
There are 21 hitters left and 20 pitchers. All of these players are available still.
If you want any of them, please send me a list of the players you want, IN THE ORDER THAT
you want them.
We will use the reverse order of last years standings, and I will conduct the Waiver Claims
in that order, Each team will receive (1) pick per Round, and you can put in for an many
players as you like. You will receive the TOP player that is still available on your list
at the time you pick in each round. Once your list is exhausted, your draft will be done.
PASS ALL OF YOUR PICKS. If you could, even if you are not taking anyone, please email me
as well and let me know that.....thanks.
Please have your list of players to me by no later than this Monday evening at 9PM EST. I
will conduct the draft at this time and send the results. I will also send an updated DB
out as well.
August 24, 2015
1928 Call for Protected rosters
With the draft now less than a month, away, I'd like to announce that now is the
time to begin thinking about and submitting your roster cut downs for the Phase 2.
Cut downs will be due to myself NO LATER than Friday September 4 at 9PM PST, at which
time trading of any unprotected players will be halted. SO you have 2 weeks to get
your trades in
In keeping with league standards, Phase 2 will allow for (2) selections per team with
no team allowed to lose more than 5 players.
Here are your 1929 Protected Limits
21 Players
Schenectady Blue Sox (Don Rahn)
San Diego Glaziers (Steve Lehman)
Cummins Diesels (Rick Ryan)
Detroit Titans (Paul Meyering)
20 Players
New York Mutuals (Joe Dezarlo)
Lincoln City Riptide (Marc Hollingsworth)
Brooklyn Knights (Mike See)
Albany Empires (John Turnbull)
New Haven Whiffenpoofs (Chris Williams)
East Kenosha Leopards (Dave Lauer)
19 Players
Frankfort Frogs (Gary Plunkitt)
Louisville Colonels (Rich Applegate)
Borger Gassers (Terry Baxter)
San Francisco Seals (John Ungashick)
May 24, 2015
1928 Team name change
Under growing pressure, with protests from local tribes, the Washington Redskins have decided to change their team name and colors for the upcoming 1929 season to the Schenectady Blue Sox. : )
May 21, 2015
1928 Series Champ crowned!
Congratulations to John Ungashick on his 1928 World Champion team, the San Francisco Seals. They were truly a
championship team after beating out Rich Applegate's Louisville Colonels, and my Frankfort Frogs for the N.L. pennant,
in a close 3 team battle that took the whole season to decide. They played tough all year taking down all serious
opponents, including Terry's Borger Gassers, the A.L. pennant winner, for all the marbles in the '28 W.S.
Great job, John!
April 24, 2015
1929 Lottery results
Lottery Number was 7-3-0
No surprises here, exact order of finish...congrats to Steve Lehman....he finally wins one of these things....!
1. San Diego Glaziers (Steve Lehman)
2. Cummins Diesels (Rick Ryan)
3. Detroit Titans (Paul Meyering)
4. New Haven Whiffenpoofs (Chris Williams)
April 24, 2015
1928 Post season reports
As is customary with the end of each SPB season, we bring to you the 1928
and Use or Lose reports. It appears that
the weekly play in Spetember played a great deal in the excellent usage numbers that were produced.
April 20, 2015
1928 Preview verification
Hot off the presses! Did a quick comparison of actual wins, expected wins and my pre-season prognosis and the
results are very interesting. There must be something about 1920's baseball that is completely different from latter days as the vast majority of teams woefully underachieved when comparing expected and actual wins. I guess there were just a lot of blowouts. In the AL, the Lincoln City Riptide underachieved by a massive 19 games as the only won 79 games but the run differential formula called on them for 98! The Kenosha Leopards weren't far behind at negative 12.
In the NL the champion Seals should have had 104 wins but only achieved 94, a 10-game swing. In fact only three teams in the entire SPBX overachieved and then just slightly. My preseason prognosis correctly picked the winners in both leagues but in the AL I badly underestimated the Leopards and Knights and overestimated the Riptide although if the Lincoln City crew would have performed up to the EW formula, I would have looked a lot better. My prognosis was much closer in the NL with only one team two slots better than I picked and most pretty much right on.
April 20, 2015
1928 September stats
SPB-X (1928) Regular Season completed!
What an ending to the 1928 Regular Season!! Attached are the final Standings for the 1928 Regular Season, and what a final month it was (only including Box Scores from final week here, there is a second fine attached that you can just load the new games and not the full database so you don't lose the other box scores if you like, just use import stats intead of import database).
I think the week to week play worked well after some tweaking, and I would be curious as to your thoughts on if this is something we should do in other leagues .From a league stat standpoint, it was pretty easy once we stopped having to DL players, and by the early looks of things, it looks like there was hardly any overusage (just a few).
