Seasons Past Baseball 100 - 1907 |
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June 30, 2006
Emeralds (Hugh McElany)
Bombers (Mike See)
Chicago Rail
(Terry Baxter)
Coal City Blue
Flames (John LaBurda)
Colonials (John Moore)
Fencebusters (Gary Plunkitt)
Zephyrs (Dave Lauer)
Hurricanes (John Ungaschick)
New York
Giants (Joe Dezarlo)
St. Louis
Perfectos (Rich Applegate)
Next is the
list of teams that had overusage, but due to the fact of in
season manager changes, all usage is forgiven as is SPB custom:
Whiskey (Greg Stillwagon/Larry Schilling)
The following
teams were accessed over usage penalties for the 1906 season as
Toledo Maumees
(Chris Williams) - 3 Games
Bobby Wallace
- 16AB (3)
Sentinels (Lynn Miller) - 5 Games
Sschreckengost - 10AB (2)
Fred Clarke -
11 AB (2)
Ty Cobb - 8AB
Lumberjacks (5 Games)
Jack Pfiester
5 Gms - (5)
Overall, a great job by everyone, especially considering the rule changes that were made. Thanks to everyone for a job well done! See Constitution for further explanation on overusage penalties. Please let me know immediately of you find any errors. June 30, 2006
Jake Beckley
(Rail) 1907
Bobby Lowe
(Rail) 1907
Mike Heydon
(Blue Flames) 1907
Tanehill (Blue Flames) 1907
Hinchman (Colonials) 1907
O’Connor (Zephyrs) 1907
Alan Storke
(Zephyrs) 1907
Barrett (Zephyrs) 1907
Tom Needham
(Lumberjacks) 1907
Grimshaw (Lumberjacks) 1907
Thielman (Lumberjacks) 1907
following players were lost and will be coming back to the
league in future rookie drafts. Year in parenthesis is year
they appear enough again:
Jake Stahl
(Blue Flames) 1908
Hemphill (Zephyrs) 1909
Frank Roth
(Whiskey) 1909
Charlie Carr
(Whiskey) 1914
Jap Barbeau
(Whiskey) 1909
McBride (Lumberjacks) 1908
Fred Carisch
(Perfectos) 1912
following players were also lost, but never play again, and
would be out next season anyway:
Kittridge (Emeralds)
Paul Sentell
Jim Jackson
Rube Degroff
Joe McCarthy
Schumann (Rail)
Ed Hughes
Brouthers (Blue Flames)
Jim Byrnes
(Blue Flames)
Connaughton (Blue Flames)
Aleck Smith
(Blue Flames)
Donovan (Colonials)
Williams (Zephyrs)
Ben Caffyn
Kip Selbach
Frank Jude
Jack Cameron
Gene Good
Phil Reardon
Rube Vinson
Mathewson (Lumberjacks)
Puttmann (Lumberjacks)
July 11, 2005
July 1, 2005
June 25, 2005 May 21, 2005 April 29, 2005 April 28, 2005
February 21, 2005 Because of the issues we have had with relievers the first two months, we will handle relief over usage fairly leniently because it is due to us learning, as a group, to control the computer manager. We will strictly apply the limitations on pitcher starts, but we will not count relief appearances against these starts. In other words, if a starting pitcher pitched three games in real life only as a starter, he will be permitted three games even if the computer uses him in relief. January
1, 2005 Some Important notes on the league disk, with the schedule and era settings as they are, the stats seem to be coming out just fine. However, you will need to make sure of some things when you submit your profiles. First, you MUST adjust your manager tendencies as follows: Pinch-hit for Pitchers: Least frequent Using relievers: Least frequent Using closers: least frequent Stealing: most frequent Bunt for hit/Sac bunt: AT LEAST "more frequent," with the option to set it for most frequent. THIS IS IMPORTANT, and MANDATORY. You must set the manager tendencies as above, else your pitcher appearances and running behaviors will be off. Failure to set the pitching/change factors as above voids any protest of over usage of relief pitchers. Lastly, please send all game results to league statman Terry Baxter with a cc to commissioner Chris Williams. Thanks, and have an enjoyable season!
December 6, 2004 October 23, 2004 Also, now is the official call for league dues. Please send $3.00 to our league treasurer Jim Wheeler. Since no "official" League Database is produced by Diamond Mind, the is no need to purchase a league data disk. Chris Williams should hopefully be sending out the "official" 1905 disk shortly after the trade deadline so that you have plenty of time to generate your MP's. Looking forward to kicking off the inaugural SPB-100 1905 season off in January. October 5, 2004 Trading season is now open. Couple notes on trades. First, we do not know for sure how many players are in the 1906 Rookie Draft, but at first glance, their appears to be a lot (around 100 players) or 7+ Rounds worth (If someone could put together a list to confirm this that would be great!). The list includes Jack Pfiester, Eddie Collins and Heinie Wagner. You can trade future draft picks, but be careful as it will not be easy to replenish those roster spots in this era. Lastly, League Dues of $3.00 per person should now be sent to our league treasurer Jim Wheeler. Chris will be sending out an updated league disk shortly. Thanks to everyone. September 17, 2004
September 5, 2004 September 4, 2004 September 3, 2004 September 2, 2004 September 1, 2004