Some of your final league leaders (Champions) to end the season:
AL Batting Champ: Lou Gehrig (Frogs) .380
NL Batting Champ: Goose Goslin (Knights) .373
AL HR Champ: Babe Ruth (Gassers) 49
NL HR Champ: Hack Wilson (Glaziers) 29
AL RBI Champ: Babe Ruth (Gassers) 135
NL RBI Champ: Harry Heilmann (Frogs) 144
AL Wins Leader: Lefty Grove (Riptide) 25
NL Wins Leader Fred Fitzsimmons (Colonels)/Dazzy Vance (Frogs) 21
AL Strikeout Leader: Lefty Grove (Riptide) 211
NL Strikeout Leader: Dazzy Vance (Frogs) 196
AL ERA Leader: Eddie Rommel (Gassers) 2.58
NL ERA Leader: Sam Gray (Diesels) 2.16
In the NL, 3 weeks ago, after the Colonels beat the Seals 4 of 7, and the Seals were 4 games out, most writers left them for dead, but the Seals made a comeback for the ages, winning 14 of their last 15 games to win the NL Pennant going away by 3 games over the 2nd place Colonels.
Congrats to John Ungashick on his amazing comeback win, and to Rich Applegate on his amazing season.
In the AL, it was a tad bit closer. In fact, so close that I need to write them up in a bit more detail. It came down to the very last AB of the season. With the Leopards and Gassers tied going into the week, both teams struggled at home. Dave s Leopards ended up losing 4 of 7 to the Empires. So Terry needed to match that to gain a tie or just win 4 of 7 to win the pennant against Joe Dezarlo s giant killing Mutuals.
Terry proceeded to LOSE 3 of the first 4 games against Joe s seeming powerhouse, and was in danger on blowing the pennant all together.
In game 5, the Gassers trailed by a run going into the bottom of the 9th. But a two run rally saved their season and the Gassers won 6-5.
Game 6 was even worse, with the Gassers down 7-3 going into the bottom of the 8th, but HR s by Babe Ruth and George Grantham netted the Gassers 4 runs to tie it in the 8th, and a Sac Fly by Grantham in the bottom of the 9th provided another walk off victory and clinched at least a tie for the pennant.
Game 7. The Cardiac Gassers are again down 2-0, heading into the bottom of the 9th. It looks as if they d be hopping a train for a 1-game playoff in Kenosha on Monday. But the Mutuals got wild in the 9th, walking three Gassers, and once again the Gassers were able to fight back an tie the game at 2-2 and sent it to extra innings.
The Mutuals quieted the crowd in the 10th, scoring a run and once again, it seemed to be over. But after Wally Schang walked to lead off the inning and was sacrificed to 2nd, CF Jimmy Welsh stepped the plate. After talking a first pitch ball, the lanky centerfielder dug in. Welsh swung at the next pitch, and drove it just over the wall for a 2-Run Pennant winning walk off Home Run!!! The Gassers and their fans rushed the field to greet Welsh at home plate and we was carried off the field in the biggest celebration the City of Borger had ever seen! Congrats to Terry Baxter on his incredible comeback for the pennant and to Dave Lauer, for being the sportsman that he is, and for one of his most exciting seasons ever in SPB. I am quite positive the Leopards will be back strong in 1929.
Notes: Now it s on to the 1928 World Series for the Seals (Home field) and Gassers. John U will be out of town for the next week so it may be a week or two before the series is played, but I am sure it will be played H2H and it will be a great one, with the Speedy Seals facing the powerful Borger club.
Thanks to all for a great 1928 Regular season!
I'll have overusage and use or lose done soon, along with the 1929 lottery......
March 21, 2015
1928 August stats
The stats and power rankings for July 1928 are now posted. As we decided a few months ago, in an effort to
bring more excitement to the close of our seasons and to help with September usage issues, SPB-X will be
experiment with weekly series play as we head into September 1928.
The pennant races heading into September look very exciting, which should make this experiment even more fun.
This is in no way set in stone that we will continue with this style of play. But I want each member of the
Rules Committee (all 10 of you are in this league) to closely watch how it goes, and provide input about our
methods and how it is working so that when we are done, we can decide if we want to continue it.
Here is how it will work:
Attached is the database for September, for the first weeks play. Usage has been reset, and I will be
resetting usage after each weekly series for now. Below are the Home teams for the first week. If you
are on the Road (Visitor), I will need you to send me an MP for this series only.
This weeks marquee matchups include a showdown in the NL between the Seals and Colonels, and in the AL
between the Leopards and Gassers.
Road MP's are due TO ME ONLY (since I am both League Stat and Commish) by NO LATER THAN next Wednesday
March 25 at 9pm EST (MP's are due from Mutuals, Titans, Leopards, Redskins, Knights, Seals and Diesels for
this week).
Once a receive all of the MP's,
I will send out a PLAYFILE by Friday Evening (in this case March 27) so that
home teams may begin to play there weekly series. Once completed, please send series results to myself and
opposing manager as usual.
Series results for this first week are due NO LATER than Wednesday April 1 at 9pm EST.
Once a receive the results from all teams for the first week, I'll send out the results file -Wednesday Evening-
and we will begin the process again for the next week. New MP's will be due by -Friday Evening- at 9pm EST and a new play file will be send out Friday night. We should be completed with the season based on this schedule by April 22.
If you have ANY questions about this, please let me know so we can avoid confusion. August 1928 Awards
will follow.
**VERY IMPORTANT NOTE** - Just a reminder, after conferring with league leadership, we have decided that
with the adoption of the new relief usage rules yesterday, that we will be adopting them now for the remainder
of the SPB-X, 1928 season. This means you can now add 30% to your relief appearances instead of the normal 10%,
with a maximum of 65 instead of 60 (And up to 65 for bonus as well). This should give everyone enough appearances
for the season. If you have any questions about how this works, please email me.
February 21, 2015
1928 July stats
The stats and power rankings for July 1928 are now posted. Usage and injuries have been reset. Below are the monthly awards and some highlights from our first month of play.
- Just a reminder, after conferring with league leadership, I have decided that with the adoption of the new relief usage rules yesterday, that we will be adopting them now for the remainder of the SPB-X, 1928 season. This means you can now add 30% to your relief appearances instead of the normal 10%, with a maximum of 65 instead of 60 (And up to 65 for bonus as well). This should give everyone enough appearances for the season. If you have any questions about how this works, please email me.
PLEASE HAVE your August 1928 Profiles to myself and your road opponents by no later than Sunday March 1, 2015. Please don't forget to copy me when sending your MP's, it really came in handy this month for several owners.
January 22, 2015
1928 June Month in review
We are half way through the 1928 season. PLEASE HAVE your July 1928 Profiles to myself and your road opponents by no later than Thursday
February 1, 2015.
**VERY IMPORTANT NOTE** - After conferring with league leadership, I have decided that with the adoption of the new
relief usage rules yesterday, that we will be adopting them now for the remainder of the SPB-X, 1928 season. This
means you can now add 30% to your relief appearances instead of the normal 10%, with a maximum of 65 instead of 60
(And up to 65 for bonus as well). This should give everyone enough appearances for the season. If you have any
questions about how this works, please email me.
· 5 Players had 5 Hits in a game in June, include 2b Carl Lind, 1B George Sisler, SS Dick Bartell, OF Danny Sothern and C Spud Davis.
· 7 Players hit 2 HR’s in a game (Curt Walker and Glenn Wright of the Titans, Joe Hauser of SD, Del Bissonette of the Seals, Jackie Tavener of the Frogs and Don Hurst of the Riptide.
· Four players had 11 total bases in one game, including the Titans Wright, the Seals Bissonette, Hauser and SD and Don Hurst of the Riptide.
· Two Albany Empires (Chick Hafey and Johnny Hodapp, had 15 game hitting streaks in June.
· The Frogs Lou Gehrig has a 13 game hot streak that is still active.
· The Knights Shanty Hogan had an RBI in 6 consecutive games June 1-8.
· The Borger Gassers won 8 consecutive games from June 18-27.
· The Washington Redskins lost 9 consecutive games from June 2-13.
· “Sunny” Jim Bottomley hit the months only Grand Slam HR against the Knights in June 10.
· George Burns hit a walk off 2 RUN HR with 2 outs in the 9th to give his Empires a 6-5 win on June 7.
· The Cummins Diesels turned a TRIPLE PLAY on June 26 versus the Seals. Randy Reese hit into the Triple dipper, and it went 1-5-3.
· The Leopards Doug McWeeny and Gassers Carmen Hill both carried No Hitters into the 8th inning in June, and both lost them with 2 outs in the 8th.
· “Hope his arm does not fall off” Award. Burleigh Grimes of the Colonels tossed a league leading 873 pitches in June!
· The Riptides Lefty Grove had an incredible 3.9 to 1 K to BB ratio in June!
· Your Outta here Award. After have 4 ejections in May, players were on their best behavior in June. No one was kicked out of a game.
· Paul Waner and Harry Heilmann led the league with 5 Game Winning RBI’s each for the month of June.
· Pete Donohue of the Titans and Eddie Rommel of the Gassers each threw 68.4% of their pitches for strikes, leading the league.
Football Scores of the month:
Knights 16, Seals 7 (June 3)
Leopards 16, Redskins 4 (June 18)
Leopards 15, Redskins 0 (June 14)
Gassers 15, Diesels 2 (June 6)
Frogs 14, Titans 3 (June 12)
Colonels 14, Whiffenpoofs 0 (June 15)
December 21, 2014
1928 May Month in review
We are now into the second month of the 1928 season. PLEASE HAVE your June 1928 Profiles to myself and your road opponents by no later than Thursday
January 1, 2015. Please make sure you are watching you relief usage and appearances for your pitchers as well. Don't want to go over. Thanks for
usual timely send in of stats! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
· The East Kenosha Lions had two players get 5 hits (L.Waner and Gehringer) and 3 players get 4 hits (Blue, Reeves and DeBarry) in a 20-6 road drubbing of the Colonels on May 24. The Lions banged out 28 hits in the game.
· Washington’s Kiki Cuyler smashed 3 HR in one game on 5/24 with 7 RBI and 14 total bases!!!
· Four players hit 2 triples in a game (L. Waner, A. Metzler, B. Bothergill and H. Heilmann).
· Frankfort’s Taylor Douthit went 4 for 4 with 4 Doubles on 5/12.
· There were 11 players that scored 4 runs in a game in May (Too many to list)
· Iron Glove Awards – 4 players has 3 errors in a game in May (Bancroft, Beck, Cronin and English)
· Between May 12 and May 24th, Lil’ Stoner retired 18 consecutive hitters.
· George Pipgras tossed 19.1 scoreless innings between 4/26 and 5/6. (Stoner and Pipgras seem to got together)
· 7 Players hit Grand Slam HR’s in May.
· Tough Luck. The Knights Bobby Burke and Redskins Frank Frankhouse each game up 3 Game winning Walk off hits in May.
· There were 4 walkoff HR’s during the month (Berry, Herman, Cohen and Kelly)
· The Knights scored 12 runs in 1 inning versus the Redskins on 5/18. The Knights scalped the Skins 22-7.
· Louisville’s Jim Bottomley has a 17 Game hitting streak (5/10-Current) that is still active
· Mel Ott has 8 Game Winning RBI for the month, he has 7 in April.
· Hope his arm does not fall off. George Pipgras has already thrown 1631 pitches on the season. But he has also had 11 Quality starts, leading the league.
· You Outta here Award. Cark Lind, Dave Harris, Bill Regan and Bob Smith were all ejected from games in May.
· The Frogs won 8 straight games from May 20-30.
· Brooklyn Knights Hank Johnson carried No Hitters into the 7th inning twice in May. Losing both with 1 out in the 7th. Both games were on the road.
· Knights Bump Hadley carried a perfect game into the 6th inning on May 1 against the Whiffenpoofs.
October 21, 2014
1928 Pre-Season Prognosis
Thanks to John Ungashick for putting
this together. Read'em and Weep!
October 21, 2014
1928 Season starting notes
With the 1928 season about to begin, some instructions have been announced by the Commissioner:
Each team will play 14 games against divisional opponents (7 Road/7 Home), and 10 games (5 Road/5 Home)
against the other league.
Attached are also Ballpark Images for this era (Zip Files 1928 Parks). I have configured them to match
the images for your stadium, so all you have to do is download them, drop them all into the DMB11 Parks File
(C:\dmb11\parks) and you will be good to go. You wont have to reset your image each month as it is embedded
in the main database.
Would also highly recommend that you adjust you road managerial profile (on your individual pitcher
settings), to set each pitcher's settings to something like this:
Remove For pinch Hitter
Versus LHP - Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Versus RHP - Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
In a Platoon- Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
In Blowouts - Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Using relievers - Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Using Closers - Least Frequent or Never depending on your SP quality
Also, please set you SP Usage to:
"Strict" and your depth chart should be
"Game By Game." I have changed
these setting already just confirm them.
Changing these individual pitcher settings under Player tendencies will better help you road manager to
not abuse your bullpen like a modern day manager. Also attached is a screen shot of one of the Knights
pitchers (Hank Johnson). You can look at my entire MP to see what they should look like.
Please have your April 1928 MP's to road opponents by NO LATER than November 1st, and your results should
be sent to me at (As I am also League Stat for SPB-X), by November 20, 2014.
Thanks again to all of you and I hope you enjoy the 1928 Season.
Also, there are many old photos to use at:
To install:
File - Install Player Pics - Game Wide Small (90x135), then select file you downloaded(Do
not extract them first).
August 24, 2014
Ballpark Change
Our newest member of SPB-X Paul Meyering has decided to have his new franchise, the Detroit Titans, vacate the friendly confines of Sportsman's Park AL and take up residence in
the more forgiving Braves Field.
August 10, 2014
New manager on board
It is my pleasure to announce that we will have a new manager in the fold for our upcoming Rookie Drafts and the 1928 season.
Paul Meyerings will be taking over the former Purple Gang franchise (which had been owned by Greg Stillwagon, who decided to pursue other interests yesterday).
Paul will be renaming the team the
Detroit Titans and will remain in Sportsman's Park AL.
Paul has been waiting a little while for a team team to open in this league and is very excited to play with a bunch of "experienced" gamers like yourselves : )
Paul has played in in two other DMB retro leagues, one for nine years and the other for five. In fact, he plays in leagues with fellow SPB-X managers Rich Applegate
(GABL) and Chris Williams(TSL). so he should be right at home here is SPB.
Paul will be sending out a short bio to this group shortly!
A big welcome to Paul! It is a pleasure to have you on board. Please give him a big Seasons Past Baseball welcome!!! Pail can be reached at
August 10, 2014
Draft announcement
It is my pleasure to announce that we will have a new manager in the fold for our upcoming Rookie Drafts and the
1928 season.
Paul Meyerings will be taking over the former Purple Gang franchise (which had been owned by Greg Stillwagon, who
decided to pursue other interests yesterday).
Paul will be renaming the team the Detroit Titans and will remain in Sportsman's Park AL.
Paul has been waiting a little while for a team team to open in this league and is very excited to play with a
bunch of "experienced" gamers like yourselves : ) Paul has played in in two other DMB retro leagues, one for
nine years and the other for five. In fact, he plays in leagues with fellow SPB-X managers Rich Applegate
(GABL) and Chris Williams(TSL). so he should be right at home here is SPB.
Paul will be sending out a short bio to this group shortly!
A big welcome to Paul! It is a pleasure to have you on board. Please give him a big Seasons Past
Baseball welcome!!! Pail can be reached at
May 19, 2014
1928 Disk release and stadium change
The first version of the 1928 Database has been emailed out. I have added any non qualifiers and removed Use Or Lose.
This database also includes the first 4 trades (7-10), which I will be announcing in a moment. Please make sure that
you purchase your copy of the 1928 Database from Diamond Mind prior to the start of the 1928 season, as we will be
verifying this before the official files are send out.
There was also one Stadium Change. John Ungashick's San Francisco Season have decided to vacate Braves field in favor
of the friendlier hitting confines of Forbes Field. This leaves Braves Field and League Park as your two available
May 18, 2014
1927 World Series Champion Crowned!
A hearty congratulations goes out to
Gary Plunkitt
and his
Frankfort Frogs on his complete victory
in the first 1927 SPB-X World Series! My Brooklyn Knights had a great season, but were no match for Gary's Frogs.
The amazing thing about Gary's win is that he only led his division for all of one day all season.....his historic
September comeback was one for the ages and he capped it with 3 hard fought wins in the World Series. Those last
3 game could have gone either way (all decided in the final inning or AB), but Gary just found a way to win,
showing the great manager that he is. Gary's team was certainly no underdog, as they featured by far the best
pitching staff in the league (a half run lower than the Knights), and with Gehrig and Heilmann, arguable the
best 1-2 punch in the league for hitters. They were the better team and it was a well deserved victory : )
Another tough one to swallow for me, especially the 16 inning classic in game 4, which might be the one the the
best WS game I have ever played in. Three of the four games were razor tight, and it sure was fun though!
That completes our first season in SPB-X, with the exception of awards voting, which will happen in the next few weeks.
Final Database is attached. Thanks to all of you for a great first season, and many more great seasons to come.
Trading is now open and I will not only be sending out the first trades momentarily, but also the first 1928 Database
so that all of you can start trading as well. Be sure to report all trades to me at
May 14, 2014
1928 Lottery results
Pick 3 Illinois Lottery #
1. Albany Empires (John Turnbull) - 60 WIns (2 Chances)
2. New York Mutuals (Joe Dezarlo) - 46 Wins (3 Chances)
3. Tri-City ValleyCatz (Don Rahn) - 32 Wins (4 Chances)
4. East Kenosha Leopards (Dave Lauer)- 70 Wins (1 Chance)
Congrats to John Turnbull for landing the top pick in the draft.
The good news is is that there is a ton of great players in the 1928 draft,
so all of you will get a stud!!!
May 14, 2014
1927 Usage Reports
As is customary with each league, at season's end we present to you the season-ending
OVERUSAGE reports. Enjoy!
March 24, 2014
September 1927 month in review
Final Regular Season 1927 Database Attached. Will begin preparing the World Series files in the next few days.
We will determine home field via the Illinois Lottery (Pick 3) this Friday night. If first number is an even number,
the AL gets home field. If the number is odd, the NL gets home field (2-3-2). It will alternate each year thereafter.
In the AL, Mike See's Brooklyn Knights (104 Wins) held off a late surge by Terry Baxter's Borger Gassers, and won
the AL Pennant by 5 games. The Knights surprising led wire to wire, and proudly had the best road record in the
league with 49 road wins.
In the NL, The Frankfort Frogs (95 Wins), having not led the division ALL SEASON and who were down by 4 games
heading into September, won the pennant on the 2nd to last day of the season (9/27) with an incredible come from
behind win on the road against the Colonels. The Frogs were down 3-0 going into the 8th and score 7 run answered
runs to take the NL Flag by a mere 1 game over shell shocked San Diego Glaziers and owner Steve Lehman .
A HUGE congratulations goes out to both Gary and Mike, for winning their respective leagues in our inaugural season.
I would be re-missed if I did not congratulate Terry and Steve on their fine seasons as well. Terry's team scored
an amazing 1008 runs, and the Glaziers had it in their grasp, but just could not get it going in Sept (14-12), which
led to their doom.
It should be a fun World Series between the Creator and the Kid!
Ruth finishes 2nd in the batting Race by .12 to Cobb and misses the triple crown. Aside from that, there was no one
in the AL in Babe's League, he slugged .708 for the season with a 1.224 OPS. The next closest AL player was Cy Williams,
who had a .553 SLG and a .916 OPS.
AVG: Ty Cobb (KNI).360
Babe Ruth (GAS) - 48
RBI: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 152
Hits: Lloyd Waner (EKL) - 199
Babe Ruth (GAS) - 160
Doubles: Tie - George Burns (EKL) & Freddie Lindstrom (NYM)- 47
Triples: Sam Rice (NYM) - 18
Stolen Bases: Sam Rice (NYM) - 34
Henry Louis Gehrig gets the Triple Crown with an asterisk. He won the batting and RBI titles, but tied with Hack
Wilson for the HR lead at 36 each. Even more amazing, he led the league in Doubles and Triples as well! Lou
slugged higher than the Babe himself, with a .731 SLG and 1.203 OPS
AVG: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - .376
Lou Gehrig (FRK) & Hack Wilson (SDG) - 36
RBI: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - 151
Hits: Paul Waner (SFS) - 225
Runs: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 155
Doubles: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - 55
Triples: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - 22
Stolen Bases: Frankie Frisch (NHW) - 31
I want to thank all of you for a very fun and exciting first season. Went very smooth for the most part for the
1st year league. I am almost done with the 1928 Database and will have it in your hands right after the World
Series has been completed. User or Lose and Overusage will be out the weekend.
Thanks again all, stay close to the teletype so you can follow all of the World Series action!!!
March 24, 2014
August 1927 month in review
Pennant Race Updates - Heading into our final month
In the AL, the Knights have maintained their early lead, and hold a 7 game edge over the Gassers heading into the final month.
In the NL, The San Diego Glaziers have opened a 4 game lead over the Frankfort Frogs, with the Diesels just 5 games back.
Both of these races are not settled heading into the final month, and it should be an exciting finish....
BATTING LEADERS through August - Some pretty close races here as we get down to the wire.
AVG: Ty Cobb (KNI).372
HR: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 40
RBI: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 129
Hits: Lloyd Waner (EKL) - 167
Runs: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 127
Doubles: Tris Speaker (KNI)- 38
Triples: Tony Lazzeri (KNI) - 13
Stolen Bases: Sam Rice (NYM) - 26
AVG: Joe Judge (CDS) - .368
HR: Hack Wilson (SDG) - 30
RBI: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - 122
Hits: Frankie Frisch (NHW) - 192
Runs: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 117
Doubles: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - 45
Triples: Lou Gehrig (FRK) - 18
Stolen Bases: Frankie Frisch (NHW) - 30
Football Scores of the Month (There were lots of them)
8/4 - Gassers 16 Purple Gang 3 - Jimmy Welsh goes 4 for 4 with 7 rbi
8/7 - Knights 15 Empires 0 - Walter Johnson tosses a 5 hit shutout and he also goes 5 for 6 with 4 RBI's!! Go Big Train!!!
8/9 - Glaziers 17 Knights 10 - San Diego had 4 players with 3 hits each, and the Big Train gets hammered this time.
8/10- Frogs 15 Valley Cats 3 - Billy Southworth collects 4 hits and 3 uns in the big Frog win
8/14 - Frogs 23 Valley Cats 3 - Hankins gives up 17 runs for the Catz. Tavener goes 4 for 7
8/27 - Purple Gang 14 Mutuals 10 - Les Sweetland get the win AND goes 2 for 2 with 2 runs AND 2 RBI's We will likely never utter his name again in SPB-X! LOL
Double Header ALL TIME RECORD THAT MIGHT NOT EVER BE BROKEN! Glaziers score 45 runs in 1 day!!!!
8/24 - Hack Wilson totals 7 hits on the day....
Glaziers 22 Valley Cats 3
Glaziers 23 Valley Cats 11
Valley Cats went 5-23 for the month and gave up 240 Runs (thats almost 9 runs a game!)
The Frankfort Frogs won 11 straight games from Aug 6-17
Cardiac Kids
The Knights owe their 7 game lead to the late inning heroics. They are 8-1 in extra inning games, while the 2nd place Gassers are just 5-8.
8 Players hit 2 Home Runs in a game in August, with the Knights Cy Williams doing it twice.
Lucky 7
Jimmy Welsh of the Gassers had 7 RBI's on August 4.
No SPB-X player has yet to hit for the Cycle...
Hack Wilson leads the league win 17 Game winnings RBI's
Milt Gaston of the Valley Cats has thrown 2,916 pitches on the season, leading the league.
Jack Quinn of the Seals has thrown 69.5% of his pitches for strikes!
Battle for the #1 Pick
Baring the Earth exploding, the Valley Cats (27 wins) will lock up the worst record in the league. The Mutuals (37 wins) and Empires (48 wins) seem locked into 2 and 3. The Lincoln City Riptide hold a 6 game edge for the final lottery slot over East Kenosha.
February 21, 2014
July 1927 month in review
Pennant Race Updates - Things really heated up in July 1927!
In the AL, the Knights continue to set the pace, but the boys from Borger have begun to claw back, and now stand just 6 games back to begin the month. This race is far from over with the Babe loading up on Hot Dogs for the final two months! The rest of the league is already looking forward to 1928.
In the NL, the Cummins Diesels climb up from 4th place last month and are now tied for 1st with San Diego! What a month for the Diesels! Can they keep up the pace? The Frogs sit just 5 back and are still well within striking distance. The Seals and Whiffs are 7 and 8 back, but have a lot of work to do.
through July (Babe Ruth is currently winning the Triple Crown). Lou Gerhig is only 3 HR shy of a Triple Crown pace in the NL.
AVG: Babe Ruth (GA).357
HR: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 33
RBI: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 108
Hits: Bill Terry (KNI) - 138
Runs: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 102
Doubles: Bob Meusel (PUR) - 31
Tris Speaker (KNI)- 31
Bill Terry (KNI) - 31
Triples: Sam Rice (NYM) - 13
Stolen Bases: Sam Rice (NYM) - 24
AVG: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - .375
HR: Hack Wilson (SDG) - 21
RBI: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 92
Hits: Frankie Frisch (NHW) - 155
Runs: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 89
Doubles: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 38
Triples: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 14
Stolen Bases: Frankie Frisch (NHW) - 24
Dolph Luque of the San Diego Glaziers tossed the leagues first ever no-hitter on July 20, 1927 against the struggling Tri City ValleyCats.
Luque threw 104 pitches, walked 4 and was the beneficiary of a double play in his stellar performance. Congrats to Luque on his historical game!
Sam Gray of the Diesels just missed pitching the first no hitter, tossing a 1 hit shut against...yes the ValleyCats 9 days before Luque's gem. The lone hit came with 2 outs in the 7th inning, when Ira Flagstead just squeezed a double, breaking up the no-no.
Jesse Haines of the Frogs also came close on July 1, giving up just 2 6th inning singles against the Colonels, and a beautify 2-hit shutout!
Milt Gaston of the ValleyCats pitched a 2-hitter and lost in July 5 to the Seals, losing on an unearned run 1-0! Tough month for the Catz, but brighter days are ahead.
Football Scores of the Month
(There were lots of them)
July 1 - Knights destroy with Riptide 16-7. Cy Willams is 3 or 6 with 5 RBI's and a HR.
July 3 - Glaziers pound the Whiffs 18-6. Joe Harris goes 4 for 4 with 3 RBI's
July 5 - Gassers hammer the Mutuals 16-4. Jimmy Cooney goes 4 for 6 with 4 RBI's
July 9 - Knights again batter the Mutuals 16-3. Tony Lazzeri does most of the damage, going 4 for 4 with a HR and 4 runs scored.
July 21 - Glaziers put up 19 on the Catz, as Hack Wilson goes 4 for 4 with 2 HR's
The Tri-City ValleyCats were shutout 8 times during the month of July.....
(5) Batters had 5 hits in a game in July, including Walt French, Frankie Frisch, Bob Meusel, Paul Waner, Joe Boley and Johnny Butler.
9 Players hit 2 Home Runs in a game in July.
3B Eddie Moore of the Gassers had 8 RBI's on July 7.
Cliff Heathcote of the Purple Gang pulled of the rarest feat, smashing (3) triples versus the Knights on July 28
4-Consecutive HR's!
Babe Ruth had 4 consecutive hits that were HR's from May 26-28
There have been 11 Grand Slam HR's so far, and Babe Ruth has 4 of them!
Joe Shaute has been caught stealing 6 consecutive times, and it is a streak that is still active.
Teams are 543-81 when leading after 7 innings.
The Frankfort Frogs have been the most snake-bit team so far this season, losing 11 games after leading after 7.
Battle for the #1 Pick
The Valley Cats (22 wins) and Mutuals (24 wins) are separated by just 2 games. The Empires (36 wins) and Riptide (41 Wins) would round out the lottery if the season ended today.
January 21, 2014
June 1927 month in review
Pennant Race Updates - We are now officially at the half way point of the season and we did not see many changes from last month.
In the AL, the Knights and Gassers battled it out in 14 H2H games, and while the Gassers won the series 8-6, both teams finished with month at 15-9, so the Knights maintain an 8 game lead.
In the NL, same thing and the Frogs and Glaziers went H2H for 14 games, going 7-7, and the Whiffenpoofs solid pitching keeps them in the race, tied at the top with the Glaziers. THe Frogs and Diesels are right in it as well, just 3 and 4 games out. Should be quite a race down the stretch.
BATTING LEADERS at the halfway point
AVG: Ty Cobb (KNI).367
HR: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 27
RBI: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 86
Hits: Ty Cobb (KNI) - 104
Runs: Babe Ruth (GAS) - 72
Doubles: Bob Meusel (PUR) - 26
Triples: Tony Lazzeri (KNI) - 9
Stolen Bases: Sam Rice (NYM) - 21
AVG: Earle Combs (SFS) - .374
HR: Hack Wilson (SDG) - 16
RBI: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 74
Hits: George Sisler (NHW) - 116
Runs: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 64
Doubles: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 30
Triples: Lou Gerhig (FRK) - 13
Stolen Bases: Frankie Frisch (NHW) - 19
Football Scores of the Month:
June 24 - Gassers crush the Knights 16-2. 13 of those runs were scored in 1 innings off of Knights Ace Willis Hudlin! Luckily for Willis, only 3 were earned.
June 19 - Earl Whitehill of the Glaziers was not so lucky against the Frogs. Over the final 3 innings of a 23-5 thrashing, poor Earl was left in to give up 20 runs! (18 earned), He walked 9, and have up 17 hits over those 3 innings.
Incredibly enough, he bounced back 2 days later and tossed 7 solid innings to lead the Glazier to a win over the Frogs!
SUPERB Streaks!
Paul Waner of the Seals had a 29 game hitting streak from May 1 - June 6!
Babe Ruth drew a walk in 14 consecutive games, a streak that is still active!
The Whiffenpoofs Ted Lyons not only pitched a CG Win, giving up just one run on June 7, he went 5 for 5 with 2 runs scored!
Cy Willams of the Knight smashed 2 HR and 6 RBI's in a 11-1 win at the Seals on June 3.
Ossie Bluege went 4 for 5 with 3 runs and 6 RBI's in an 11-7 with over the seals on June 24.
Hands of Stone
3B Chuck Dressen of the Colonels made 4 errors in a game on 6/17, has the Whiffs took advantage winning 11-2
Hope their arm doesn't fall off
Jack Scott of the Mutuals has thrown 1551 pitches already on the season, 250 more than the next closest pitcher Carmen Hill (1302) of the Gassers
Vic Aldridge of the Purple game threw a 1 hitting on June 2 though versus the Valley Cats!
The Lincoln City Riptide have won 12 consecutive games (longest streak of the season) and it is still active!
The New York Mutuals have lost 12 consecutive games, and NY fans have been driven to drink, even though Prohibition makes that illegal!
The Lincoln City Riptide tossed 24 consecutive scoreless innings vs the hapless Mutuals from 6/17-6/19
The New York Knights have comeback after being behind in the 7th inning 14 times on the year (Including 7 times in June!)
The New York Knights have a 27-10 record on the road (best in the league), 2 games bette than their 25 wins at home.
Battle for the #1 Pick
The Valley Cats (17 wins) and Mutuals (18 wins) are separated by just 1 games. The Empires (27 wins) and Leopards (32 Wins) would round out the lottery if the season ended today.
Onto July!
December 26, 2013
May 1927 month in review
The may stats and power rankings are now posted. June 1927 MP's are do to opposing managers by Friday January 3rd (just in case folks are vacationing or have a little too much fun on New Year's Eve. Please remember to copy me when sending your MP's to road managers.
Who's thinking about the 1928 Rookie Draft already???
The Bill Dickey/Chuck Klein/Carl Hubbell/Lefty O'Doul* watch has begun (If you are in the lottery in '28, you are guaranteed at stud!)
TriCity (11-39) leads the pace, with the NY Mutuals (16-34) and Albany Empires (18-32) close behind. Must be the water in New York, though it does not seem to be effecting the Knights yet....
*Lefty O'Doul was technically not a rookie in '28, but since he missed 1927, he'll be in the rookie draft.....
League Batting Leaders
Al Simmons .426 BA!
Babe Ruth 21 HR
Babe Ruth 61 RBI
League Pitching Leaders
Ted Lyons: 1.73 ERA
Jackie May 8 Wins
Carmen Hill
Willis Hudlin
Tommy Thomas
Lefty Grove 45 K's
May 26, 1927 - Babe Ruth slams 3 Home Runs in a game against the Diesels! Babe Ruth goes 4 for 5 with 3 HR and 5 RBI.
May 27, 1927
- Tony Lazzeri pulls of an even rarer feat, smashing 3 triples in one game! Lazzeri went 5 for 5 in the game, and had 9 RBI's as well!
We are still in search of our first no-hitter. We keep coming oh so close...
May 6, 1927 - The Lousiville Colonels Jake Miller tosses a 1 hitter on the road against the Albany Empires. The only hit was a 4th inning single by Felix
May 10, 1927
- The Whiffenpoofs Josh Billings gives up just one hit in a 4-1 win. Though he walked 7, only a 6th inning Wally Schang single kept Billings from a messy gem.
There were 15 shutouts for the month of May
With 3 pitchers (Grover Alexander, Jess Haines and Jake Miller) all tossing two each.
Football Scores of the month
May 24 - Glaziers 20, Riptide 5
May 27 - Knights 19, Seals 4
May 13 - THe East Kenosha Leopards made 7 errors in a game (Blue, Waner,L, Gehringer, Christensen, MacFayden,
Reeves, Zitzmann) against the Seals. Four of the errors came in a 6 run 9th inning comeback for the Seals. What a way to lose!
May 4
- THe Brooklyn Knights were not immune to it either, making 6 errors in an embarrassing 9-0 loss to the Whiffenpoofs. Falk, Terry, Lazzeri, Snyder 2, Rogell all bumbled around.
Cummins Killings?
The Cummins Diesles turned 6 Double plays against the Knights on May 8, and still lost 3 to 2!
August 20, 2013
Pre-Season Prognoses
We have two expert opinions on how the season will go. Documents prepared by both
Mike See and
John Ungashick. Thanks guys!
August 17, 2013
Park Changes
Dave Lauer is giving up Shibe Park for the more cozy confines of Comiskey Park. Gary Plunkitt has decided to give
up his cozy confines of Forbes Field for the more hitter friendly Shibe Park. This makes Forbes Field and Dunn Field your two available parks
on a first come first served basis.
June 2, 2013
Ballpark Draft
Below are the results of the initial ballpark draft, which was in reverse order of the first round.
PICK Owner Stadium
1 Lehman- Navin Field
2 See- Ebbets Field
3 Dezarlo- Polo Grounds
4 Williams- Fenway Park
5 Lauer- Shibe Park
6 Hollingsworth- Wrigley Field
7 Ryan- Redland Field
8 Turnbull- Yankee Stadium
9 Applegate- Griffith Stadium
10 Stillwagon- Sportsman Park III (AL)
11 Ungashick- Braves Field
12 Rahn- Baker Bowl
13 Baxter - Sportsmans Park (NL)
14 Plunkitt- ForbesField
June 25, 2013
Official start of SPB-X!
Welcome to SPB-X! The X is short for "10", as this is the 10th league that the SPB Franchise has created. We will be starting with the 1927 season
and work our way forward. The Season will start in November, with an email draft taking place starting at the end of July.